Chapter 672 - The choice of mortals

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 672: The choice of mortals

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader: Arya

The Strife Zones

Within the 200 million World Layers of this area, all of the powerful Combatants looked up at the figure of light in front of themselves, unable to move their eyes away.

At their level, they could clearly see the wondrous Laws that made up the world, manifesting as the figure’s body.

Just by simply watching the figure of light, they had already learned and understood so much more about the worlds.

Not to mention, the figure of light mentioned a ‘path to godhood’.

A few people already couldn’t hold themselves back and loudly asked: “How can I become a God?”

The figure of light opened its palm.

Two sprites of light were hovering, spiraling around each other on its hand.

One of them was of pure holy white light, while the other was a vitality-filled bright green light.

Facing all living beings of the Strife Zones, the figure of light began to speak.

「 Before the seven Gods left, they had put boundless divine power into the [Life Order] and [Angel Order] 」

「 Now, I have absorbed the original power of these two [Orders] as well what they had accumulated over the years 」

「 With this power, I will light the Tree of Divinity in the seven great Churches 」

As the figure of light said so, it slightly raised its hand.

The holy light and the vitality-filled light combined turning into seven different colored lights that went into the boundless void of space.

At the same time, the scene at seven different worlds appeared in front of their eyes.

A green emerald light fell into the Great tree of Harmony realm;

A deep blue light fell into the deep sea of Star realm;

A faint grey mist of light fell into the dead sea of Fog Isle;

A holy white light fell into the City of Angels;

A deep purple light fell into the abyss of Heavenly War realm;

A glorious golden light fell into the Spire of Civilization;

A dark waterfall of light fell into the Wilderness of Death;

The seven lights flew at unimaginable speed, quickly entering the Holy Churches within the seven worlds.


Intense powerful wind rose from the seven Holy Churches all the way to the sky.

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What were already holy sites of each world now emitted a divine holy glow.

At this point, the voice of the figure of light came once again: 「 From today onwards, all mortals of the 200 million World Layers can directly serve a God 」

「 If a mortal truly worships a certain God, they may join one of the seven Holy Churches 」

「 Becoming a follower of a God will grant you a certain right 」

「 The followers of each Holy Church will be able to light their own Tree of Divinity within the Hall of the seven Gods 」

「 With a Tree of Divinity, every follower will slowly but surely learn the abilities of a divine being, becoming stronger in every way until they become a Demigod that eclipses mortals 」

「 When someone has fully lit their Tree of Divinity and become a Demigod, they will be told a certain secret 」

「 ——–the secret of becoming a True God as a Demigod 」

「 They will finally achieve godhood! 」

The figure of light slowly spoke every sentence.

What it had declared was so incredible that no one dared made a sound in all 200 million World Layers.

The figure of light concluded: 「 Faith comes from the truest desires and devotion of the heart, Gods do not need a wavering heart, and so, mortals who have yet to become our followers, you have but three minutes to choose a God that you will follow 」

「 After three minutes, if you still haven’t chosen a God to serve, you will forever lose the right to become our follower 」

「 You will no longer be able to light your Tree of Divinity 」

「 The path to godhood will forever be closed to you 」

「 Furthermore, each follower will be granted a unique gift—– all of you may ask me any one question——- but know that the seven Gods have established a certain Law within the 200 million World Layers of the Strife Zones. You may not review your question or answer to anyone else, or you will be killed by the unified curse of the seven Gods 」

「 Now, you may choose a God to serve 」

「 Remember well, you only have three minutes 」

After that, the figure of light went into silence.

The faint image of the seven Holy Churches was still hovering behind its back.

Both the figure of light and the seven Holy Churches silently hovered in front of every living being, waiting for their choice.

Lighting the Tree of Divinity.

The chance to become a Demigod.

Obtaining the secret to godhood.

Obtaining the chance to be answered any question by the manifestation of Law from the Gods.

Any one of these events was extraordinary enough to arouse the interest of every Combatant in the Strife Zones.

