Chapter 1488 1488: His tomb

Rise of the Demon God

Chapter 1488 1488: His tomb

  ”But father?” The young woman stood up. “How can someone else enter? Only I have the key to open this place!”

The woman pulled out an emblem which had the same symbol as the one on the ground. 

”My dear daughter, have you forgotten? It’s not necessary for a lock to have only one key,” The King let out. “I’m sure they landed here, but I didn’t see anything fly away. That can only mean they entered.”

”How is this possible?” The woman stuttered. “I just found this place and the key last month after a long research through the ancient scriptures. How can it be possible that the Intruders not only found out about this place at the same time, but they also managed to find another key?”

She couldn’t understand how this could be possible. 

”It doesn’t matter how it’s possible. What matters is that this place is ours, and an intruder is inside! If what the Scriptures said is correct, this place is related to the origin of this universe! We can’t let anyone else get to it first!” the White Tiger King exclaimed. “Especially not if the Intruders are from the Dragon Clan!”

”Dragon Clan? Your Majesty, are you sure?” 

Shocked exclaims filled the surroundings. 

”Who else can dare to go against my White Tiger Clan but those damned Dragons! I can’t think of anyone else who would dare to offend us this openly!” The man let out. 

He looked at his daughter and commanded. “Open it fast! We can’t be left behind!”

”Y-yes!” The woman placed the emblem on the top of the symbol on the ground. The entire symbol started shining brightly. The opening once again appeared in the ground. 

The woman picked up the emblem and ran to the stairs. “Hurry, I’m not sure how long this will stay open!”

The White Tiger King and his men also entered through the opening before it closed. 

Through calm steps, they went down. The White Tiger Princess brought out a gem that started shining bright, removing all the darkness from the surroundings. 

The ground of White Tigers also reached the same spot where Long Chen was standing just a few minutes ago. There were two directions before then. Left and right. 

”Which one?” The White Tiger King asked. 

”I-i don’t know. I think we should split up. That way, we can check both directions,” the woman suggested. 

”No!” the King straight refused. “It is too dangerous to Split, especially with the Dragons inside. If you end up before them and I’m not with you, they might kill you!”

”But father, I’m your daughter! I’m strong as well! So you really think someone can kill me that easily? I’m almost as strong as the elder brother. Nothing will happen!” The woman let out, resisting. 

She wanted to explore this place freely. 

”I told you no. Whoever they are, they killed my strongest men with ease. Because of the importance of this place, It won’t be odd if the Dragon King came himself! That man is ruthless since his son was killed! He won’t hesitate twice in killing you. You think you are strong enough to survive the Dragon King in my absence?’ the White Tiger King glared at his daughter. 

”We aren’t splitting up. You’re all staying with me since I can’t risk you going alone. Moreover, what if there are two more paths ahead? You can’t always keep splitting when there’s a choice. You’ll all end up alone then!” The man declared, sighing. “So we will all go together and reach the end first! You understand?”

The woman let out a sigh. She knew her father was right. She might be strong, but she couldn’t face the Dragon King, who was said to be at least as strong as the White Tiger King, if not more. 

”So, which direction?” The White Tiger King asked. 

The woman raised her right hand slowly and pointed in a direction. “There.”

The White Tiger King agreed and started advancing in the left direction, going farther away from Long Chen. 

Long Chen advanced ahead, observing all the carvings on the wall, which matched what he saw in the Bloodline Temple even more.

”There is no doubt in it. This place is made by the one who made the Bloodline Temple! That means this place was made by the Ancestor of my bloodline, but why? Why did he make this place?” Long Chen muttered, frowning. 

”Who knows. To know why he made this, we need to find out what secrets this place holds first,” Xun answered. 

”It’s also possible that the Ancestor didn’t make this bloodline but someone else who had seen the Bloodline Temple before? It won’t be hard to make a place like this then,” Long Tian suggested. 

”Someone who had seen this place?” Long Chen fell into a deep thought. “That could only be Tian Shen? Why would he make this place, though? Unless….”

Long Chen’s eyes widened in shock as he realized something. 

”Could it be… This place is the Tomb of Tian Shen?” he exclaimed in shock. “The place where he is sleeping?”

”This… If this is true, we should leave this instant!” Xun exclaimed gravely. “We can’t wake him up. If he wakes up, it’ll be a disaster! You aren’t strong enough to face him!”

”I know, but the White Tigers are also coming to this place! I’m sure they’ll reach the core. They might accidentally wake him up as well! It doesn’t matter if we leave or not since the other group will do it!”

”What are you implying? Are you saying you’ll continue going in? What if he wakes up? It’ll be like you delivering yourself to him on a silver platter!” Xun tried to persuade Long Chen to leave, but he didn’t listen. 

Long Chen was firm on his decision. “He can’t kill me until my bloodline is a hundred percent awakened! Moreover, if we find his body when he’s sleeping, I might be able to kill him right here before he wakes up!”

”You… Don’t understand him too much. He has lived for millions of years. I’m sure he didn’t go to sleep, leaving his body vulnerable. There might be traps that wake him up as we get close. Moreover, don’t think you’re safe if your bloodline isn’t fully awakened. He might still control you until you wake up fully. The problem, in that case, would be that you won’t be allowed to increase your cultivation as he’ll be keeping an eye!”

”It’s to our advantage if he stays sleeping!” Xun firmly stated. 

”I know, but sometimes, one must take risks!” Long Chen responded.