सर्वश्रेष्ठ नाटकनॉवेल्स

Star Rank Hunter

Star Rank Hunter

क्रियाकल्पनामार्शल आर्ट्सविज्ञान-कथानाटकसाहसिक

The universe. This infinite field of stars is the dream of every Hunter.For the Hunters who run amid

God’s Song

God’s Song

जीवन का टुकड़ाकॉमेडीरोमांसनाटक

It is said that humans only reveal 5% of their DNA. The person you perceive yourself to be and the p

Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator


All Chu Lian had done was to read a book where the female lead had cheated on her wonderful husband

Hello, Wife!

Hello, Wife!

जीवन का टुकड़ाशौजोकॉमेडीरोमांसनाटकजोसेई

He was confused, so he asked, “I have a car, a house, good-looks and money. What am I lacking in?”Sh

The Royal’s Cute Little Wife

The Royal’s Cute Little Wife

जीवन का टुकड़ाशौजोकॉमेडीरोमांसनाटकऐतिहासिक

In childhood, they were neighbors. Xie Zhen always bullied Li Yu.Who told him to be as beautiful as

Rebirth of a Supermodel

Rebirth of a Supermodel

जीवन का टुकड़ाकॉमेडीरोमांसनाटक

In his past life, Ming Yu struggled in the European and United States fashion circles, eventually b


मुफ्त में ऑनलाइन कहानियां पढ़ें

शीर्ष मुफ्त पठन समुदाय। वेब नॉवेल्स, कल्पना पुस्तकें, ऑनलाइन कहानियां पढ़ें।


दैनिक रूप से अद्यतित नॉवेल पढ़ें

रोज़ाना सभी नवीनतम लाइट नॉवेल अपडेट्स प्राप्त करें।