But now, all 4 of them were offered directly to the countless living beings in 200 million World Layers!

Every living being was nervously making their choice.

Su Ke Er and Anna stood in the void, watching as everything unfolds.

“We are already followers, will you still answer our question?” Su Ke Er asked.

The humanoid figure of light spoke: “All followers have this right, I will answer one question for each of you, but keep in mind, the curse of the seven Gods lingers throughout the entire 200 million World Layers, you must never reveal your answer, or you will succumb to death”

“I understand”

“Got it”

Both girls nodded at once.

The humanoid figure of light continued: “If you are afraid of someone else hearing your question, simply ask in your mind, I will answer it”

The two girls quickly fell into thought.

The manifestation of Law left by the Gods will answer one question of any followers.

What am I most concerned about that needs to be answered?

The First Zone.

“This is perfect, I don’t have to be trapped here anymore, I choose the Church of Fate!” a newcomer loudly declared.

The figure of light hovering in front of him asked: 「 The Church of Fate, is this your choice? 」

“Yes, I choose the Church of Fate!” the newcomer declared again with conviction.

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The figure of light replied: “From now on, you will be a follower of Fate, you must travel by yourself from here to the world of the Fog Isle, reach the island of the Church of Fate, only then can you enter the Holy Church and borrow the power of the Church to light your Tree of Divinity”

The newcomer doubtfully asked: “That troublesome?”

The figure of light said nothing else, but its voice came from inside the man’s head: 「 Indeed, this is a necessary first step, it is called the pilgrimage 」

「 Remember, although this answer is simple, you can never reveal it to anyone else 」

Saying so, the figure of light disappeared from in front of him.

The newcomer was a bit stunned before muttering: “Something doesn’t seem right…”

A while later.

The newcomer finally realized and loudly called out: “Wait a minute, you still need to answer my question before leaving!”

Next to him, his friend silently stared, shook his head, and sighed.

—–it already answered your question, dumbass!

The friend ignored him, turned to the figure of light in front of him and spoke: “O’ distinguished one, I wish to serve the God of Life”

「 Is this your final choice? 」the figure of light in front of him asked.


「 From now on, you will be a follower of Life, you must travel from here to the Great tree of Harmony realm, only then can you enter the Church of Life and borrow the power of the Church to light your Tree of Divinity 」

“I understood, distinguished one, may I ask my question now?”

「 You may 」

“I want to know…”

Three minutes.

200 million World Layers.

Billions of worlds.

Every living being was either hesitating, making their choice, or were asking their question.

Somewhere deep underground.

Countless monsters hidden in the darkness were unable to hide their ferocious appearance.

Because a figure of light had appeared in front of each of them.

These monsters were also sentient, enough that they were all considering their choices and making their decisions.

Deep inside the cave.

A single human man was standing in the middle of an empty field.

He wore a black leather jacket, black gloves, and a dagger in each hand with a black-colored card in his mouth.

From the way he looks, he seemed to have gone through a lot and endured all sorts of pain.

Next to him was a giant lizard covered in green scales.

「 Little Ying Hao, who would’ve thought you’d get such a chance just by coming here for a test 」the lizard spoke emotionally.

The man put his daggers away before taking the card off his mouth and carefully putting it into his pocket.

“Ahaha, becoming a god? But I’ve never heard of them before, which of the Holy Churches would be most suitable for my growth?”

Zhang Ying Hao wondered.

While he was thinking, the figure of light in front of him had already covered him in a bright light.

“Oy, what are you doing! I still haven’t chosen a God to serve!” Zhang Ying Hao exclaimed.

With his exclamation, the light that covered him returned.

The figure of light’s voice came from his mind: 「 You are an assassin-type Card user, the two most suitable Churches for you are the Church of Death and the Church of Secrets 」

Zhang Ying Hao was briefly surprised.

So the figure of light had replied to his question.

“…I’ve already seen too much death, I’ll choose the Church of Secrets then” Zhang Ying Hao replied.