Chapter 632 - Unlocked soul

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 632: Unlocked soul

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:  Arya

The original world.

The North Pole.

Li Yang was informing Gu Qing Shan about the events that happened in Shen Wu world in detail.

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t that mean Shifu is currently the leader of the cultivation alliance?”

Gu Qing Shan smiled as he asked.

『 Indeed  』Li Yang answered him.

“That’s a great thing then” Gu Qing Shan replied.

『 That is not the case  』

“Why? Are there any unknown matters?”

『 Through the various Fiend Kings that maintain contact with the Original Tianma realm, we found out a lot about that cultivation alliance. They have already gone through several campaigns with heavy losses, each of them ending in the previous leader dying in the battle  』

Gu Qing Shan’s smile slowly faded.

He thought briefly and commented: “If that is the case, there’s something I don’t understand——- my Shifu is a wise person, she wouldn’t easily accept to be in such a dangerous position”

『 She had no other choice  』

“Why not?”

『 Truthfully speaking, before I came here, your Shifu had already merged 5 worlds  』

“What!” Gu Qing Shan exclaimed in shock.

Li Yang nodded: 『 Including her own Samsara and the Shen Wu world’s Samsara worlds, there was a total of 11 worlds, and she had fused 5 of them together with the first one  』

Gu Qing Shan was surprised, then hurriedly asked: “Did anything paranormal happen? How did the beings of those Samsara worlds react?”

Li Yang showed a difficult expression and shook her head: 『 There weren’t any beings  』

She then explained: 『 Among the cultivation world’s Samsara, the Heaven realm was nowhere to be found, only the other 5 were left  』

『 Among the Shen Wu world’s Samsara, the human realm, Wraith realm, Asura Realm, Heaven realm and Beast King realms were all completely empty. Only the Huang Quan realm still has several quintillion dead people suffering in its layers of hell, unable to escape for a long time  』

『 Your Shifu had chosen to fuse the Shen Wu world’s Wraith realm, Asura realm, Heaven realm, Beast King realm as well as its human realm to fuse together with your original cultivation world  』

『 Doing this, she managed to avoid clashing with the other beings of the Samsara world, so the entire process didn’t cause any war or conflict  』

Kitty curiously cut in: “A Samsara world is supposed to be a complete closed-off system, isn’t it? Aren’t the beings within them supposed to enter a cycle of reincarnation and to repopulate each world? Why would there be a situation where several worlds have no living beings at all happen?”

Barry fell silent, then shook his head: “This is inconceivable, there’s nothing I could think of to explain this at all”

Gu Qing Shan maintained silence.

Since it might be related to the Samsara’s ultimate secret, he couldn’t risk telling everyone his conjecture.

——perhaps the pieces of the Samsara linked with the Shen Wu world were affected in some way when they broke off from the Samsara.

The cultivation world was also the same, only five out of six worlds remain, the Heaven realm is nowhere to be found.

Could it be because the entire Heaven realm itself was destroyed when it broke apart?

Li Yang shook her head to Kitty, signalling that she didn’t know either.

She continued: 『 After going through consecutive fusions, the human realm’s Laws became significantly stronger and caused a boom in the cultivator’s power  』

“Shifu is an unrivalled genius, so with the reinforcement of the world fusion, she would definitely become formidable” Gu Qing Shan commented.

Li Yang spoke: 『 But don’t forget, having fused so many worlds without permission, your Shifu had violated a law of the 900 million World Layers, and a very serious one  』

『 Without any other solutions, she could only join the cultivation alliance of the 900 million World Layers—– because there are still a few unused quotas within the alliance that she can spend 』

『 The price for that was that she had to fight against powerful demonized cultivators in the name of the alliance  』

『 And now, she’s been elected as the leader of the alliance—— not only is this the number one target for demonized cultivators to kill, your Shifu is also the one with the lowest cultivation among all leaders of history  』

『 Which is why she’s currently in a very dangerous situation  』

Li Yang looked at him and softly spoke: 『 I felt that this information would be very important for you, seeing how the reason you first summoned me back then was to save your Shifu  』

“So you came here specifically to tell me this?”

『 Indeed  』

Gu Qing Shan slowly clasped his fist towards Li Yang and solemnly bowed.

