Chapter 874 - Secret of [Order]

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 874: Secret of [Order]

The space vortex closed.

The Abyssal Fate Weaver would probably need quite a bit of time to gather all the pieces of her body again and come back to haunt me.

Gu Qing Shan turned to look at the man glowing in black.

“We still haven’t been introduced”

“I am called C23”


“Yes, before going through the examination, I don’t have a name”

C23 sighed emotionally: “I didn’t think I would be used in a trade with the Abyss, this is the greatest humiliation of my entire life”

Gu Qing Shan looked at the grudge in his eyes and contemplated.

All of a sudden, a ‘pop’ was heard.

C23’s head exploded, his body collapsed on the ground.

There was no need to check any further, a simple scan with his inner sight was enough to confirm that he was dead.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

The other party died so suddenly that he couldn’t even react to it.

You’re still an entity who carried the [Demon King Order] to its [Demon King Ascension] stage, how did you die so suddenly?

Lines of blood-red text appeared in front of his eyes:

[Prototype went out of control, self-destruct complete]

[Begin extraction of Order Origin power to supplement the Order’s power]

[Extraction complete, prototype energy reserve collected]

[Your Excellency Envoy of Condemnation, as soon as you complete the Order’s Quest, the Order will complete its evolution at its highest speed]

Gu Qing Shan quickly skimmed through and asked: “What do you mean by ‘prototype’?”

The [Demon King Order] answered: [In the beginning, the Order was tested by humanity through various experiments with artificial human bodies. They are unstable and extremely dangerous, they would cause a lot of damage and trouble if they are let free, so the original humanity had set up self-destruct sequences within their bodies]

[The corresponding information is classified as top-secret, Your Excellency do not have the jurisdiction to read it for now]

[You only need to remember one thing, Your Excellency, there can only be a single Demon King in this world]

Gu Qing Shan went silent.

Although I wasn’t the one who died, the [Order]’s words were filled with brutality.

“It’s strange, now that you mention it” Gu Qing Shan commented as he was contemplating, “Traveling with you up to now, I still haven’t found the [Order] to be very impressive at all”

The [Demon King Order] responded: [That is because this is a unique situation, the Order had no choice but to give up the majority of its functions and power to focus on evolution, thus helping Your Excellency reach the Demon King of Condemnation state]

“You’re saying that you haven’t had any room to display your prowess?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The [Demon King Order] explained: [To help Your Excellency, the Order has not unlocked any powerful functions from its Kindling stage up to now, it had fully focused on evolution]

Gu Qing Shan carefully thought about it and nodded.

He had to admit this point, to quickly achieve the [Demon King Ascension] stage, the [Demon King Order] had been doing nothing but trying its best.


As Gu Qing Shan looked at the corpse, he felt that there was a Bygone Era secret hidden behind the strange thing that happened just now.

But it isn’t time to be thinking about this.

The truth was even more troublesome than I had thought.

As he thought that, Gu Qing Shan glanced towards the back of the Grand Divine Palace.

Just now, to search for the true final moment of humanity, the ‘figure of light’, Strength God, and ‘God of Frost and Chill’ all gave the order for the entire Divine race to search the phantom images.

The ‘figure of light’ gave this order because of its own goals.

The ‘God of Frost and Chill’ followed Gu Qing Shan’s words that he sent through inner sight and agreed with this order.

The Strength God only followed up with the two of them.

He was obviously not very bright.

But this was a rare occasion.

The entire Sky Beyond Heaven was now empty, there was no other Divinity in the Grand Divine Palace but the ‘God of Frost and Chill’.

A certain thought popped up in Gu Qing Shan’s mind, then he slowly strolled towards the Grand Divine Palace’s back.

“Where are you going?” Luo Bing Li asked in confusion.

“For a stroll” Gu Qing Shan replied.

He reached his hand out to Shannu.

Understanding his intention, Shannu threw the Divine King Scepter to him.

Gu Qing Shan received the scepter, walked through the long hallway, and arrived in front of the Divine race’s inheritance vault.

The large metal gate of the Divine race’s inheritance vault was shut tight, countless complicated runes were carved into the gate, one could feel a faint prickling pain in their soul vessel just by looking at it.

Any attacks against this metal gate would trigger its retaliation measures.

“You won’t be able to go in, every Divine King can only enter this place once” Luo Bing Li told him.

“I know, but this scepter came from a parallel world, it hasn’t come into contact with this world’s vault”

Gu Qing Shan stared closely at the metal gate: “Besides, it doesn’t hurt to try”

Apparently sensing the Divine King Scepter, the runes on the metal gate glowed brightly.

The runes then gathered at the center of the gate and formed a swirling circle.

Gu Qing Shan raised the Divine King Scepter and stabbed it into the hole in the middle of all the runes.

Very briefly, a flash of light came from the metal gate and scanned through Gu Qing Shan’s body.

He vanished from in front of the gate.

Luo Bing Li and Shannu exchanged glances.

“What is he doing?” Luo Bing Li asked.

“I’m not sure, but the decisive battle is coming up, so gongzi probably has his own intentions, just be patient” Shannu replied.

After a long while of waiting, Gu Qing Shan reappeared.

A mechanical arm with numerous tiny whiskers and bristles was attached to his arm, it looked a bit frightening.

