Chapter 590 - Master Pei’s Overbearing Act

I Turned Wild After Being Doted On By The Big Bosses

Chapter 590: Master Pei’s Overbearing Act

Pei Yunge stopped at the door, her pretty eyes upturned slowly.

All they saw was a girl in a blue short skirt standing arrogantly in front of Song Yao with everyone.

“Yeah, why shouldn’t I stick to her if I have the chance?”

Song Yao’s tone was gentle and there was a smile on her face. However, her words made the expressions of the girls present freeze. They felt like they wanted to flare up but didn’t know where to vent their anger.

This Song Yao was a person who was arrogant to the core in the past. She had actually become like this.

“Song Yao, I think you’re too depraved.”

Xu Xianing narrowed her eyes before she laughed coldly.

“If Student Xu is done talking, can you leave?”

Song Yao did not plan to fight with so many people including Xu Xianing.

But at this moment…

However, Xu Xianing laughed coldly as her sharp eyes saw the two exercise books under Song Yao’s hands.

Then, before Song Yao could react, Xu Xianing quickly took the exercise books.

“Xu Xianing!”

Song Yao’s eyes immediately turned cold as she stood up.

“You’re finally willing to flare up?”

Instead, Xu Xianing smirked and flipped through the two exercise books. “So you’re doing homework for others, Miss Song.”

“It’s none of your business.”

Song Yao clenched her fists as a cold glint flashed in her eyes.

It didn’t matter if people pointed fingers at her, but Xu Xianing obviously wouldn’t miss this opportunity to target Pei Yunge.

“Apologize. Admit that Yu Ling got into trouble because of you.”

Xu Xianing lifted her chin arrogantly.

Hearing this, even Song Yao’s eyes were filled with coldness. However, after a moment of hesitation, her clenched fists slowly relaxed.

“You know that this class doesn’t allow such behavior, right? I heard that the teachers of the ordinary class like you and nothing will happen to you. What about Pei Yunge?”

Hearing this, Song Yao let go completely.

Pursing her lips, she said, “Xu Xianing, I…”


“What can happen to me?”

A clear voice sounded.


Before Xu Xianing could turn around to look at her, a fair hand suddenly pulled the two exercise books from her.


Xu Xianing’s expression instantly distorted.

Pei Yunge didn’t even look at Xu Xianing from the corner of her eye as she walked towards Song Yao and patted her head with the exercise book.

Her voice was lazy. “What are you thinking about, sweetie? Are you going to admit something that you didn’t do?”

Song Yao was speechless.

She was sure that this sweetie was definitely a derogoratory form of address.

“Pei Yunge, I’ve already found evidence that Song Yao helped you copy homework. You…”

“Go, snitch.”

Pei Yunge sat beside Song Yao and slowly flipped through the exercise book. Just as she picked up a pen, she thought for a moment and pushed the exercise book to Song Yao.

“Continue writing.”

Her bullying behavior was extremely arrogant.

Song Yao looked at Pei Yunge and was silent for a while before she picked up her pen and slowly wrote.

During this period, even if Pei Yunge didn’t come to class, she would call her and tell her the questions she had done wrongly.

Pei Yunge’s book was almost used by her to study the mistakes.

Seeing this, Xu Xianing’s expression changed.


“Yo, why is this student from the advanced class in our class?”

The lecturer walked in slowly with a teacup in hand.

However, the moment Xu Xianing heard this, she immediately said, “Teacher, I’ll report Pei Yunge and Song Yao! The students in the advnaced class records their usual results. Song Yao and Pei Yunge copied each other’s homework and this is unfair to other students!”