Chapter 1702 - Gone Translator: La0o9

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1702: Gone Translator: La0o9

Gu Qing Shan appeared within the dark void.

“Where are we heading?” Laura asked.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the Key of the Wind in his hand and said: “We can’t be running around like headless chickens. We need to wait until the Key of the Wind’s spirit returns into the key before we can decide what to do next”

——-who would have thought that the Reality Gate was actually hidden at the bottom of the Eternal Abyss and is being protected by an unknown demonic creature.

I still can’t imagine the twin swords Heaven and Earth being able to deal with such a monster at all.

He suddenly thought of something and opened the Book of the Sea, asking it: “Do you know the demonic creature at the bottom of the Eternal Abyss?”

The Book of the Sea answered: [It doesn’t belong to the void, nor has any living being ever seen it, so I don’t know]

Gu Qing Shan was surprised: “Didn’t you say that you know all knowledge in existence?”

[Can something that no one has ever seen be considered knowledge?] the Book of the Sea asked in return.

That’s true, but—–

“But Shroud had definitely seen that demonic creature in the past, otherwise, how would he know about its existence?” Gu Qing Shan refuted.

[He had seen that demonic creature, but he isn’t a living being, but an Apocalypse] the Book of the Sea answered.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t say anything to that.

At this point, the Key of the Wind in his hand suddenly jumped up by itself and gave off an ecstatic noise.

The Book of the Sea and golden coin also flew up and happily cheered.

The Key of the Wind circled twice around Gu Qing Shan and spoke in human language: “How unimaginable, someone had actually managed to collect three among the Four Saint Pillars, I suppose that you’re going to look for the Soul Artifact that represents the Fire Saint Pillar after this?”

Gu Qing Shan nodded to greet it, then turned to the Book of the Sea and said: “Yeah, but before that, I want to make this issue clear”

The Book of the Sea honestly answered: [I’ve already told you, only after a living being or I have personally witnessed something would a corresponding knowledge come into existence]

Laura tilted her head and chimed in: “Gu Qing Shan, let’s go take a look at that demonic creature right now”

“Do you mean——“

“Yeah, let’s use [Infinite Worlds Shelter]—– this is the rarest ability of our Bramble race. Even the Judicial Lords of the Dusty World couldn’t detect us at all, so I’m guessing that demonic creature wouldn’t be able to see us either”

“…It’s worth a shot”

Gu Qing Shan said and grasped the Key of the Wind.

“I want to travel to the bottom of the Eternal Abyss——- no, there’s no need to go directly to the bottom, it’ll be enough if we can go near that place, can you take us there?” he asked.

The Key of the Wind answered: “Of course I can, I’m capable of taking you to any location, but each time you use me, you’ll need to expend your lifespan”


“Yes, these are the rules of the Wind Saint Pillar, it cannot be changed”

“How much will you need?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“After the frozen corpse and the eye left, the Eternal Abyss had become thoroughly tattered—— it isn’t a particularly unique place, so all you need to do is expend one year of your lifespan and I will be able to take you here” the Crimson Demon Divine Spear said.

Gu Qing Shan’s eyebrows relaxed.

For an entity at his level, one year of lifespan was essentially nothing.

“Deal. Laura, put up your umbrella first!” Gu Qing Shan called out.

Laura immediately opened her flower umbrella and put it over their heads.

“Are you ready?” the Key of the Wind asked.

“Ready” Gu Qing Shan and Laura both answered.

The Key of the Wind abruptly gave off a green flash of light that illuminated the dark void.

It then flew into the air and drew the shape of a door into the void.

“Push it open and you’ll arrive at the vicinity of the Eternal Abyss—- before that, please put me away carefully, I don’t want to be eaten by the demonic creature” the Key of the Wind told him.


Gu Qing Shan grabbed the Key of the Wind and carefully hid it on his person before opening the door.

As soon as the door was opened, the green light enveloped Gu Qing Shan and Laura.

The two of them then vanished without a trace.

The bottom of the Eternal Abyss.

Without a sound or warning, Gu Qing Shan and Laura had arrived.

In their visions, everything around them was a reddish kind of flesh that had undergone necrosis, all of which gave off a small bit of red light that illuminated that area in a bright red hue.

This flesh was no longer like they were in the past, it wasn’t writhing or giving off any sort of thick poisonous fog.

Nor were there any Abyssal forms to be found around here.

—–other than the red flow of the flesh, there was no vitality to be seen at all.

The Key of the Wind’s voice echoed in Gu Qing Shan’s mind:

“Keep flying down from here, after a few minutes, you’ll reach the bottom of the Eternal Abyss”

Gu Qing Shan looked down.

The dried-up red flesh had formed a large circle that reached endlessly down the darkness.

Laura silently stuck close to Gu Qing Shan and muttered: “This place gives off a really chilling impression.

Gu Qing Shan consoled her: “It’s okay, the frozen corpse had already left, there should no longer be any danger here——- except that demonic creature”

“Let’s go, I don’t want to stay here for too long, it feels uncomfortable somehow” Laura said.

“Keep your umbrella steady, we’re going to scout it out” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Hm” Laura replied.

The two of them jumped up and began to fly downwards.

After not too long, even the last of the red glow had disappeared, allowing the darkness to completely swallow their figures.




Stifling darkness.

This persisted until Gu Qing Shan and Laura gradually slowed down.

A gigantic figure had appeared within the profound darkness.

It was completely motionless, almost as if it was laying in slumber.

The entity’s figure far surpassed their imaginations, as Gu Qing Shan and Laura looked like two specks of dust in front of a dinosaur compared to it.