Shannu was shocked and couldn’t help asking: “Gongzi——-”

“Don’t worry, it’s just a small tool”

Saying so, Gu Qing Shan carefully put the mechanical arm away.

He appeared to be quite tired, but his eyes were shining.

It’s now time to take the Heaven sword!

He glanced through everyone else here.

Luo Bing Li.

The sleeping Little Dusk.

And Shannu who was taking the God of Frost and Chill’s form.

Gu Qing Shan first looked straight at Luo Bing Li and asked: “I’m going to head to the true final moment now, are you able to go with me?”

That true moment of history had been cut away from the timeline and turned into what was essentially a temporal oasis.

So if two Luo Bing Li were to appear at the same time in the temporal oasis, one of them would be erased by the Law of Time.

Luo Bing Li looked back at him and replied: “I actually came out from that true final moment”

Gu Qing Shan immediately asked: “How come you were able to leave?”

Luo Bing Li answered: “I was that weapon’s spirit, so when the weapon was broken into its components, I was supposed to have been killed as well, but coincidentally, the Heaven sword’s forging process was one step short”

“Would that cause a problem?” Gu Qing Shan asked nervously.

He recalled how he had heard the Age of Old cultivators talking about this back in Xie Dao Ling’s dream:

“The Heaven sword’s forging process was not fully completed, it was still missing a crucial final step”

Luo Bing Li explained: “The Heaven sword was still missing a spirit”

“The Immortal King had made me a promise that as long as I can bring the human who sought out the sword to him, he would let me stay inside the Heaven sword and live on as its spirit”

Gu Qing Shan slowly spoke: “The Abyssal weapon was broken by none other than the Immortal King himself, so you probably hold a grudge against him”

Luo Bing Li looked straight into his eyes and replied: “I’ve seen how desperate you’ve been, even risking your life to save your weapon, so I don’t feel like this was such a bad deal for me anymore”

Gu Qing Shan froze.

Luo Bing Li’s expression turned serious:

“That true final moment had been endlessly repeating itself, the Immortal King had stimulated it countless times and together with the other great cultivators, found a meticulous step-by-step process of taking the sword that would perfectly avoid both the Abyssal Demon Dragon and the Soul Shrieker”

Gu Qing Shan asked: “In other words, as long as I followed the process to the letter, I would be able to take the Heaven sword without fail?”

“Exactly, they ran the process through over and over again countless times, all for the sake of today” Luo Bing Li told him.

Gu Qing Shan muttered: “To avoid both the Abyssal Demon Dragon and the Soul Shrieker, they must’ve thought of everything”

“Correct” Luo Bing Li told him with a solemn expression: “Once you enter the true final moment, the Immortal King would dispel the majority of temporal techniques affecting it so that you would be able to take the Heaven sword”

“When that happens, there is no redoing anything anymore”

“Remember, you have very limited time and only a single chance, both the Abyssal Demon Dragon and Soul Shrieker would respond very swiftly”

“I understand” Gu Qing Shan slowly turned tense.

It wasn’t just that moment that couldn’t be redone again.

Since he was no longer affected by the three coins’ power of time travel, his death would also not reset anymore.

Not to mention, if he doesn’t obtain the Heaven sword, the Earth sword would die.

“Did you prepare any previewing measures?” he couldn’t help but ask.

“Because of how crucial this world, of course, we did” Luo Bing Li reached her hand out: “The Immortal King recorded a set of illusory images that was exactly the same as the true final moment. Take a look first and study how to take the Heaven sword, once you’ve memorized the entire process, we will head to the true final moment and do it for real”

Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief: “That’s great to hear”

Luo Bing Li grabbed a glowing jade fan out of thin air and threw it up.

The jade fan shined brightly and manifested as a recording.

Gu Qing Shan watched as the intense battle raged on.

The cultivators all fought without any regard for their own lives.

Humanity’s army was wiped out bit by bit.

Everyone was dead.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but deeply sigh.

Luo Bing Li then told him: “When that true moment began, the Abyssal Demon Dragon, Soul Shrieker and Abyssal Fate Weaver were all gathered at the center of the battlefield, they surrounded the Abyssal weapon, prevented others from taking it while they themselves fought for it”

“During his last moments, the Immortal King realized that he couldn’t let this weapon fall into the hands of the three terrifying monsters”

“He would activate the power of the Abyssal weapon, create the phantom images and hide this one-hour period away”

“There was only a single moment where the Heaven sword was freed from the Abyssal weapon”

“Immediately after that moment, the Abyssal Demon Dragon, the Soul Shrieker and Abyssal Fate Weaver would all move forward to take the Heaven sword”

“Right before that moment happened, you must obtain the Heaven sword for yourself and infuse me inside”

“Only after I had been infused inside would the Heaven sword truly be considered fully forged, and only then can you use the power of the three coins to travel to the future”

While carefully listening to her, he also closely watched the recording.

The battlefield was chaotic and brutal, every human was dead.

This was too much of a desperate battle.

“The Abyssal Fate Weaver had already been erased” Gu Qing Shan regained his senses and calmly spoke.

“Yes, but both the Abyssal Demon Dragon and Soul Shrieker aren’t enemies that we could face” Luo Bing Li.

“Where would we appear once we arrive at the true final moment?”

“We will appear at the border of the battlefield, you have to think of a way to move to the center of the battlefield unnoticed by the Abyssal Demon Dragon and Soul Shrieker before you can take the Heaven sword”

“Got it”