Chapter 2018

Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 2018 – God Of The World

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As long as Tianming was on the sun, his believers would continue promoting the growth of his Imperial Will. He expected his next breakthrough would come easily and naturally, as if his potential had increased again. Imperial will was extremely powerful, but it was also the most difficult of all divine wills to grow. Being able to achieve it before thirty and maintain his current growth rate was incredible.

"As a sixth-level solarian, I won’t be able to use much energy from the Flint Infernal Impulse without the power of my believers, but that isn’t really a problem. I should be able to fight experts like Sovereigns Starfeather and Greenvoid." That was his current state without the power of four hundred billion believers. In fact, his progress was astounding. When he was previously a fourth-level solarian, he could achieve the strength of a tenth-level solarian at best. Even without any aids, he would be able to face off against sovereign-level experts on Violetglory, which was unimaginable before.

"The funny thing is, I’ve grown much stronger with the power from four hundred billion believers. I can kill anyone from skypiercer-class worlds and below, as long as they enter my territory, yet I don’t see as much change in my own cultivation level." He laughed; compared with the four hundred billion believers, his progress seemed underwhelming. "I almost want to never leave this place." But that was just a thought—he had yet to deal with the specters. Before Li Wudi and Lingfeng regained consciousness, Tianming wouldn’t plan for the future.

Just then, the Saintdragon Emperor and the others sent news. "The current leader of the Skywolf specters is willing to negotiate."

Tianming finally revealed a smile. "I’ve been waiting a long time." It had taken a month for the specters, who were spread out and in complete chaos, to give their final answer. Over that month, Tianming’s conditions had spread all over the world, so the specters must have heard them. As a result, fewer people were killed during that period of time, though there were still specters that went around slaughtering people. Tianming killed them to send a message to the others. With his believers and Yin Chen for eyes, the specters couldn’t escape. Anyone that dared to commit crimes would die. As more and more of them perished, they were finally starting to grow afraid. It seemed their leader wanted to retain at least one last hope for them.

After receiving the location from the Saintdragon Emperor, Tianming piloted the Ninedragon Imperial Tomb to the destination. The nine-colored dragon soared in the flaming clouds. An hour later, the enormous tomb appeared in the sky. A wasteland covered in white and gold flames appeared in his sight. It was a sign that the place was bursting with nova source that once belonged to Skywolf Blaze, which was why it looked like it was part of Skywolf Blaze.

Tianming had locked on to the target. The Ninedragon Imperial Dragon descended from the sky and landed on the ground with a loud boom, causing the earth to tremble as sand and stone were swept into the sky. There were tens of thousands of specters gathered in front of the tomb, eyes red as they stared at Tianming. They were fourth-level solarians and representatives of the remaining three billion Skywolf specters. Since they were gathered there, they had the right to speak on behalf of their people. As for those that were disobedient, Tianming would help get rid of them.

"It's much larger than the Starvore...."

"Why didn't he use this astralship during the battle?"

"It's enormous, more than ten times the size of an ordinary astralship! It’s what you’d expect of a skypiercer-class world. How many secrets and strange things does this world hide!"

"It’s terrifying!"

It was originally supposed to be a fight between two wolves and a rabbit, but the rabbit suddenly split into two, becoming a lion and a dragon and leaving them stunned. The war had ended a month ago, so whatever shock, bafflement, and fear they felt wasn’t as strong as it was in the beginning. However, it was clear that the last bit of determination and resistance they had was completely gone because of the tomb.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of tall and burly specters, a young, white-haired man emerged from the divine astralship. Tianming leisurely walked up to the waiting specters. His aura alone had them bowing their heads and backing up, afraid to look directly at him. He was no joke. Behind him was the aura of an entire star, as well as the will of four hundred billion believers. Coming face to face with Tianming in his territory was equivalent to facing the entire world. Just one look was enough to scare these stray dogs out of their wits. When Tianming finally approached them, the specters were too afraid to even breathe.

"He’s the one that defeated the sun emperor...."

"He’s under thirty years old, a decabane genius, and has five lifebound beasts!"

"Now that the sun emperor’s dead, he’s the only ruler. You won’t be able to find anyone in the Mysterium Cluster with his talent and strength."

"I heard that the demon from before is his aide."

After their initial fear, they began discussing the situation in low voices.

Tianming was here to solve the problem. Since he had already fully demonstrated his strength, there was no need to be domineering. "Who among you is the leader? Make yourself known."

The specters were courageous enough to meet him. Soon, a young, burly, handsome man stood out from the crowd. He was around four hundred years old and most likely at the peak of the Solar stage, only one step away from becoming a sovereign. It seemed that he was the strongest among the remaining specters.

"My name is Mu Cang. I’m the son of Sovereign Starvore and Empress Yu. I make the decisions." The man walked toward Tianming with gritted teeth and a tensed body, all so he could withstand Tianming's aura.

The specters held their breath once more, afraid that Tianming's so-called ‘negotiation’ was really a trap to round them up and kill them. They wouldn't have come if there was any other way out; at the moment, Tianming had the upper hand.

As everyone attentively watched, Tianming glanced at Mu Cang and said, "I’ve already announced my conditions. I’ll give you a continent and banish you for three millennia. During that time, you’ll survive on your own and your cultivation resources will be equivalent to the lowest standard of this world. After three millennia, the seal will be lifted and you’ll become ordinary citizens of the sun."

"How big is the continent?" Lowering his head, Mu Cang asked through gritted teeth.

"It's big enough for the three billion of you to live and multiply. I’ll leave this continent to you. It's not too small. There’s enough space, and you can cultivate, so I’m not really imprisoning you. Of course, those of your generation who’ve witnessed this won’t be able to leave.” Tianming said.

"How will you ensure that our descendants can become ordinary citizens of this world after three millennia?" Mu Cang asked.