Within the range of their visions, the only thing they could see was some of the scales on its body.

——fortunately, they didn’t disturb it at all.

“Is it a dragon?” Laura sent her voice and asked.

“Most likely not, I’ve never seen such a huge dragon before” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Laura trembled a bit.

She held her breath and sat down on Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder, both hands holding tightly onto the flower umbrella.

Gu Qing Shan confirmed that she had taken control of her emotions before taking the Book of the Sea out again.

“Book of the Sea, can you see it?” he asked in a whisper.

[I can] the Book of the Sea answered.

“Then, do you have knowledge regarding it now?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

[What do you wish to learn about this demonic creature? Its strength? Unique characteristics? Or why is it guarding that gate?] the Book of the Sea asked.

“Can you tell me all of that?” Gu Qing Shan tried asking.

[No, I definitely cannot reveal so much. According to my experience, entities that didn’t originally come from the void might be able to sense us talking about it. And if it wants to take a look at what we actually are—— if it does so much as harbor these thoughts, the consequences would be unimaginable] the Book of the Sea replied.

It then added: [Of course, I don’t know whether or not this experience would be correct either. After all, you first need to expend your wealth in order for this knowledge to manifest and become known to both you and I]

Gu Qing Shan’s expression shifted somewhat.

If the Book of the Sea had said so, I need to be even more careful about this.

Then, what kind of information do I want to know about this demonic creature?

Gu Qing Shan silently thought about it for a while before sending his voice: “I want to know its background”

[Background?] the Book of the Sea asked.

“That’s right. No matter what kind of characteristics, abilities, or secrets it may have, it would still be impossible for me to triumph against it, so I want to know its background. This is the most valuable information for the current situation” replied.

[You will need to pay 90% of your wealth] the Book of the Sea told him.

“I’ll accept it” Gu Qing Shan said.

A second later, he felt some tiny movement within his ring.

The majority of the treasures hidden within the ring had disappeared.

At the same time, the Book of the Sea flipped open by itself and started displaying some text on human common language:

[Samsara Heavenly Emperor (clone)]

[This is the Samsara Heavenly Emperor, it originated from the Samsara and had arrived in this Reality Gate countless years ago. Sensing this location’s unique properties, it remained here to protect it]

[It forbids anyone from approaching this location as it is responsible for protecting this secret]

[Special note: This is only a shadow image that was recently created, having only 10% of the Heavenly Emperor’s strength—— the real Heavenly Emperor had already disappeared somewhere unknown]

Gu Qing Shan quickly read through everything.

——Is the Samsara Heavenly Emperor the same as the Heaven realm’s Grand Emperor that I saw?

If this was only a shadow image, where did the real one go?

“I really couldn’t imagine that this Samsara guy had been making arrangements since that long ago” Laura lamented.

Gu Qing Shan told her: “The Samsara is the ultimate weapon of living beings, so someone who could become the Heavenly Emperor within the Samsara would definitely not be simple. You should never underestimate them for even a second”

As soon as he said that, he suddenly realized something.

—–now that I think about it, numerous events had occurred during the long history of the Space Vortex.

But the people of the Samsara had all fallen into slumber.

Had they truly been sleeping?

Or could it be that they’ve been silently watching over this place, waiting for the Samsara’s evolution to complete?

—–this is only a shadow image.

The real one isn’t here.

Where had he actually gone to?

The Thousand Dragons Ancestor had used his Origin Hex to cause all the participants of the Samsara Clash for Supremacy to be stalled in place.

But what if there had been some people who never appeared at all in the first place, only watching from the sidelines?

Numerous thoughts flashed through Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

He suddenly recalled something.

After all…

That situation should be…

He immediately asked: “Book of the Sea, I want to know something else. If the Samsara wishes to initiate the Age of the Clash, but a Chosen Saint candidate insists on not starting it no matter what, do they have any methods to completely bypass this person?”

[You don’t have much remaining, I want all of the wealth you currently own] the Book of the Sea replied.

“Take it!” Gu Qing Shan shouted.

Lines of text then appeared on the Book of the Sea:

[As long as they are within a different Space-Time, or a different Space Vortex, they would be able to bypass the uncooperative Chosen Saint to directly begin the Samsara Clash for Supremacy]

Gu Qing Shan’s heart gradually sank.

—–‘that situation’ seems more and more likely by the second.

He immediately took out the Key of the Wind and told it: “Bring me to the other Reality Gate, the one with numerous Apocalypses surrounding it from the outside, my Shifu is currently guarding it!”

“Five years of lifespan” the Key of the Wind said.

[Deal, now hurry and take me there!” Gu Qing Shan urged.

The Key of the Wind abruptly gave off a green flash of light that depicted the shape of a door in the darkness.

Gu Qing Shan immediately put his hand on the door.

In an instant, he and Laura had both vanished from the bottom of the Abyss.

In the void, a pair of endlessly gigantic gates was giving off resounding noises.

It sounded like something was knocking on the door from the outside.

Inside the gates.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly appeared here.

“Shifu!” he loudly called out.

His voice resounded and drifted far within this vast Space Vortex.

But there was no answer.

“Strange, wasn’t your Shifu supposed to be here guarding the Reality Gate?” Laura asked.

“Shifu!” Gu Qing Shan shouted out loud again.

Still no answer.

—–Xie Dao Ling was no longer here.

On the other hand, the two gates were trembling terribly as if something was about to push it open.

“The Gate! Gu Qing Shan! The Gate is about to be opened!” Laura hurriedly called out..