Chapter 250 - Prince of the Sun

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 250: Prince of the Sun

“Here…” Sylvanas said nervously, “Do you have anything related to the strength of the Sun…”

“Strength of the Sun?” Ling Pingan frowned. “Sir, what are you referring to?”

“Use the strength of the Sun to destroy evil and heretics and protect the people and country!” Sylvanas said seriously.

Ling Pingan immediately smiled.

He understood.

Therefore, he stood up and said, “Customer, please wait a moment…”

He almost knew that this customer was talking about “Prince of the Sun .”.

As everyone knew, this comic was almost out of print in the market.

This comic from almost twenty years ago had been overtaken by other new comics.


There were always many fans who liked these old comics.

Especially the stamp collectors, who always spared no effort to collect these old comics.


Many people only heard about the existence of such a comic from other people. It was normal for them to not remember its name and only remember some features.

For example, Ling Pingan often relied on searching for early online novels through the storyline.

Therefore, Ling Pingan walked to the bookshelf and picked up the “Prince of the Sun ” comic without hesitation.

The old comic was very thick. It had at least two thousand pages, and it was heavy in his hand.

That was also the most popular form of publication for comics back then.

It was printed in one go so that the readers could enjoy it in one go.

Holding this old comic, Ling Pingan slowly walked back.

As he walked, he hummed, “There is a… little white boat… in the blue sky in the galaxy.

A white rabbit is playing… in the sweet-scented osmanthus in the…”

After humming, he was stunned.

“What song is this again?” He scratched his head, “It seems to be a nursery song…”

Unfortunately, he didn’t know the title of the song and the lyrics after it.


The melody was really good!

So he hummed again. “There is a… little white boat… in the blue sky in the galaxy…”

He liked this song.

He even had the urge to compose a new song for it.

Although he didn’t understand music theory.

But for some reason, he had such an idea.

… … ..

“… in the blue sky in the galaxy…”

A soft humming sound came closer and closer.

“There’s a little white boat…”

Sylvanas sensed that the entire world, everything in this little unknown bookstore, was swaying with the singing.

Under the floor, countless things were wriggling rhythmically.

In the wallpaper, countless eyes were slowly closing.

The kitten on the counter stood up.

Its sacred body gently swayed, responding to the rhythm of the song.

That made Sylvanas feel a chill run down her spine.


This seemingly ordinary ballad was a terrifying ballad that contained endless horror and taboos.

Just listening to the song, terrifying scenes were reflected in the pure blue eyes of Sylvanas.

In her confusion, she seemed to have glimpsed some scenes of the future.

On the frozen Mainland of Northrend, Arthas’ figure was sitting on the frozen throne.

The Lich King Ner’zhul’s ice crown was on his head.

The frost froze his body.

He was the Lich King, and the Lich King was him!

In her daze, Sylvanas saw the shadows of her compatriots and clansmen.

They surrounded the bonfire. The pollution of the well of the Sun had deprived them of their most important source of magic.

They were being tortured by magic addiction day by day.

Their skin had turned dark red, and their vigor and will had been destroyed!

She also heard a desperate and painful cry, “You will drown in your blood… the world will burn!”

The pitch-black Prince of Kael’thas fell in a pool of blood…

Sylvanas clenched her fists.

She was saddened by the terrible despair of the future!

The Great Quel’dorei…

The Noble Highborne Elf…

Had fallen into despair just like that?

What about her?

Her elder sister?

And her younger sister?

What about the Windrunner Family?

The Silvermoon City? The Sunsail Anchorage?

What about all the things that she was familiar with and cherished?

Sylvanas gripped her fist tightly. She felt incomparable despair!

Even Prince Kael’thas had fallen in a pool of blood.

He had fallen.

Quel’dorei was destined to perish!

Whether it was Silvermoon city… or Fairbreeze Village… they would probably not be spared!

Everything would be destroyed!

Even if it were not a catastrophe, it would still be destroyed by Trolls!

At this time, the footsteps behind them were getting closer and closer, and the singing slowly stopped.