“The news you brought was indeed extremely important, I have owed you another great favor—– from now on, if there is ever a time you require help, please look for me, I will absolutely help you to the best of my abilities”

Li Yang glanced at him, then quickly lowered her gaze: 『 Do you care about your Shifu that much?  』

“Of course I do” Gu Qing Shan sighed emotionally, “truthfully speaking, the cultivation world is a place even more pragmatic than any mortal world, no sect would raise a bunch of useless disciples for no reason”

“At the time, I was nothing but a loose cultivator, someone who had just stepped on the path of cultivation at qi training realm without a single thing to my name”

“If I was lucky, I would receive recognition from one of the sects at the semester examination and join it”

“But even then, the disciples who joined a sect would continue to struggle here and there in order to receive cultivation resources, better scriptures, better equipment and weapons”

“Only by contributing greatly to a sect could you receive an equivalent amount of rewards”

“Some cultivators strive for their entire lives without being able to accomplish the requirements of the sect, unable to receive the necessary resources and unable to advance their cultivation”

“Even more cultivators couldn’t earn the best possible scriptures, techniques, the sharpest weapons, the strongest armor and end up dying in war”

Gu Qing Shan chuckled deprecatingly as his voice became warmer: “But Shifu accepted me into Bai Hua sect”

“She granted me the Earth sword, and personally taught me sword skills”

“Worried that I might be harmed, she taught me a movement technique Divine Skill”

“In her moments of danger, she even entrusted all of the sect’s resources, no, she entrusted the sect itself to me”

“But did you know? I have almost done nothing for the sect yet”

Li Yang silently listened, apparently digesting his words.

Gu Qing Shan continued: “Our Bai Hua sect isn’t at all like a sect, rather it is more akin to a home”

“And my Shifu is my family, so I definitely won’t let any harm come to her”

His voice was determined.

『 But I can see you still have a lot to do in this world, can you actually return?  』Li Yang asked.

“I will finish everything I need to do today, then I’ll return”

『 Very well, then I shall wish for your success, if there’s anything you need, ring my bell  』Li Yang said.

“Hm, thank you for personally coming here” Gu Qing Shan sincerely gave her his gratitude.

Li Yang softly smiled at him, showing off all of her charm like an angel from above that happened to wander into the mortal realm.

She slowly stepped back as her body melted into the void of space and disappeared.

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Gu Qing Shan then looked to Kitty: “I might need to ask for your help a lot for what’s coming up next”

“What do you need?” Kitty smiled and asked him.

Gu Qing Shan’s speech just now and his attitude towards his Shifu had put Kitty into a good mood.

“We need to speed up, merge the Samsara and find the world tomb”

“No problem, I can quickly bring you to all of the Samsara worlds”

“Hm, before that, there’s something we need to get first”

“What is it?”

“The people of God Institute hid something below the North Pole’s spaceship, they called it the Divine Watch”

“It was thanks to it that they managed to locate this world tomb”

“Is that so?” Kitty was surprised.

She crouched down, placing one hand on the ground.

Ripples in space came from where her hand touched and quickly spread towards the North Pole.

Soon enough, the large spaceship sitting on the North Pole was completely surrounded by the space ripples.


Kitty shouted.

In an instant, the North Pole disappeared.

No, not the North Pole, but rather the giant spaceship had disappeared from their vision.

There was now a large patch of missing land on the North Pole, making it seem a bit empty.

After moving the spaceship away, the only thing left there was the solid and frigid frozen ground.

Kitty’s gaze fell below, carefully searching every inch of the earth.

“Found it, very clear energy waves, I can feel that it’s a searching device”

While saying so, Kitty opened her palm and lightly lifted something up.

A second later, a small item appeared from thin air, falling into her hand.

Everyone looked to see that it was a small pocket watch.

“Now, I’ll put the spaceship back”

Kitty reached out her other hand and clapped.

The spaceship once again appeared without a sound, squarely landing on the North Pole’s frozen land.

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If they didn’t see it with their own eyes, no one would believe that this giant spaceship resting on the North Pole had been moved at all.

Kitty threw the watch to Gu Qing Shan.

“Take a look, is that it?” she told him.

Gu Qing Shan caught the Divine Watch and carefully checked it.

A few lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI.

[Item name: Gods Treasure’s Radar]

[Grade: (rare) Wondrous Item]

[Doomsday Chronicles: This rare item had never appeared in history, nor has it even been shown to the public’s eyes, no historical events related to the item has been found]

[War God Skills: This item have performed the following skills:]

[Mystic-type Technique: Miracle Search]

The War God UI suddenly froze briefly.

Gu Qing Shan also froze.

What happened?

Without giving him time to think too much, a few more red glowing text appeared on the War God UI.

[You are the third person to have received the blessing of the Gods]

[Following your wish, the Gods’ reinforced Causality Skill had granted you the Soul Key]

[Your soul’s principle limiter has been removed]

[From now on, you may learn any Skills or Techniques disregarding any limits or restrictions]

[You can now learn the Mystic-type Skill: Miracle Search]

[To learn this Mystic-type Skill, 10,000 Soul Points is required]

[Would you like to spend 10,000 to learn this skill?]

Gu Qing Shan spoke without hesitation: “Yes!”