As the singing stopped, all images of the future disappeared.

Looking up, Sylvanas saw the ancient god.

In his hand was a book that was emitting a dazzling light, as if it was made of sunlight.

He handed the book to Sylvanas.

“Customer, take a look. Is this the book you want?”

Sylvanas took the book with trembling hands.

In her hand, the warm sunlight was nourishing her.

The book in her hand was extremely hot, but it did not burn her.

She held it in her hand and looked at the cover.

Balls of dazzling light looked at her on the cover.

These balls of light slowly transformed into human shadows.

Their legs were together, and their arms were straight. They pointed symmetrically at the upper part of their shoulders. Their fingers were folded into palms. Their palms were facing outwards, and their fingertips pointed at the sky above them.

“Praise the Sun!” Their voices rang in her ears, but they returned to silence.

Their shadows also slowly settled down, landing on the cover.

The book was made of sunlight.

One golden font after another slowly appeared.

A certain kind of square text that Sylvanas did not know but could understand appeared in front of her.

The children of the Sun!

That was the title of this book!

To be precise, that book was not a book.

It was a graveyard, a graveyard of civilization.

The civilization of the Sun’s children was buried here.

Their efforts and struggles over countless years were also buried here!

This book was the elegy of a great civilization!

It was also the last sound they left on the world.

Civilization was dead!

The children of the Sun were extinct!

Just looking at the title of the book, Sylvanas felt endless sorrow.

She knew that this book was all that civilization had.

It recorded, the study of itself and everything by a civilization called the children of the Sun.

Sylvanas trembled as she touched the cover of the book.

She could feel the sadness recorded in the book.

It was the cry of civilization in despair.

At the same time, she also felt the desire of the book.

It longed for a master.

It longed to teach its master everything it had recorded.

The children of the Sun were extinct!

But the civilization of the children of the sun would not be extinct!

They would bloom in a new world through the hands of a new master.

The children of the Sun would reappear in the sun and thrive in the warmth of the stars!

Holding the book in her hand, Sylvanas felt extremely heavy.

She knew that when she took the book, she would carry the hopes of the children of the Sun.

At the same time, Queldorei’s compatriots were also waiting for her rescue.

The Ranger General of the Windrunner family felt that she could no longer breathe.

The two hopes made her shoulders shake!

… … ..

Ling Pingan looked at the customer in front of him.

He laughed.

“It seems that this descendant of the Shang dynasty is a fanatic fan of anime… and not the descendant of the chief priest of the tribe…”

Only a fanatic fan of anime would be so excited!

Therefore, he knew that the deal was done!

Ling Pingan sat up calmly and looked at the customer, waiting for her to speak.

He still had this bit of patience!

… … … ..

“Sir…” Sylvanas forced herself to calm down. She raised her head and looked at the ancient god opposite her. “I wonder what price I need to pay to take it away from you?”

She became nervous.

How much was a book that recorded everything about an entire civilization worth?

Undoubtedly, it was priceless!

Moreover, the children of the Sun recorded in this book was a civilization far beyond imagination.

Sylvanas could feel the greatness of those powerful children of the Sun.

That was the strength that the Quel’dorei dreamed of!

To obtain strength directly from the Sun!

No arcane spells or magic were needed.

Magic addiction will be cured!

The Quel’dorei will also have the strength to defeat natural catastrophes!

As long as the sun shines, the natural catastrophes will be eliminated!

Ling Pingan saw that the customer finally could not help but take the initiative to ask for a price, and a proud smile appeared on his face. “I am indeed a business genius…”

The owner of the bookstore, who was very happy, gently offered his price. “Thank you… five hundred and twenty yuan…”

The price of this out-of-print comic book was naturally higher.

Especially since this customer needed it, the price would naturally rise again.

That was very normal, as it was a market economy!

Therefore, Ling Pingan felt that his price was very reasonable!


He looked at this customer… She should be able to afford it!

It was only 500 yuan, which was probably less than the change of a meal of the customer!

It was also a necessary skill for the owner of a bookstore to watch others cook dishes.

… ..

“520 yuan?” Sylvanas was stunned. “yuan?”

“A unit of currency?”

But what exactly was this currency?

Sylvanas didn’t know.

But she didn’t dare to ask!

Because, she had a faint intuition that if she asked this question, it would lead to unpredictable and terrible things.

Such a terrible thing would lead to an incomparably terrible disaster!


Sylvanas knew that currency was only a currency.

It represented its value…


She looked at her weapon, which was also the most valuable thing she had now.

The bow and arrow blessed by the Sunwell.

It was forged together with the other weapon of Quel’dorei, Thori’dal: The Stars’ Fury.

It was called: the weapon of the Windrunner’s bow.

It was different from Thori’dal: The Power and holiness of the Stars’ Fury.

The Windrunner’s bow was made from the scraps of the casting of Thori’dal: The Stars’ Fury.

However, it was still powerful and precious!

It was a very famous weapon of Quel ‘Dorei, and it was also given to her because of the Windrunner family.

After some thought, she untied the longbow and handed it to the ancient god in front of her.

She bowed deeply and said, “Sir… I may not have the currency you want…”

“Can I use this bow to pledge it to you?”

“I swear, I will bring back the money you want…”

She believed that since this ancient god was willing to trade with her.

Then, he must value her something, which meant that she must have a way to earn the money in his mouth.

In other words, he might always know the fact that she did not have money.

Therefore, Sylvanas knew that her move was highly likely to succeed!

As expected!

The fire in the ancient God’s eyes gradually rose.

He said, “Yes!”

“In fact…” he said, “Customer, I accept barter exchange here…”

He took the longbow and said to Sylvanas, “I will keep your weapon for you…”

“In half a month, if you can bring money, you can redeem it…”

“In half a month, if there are other customers who like your longbow, and he can afford to pay a sufficient price…”

“Then, after the sale, I will deduct the amount that you should pay… I will also charge you 5% of the handling fee and return the rest of the money to you…”

“What do you think?”

He looked at Sylvanas, the fire in his eyes rising with an unquestionable color!

Sylvanas nodded, “I’ll listen to you!”

The owner seemed to be very satisfied with Sylvanas’ understanding. He carried the bow and walked to the wooden counter. He picked up a book-like thing and a pen-like thing and wrote on it.

Then, he walked to Sylvanas and handed the book over.

“Take a look… if you don’t have any objections, just sign here!” The young bookstore owner was still very professional and ethical. He also knew how to avoid risks!

Sylvanas took the book and saw the words on it.

Each of them looked normal.

But in fact, each of them was extremely strange!

These words seemed to be alive and wriggling.

Sylvanas took a deep breath. She thought of the legendary people who were bewitched and corrupted.

Were they the same as her?


She raised her head and looked at the flames in the ancient God’s eyes.

She knew that she had no other choice.

Quel’dorei also had no other choice!

Thus, she took the owner’s pen and wrote her name on the notebook: Sylvanas Windrunner!

… … … ..

Ling Pingan watched as the customer signed his name on his notebook.

He frowned doubtfully.

Because her words were a little strange.

But considering that she was a descendant of the Shang dynasty, it wasn’t surprising at all!

The unique words of the Shang dynasty’s merchants were usually very strange! Other than them, almost no one else knew and used them!

When he thought of the person’s attire, she might have been a descendant of one of the great tribes of the Yin and Shang dynasty.

That was an extremely wealthy family!

When he was very young, Ling Pingan had heard about the extravagant wealth of the noble families of the Yin and Shang dynasty in Beizhou and Nanzhou!

There were flocks of cows and sheep and numerous mineral deposits!

The people of the Yin and Shang dynasty could receive large amounts of wealth just by lying down!

Therefore, he did not have any doubts.

After all, respecting the culture, traditions, and beliefs of each of the brothers and nations was the basic requirement of a gentleman!

A benevolent person was a human being!

If a person did not love or respect his people, then how could he talk about benevolence?