Chapter 1469 - The third seal

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1469: The third seal

The starlight faded away.

The sky fell back to darkness.

Gusts of wind blew across the sky from afar, giving off wave after wave of black and grey fluctuations that made the sky seem almost like a calm but silently brewing swamp.

Standing in the wilderness Gu Qing Shan was shaken, so much so that his mind and heart couldn’t calm back down.

So this period of obscured history was actually Shifu’s handiwork!

All living beings had forgotten everything that occurred during this period of time, ensuring that the Samsara’s secret wouldn’t be exposed.

And if the Samsara’s secret wasn’t exposed, an even greater calamity would not occur!

Gu Qing Shan pondered for a long while, his gaze focused on the lines of glowing text on the War God UI and slowly became doubtful.

“War God UI, why do I have the ‘Groom of Asura’ status?”

He asked.

[Because you have the ‘Tear of Asura’—– the standard proof of status for non-Asura who marry those from the Asura race] the War God UI replied.

“Then, what about the ‘Ally and Contracted of the Beast King realm’ status?” Gu Qing Shan asked again.

[The inheritor of the Beast King realm, Shan Hai Qi Xia, was the only human within the Tomb of Myriad Beasts who obtained an inheritance and retained her soul. She represented all Combatants who silently learnt of this secret within the Tomb of Myriad Beasts, and she had pledged to be your ally in life and death within the great tomb of the Tomb of Myriad Beasts] the War God UI replied.

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and quickly remembered this.

At the time, the countless Apocalypses were about to break out of the great tomb to destroy the entire Tomb of Myriad Beasts. To help her and the people of the Tomb of Myriad Beasts, I used the twin swords Heaven and Earths to travel to many parallel worlds to find many versions of myself and fought against the Apocalypse together.

It was back then that Shan Hai Qi Xia made her pledge.

In that case…

I really do have relations with the Asura realm and Beast King realm as well.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly looked up.

In the sky, millions of stars had manifested again despite being destroyed by Xie Dao Ling’s sword slash.

But unlike before, the stars in the sky no longer gave off blinding light, and it had also lost the inexplicable sense of pressure it had exerted before.

The stars turned into streaks of light that scattered in the sky and fell onto the vast earth below.

A grand and magnificent meteor shower had formed!

Gu Qing Shan silently watched this.

Shifu wanted to use this [Siming] Apocalypse to hide this world and buy time for this Samsara fragment.

Such grand efforts and skills!

…But there’s no telling what would happen next in this world at all.

While Gu Qing Shan was silently contemplating this, Boss’ voice resounded in his ears:

“So that was the case, this obscured history hid the secret of the Samsara’s descent, no wonder I felt like my memories were unclear”

Gu Qing Shan said: “The Pantheon showed themselves because they were able to foresee this event, that was why they had sent Reneedol into the mortal world, everything was for the sake of finding the existence that would break through the Reality Gate”

Boss continued: “But they didn’t know that it would be Samsara that arrived”

“Right” Gu Qing Shan confirmed.

Boss said: “It was fortunate that you arrived at this period of history. The events of the past are gradually becoming clear and stabilize, they will no longer change”

An empty page of a book appeared out of nowhere and fell into Gu Qing Shan’s hand.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[You’ve obtained the third Sealing Token]

[There were a total of six Sealing Tokens, you will need to collect the other three Sealing Tokens as well]

Gu Qing Shan finished reading this and fell into thought, then worriedly asked: “Boss, if Reneedol resets this period of history, wouldn’t everything occur again?”

Boss answered him with a complicated tone: “This period of history had thoroughly stabilized, so it would not change again, but there has been a new issue”

“What issue is that?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Boss explained: “The Samsara’s memory wiping technique was extremely impressive, so the stronger a living being was, the more they would forget within this technique—— but what the Pantheon had used on Reneedol was their ultimate technique that gathers the joint power of all the Myriad Deities”

“So you mean that Reneedol had forgotten a lot of things, but the Pantheon has ways to make her recall it all?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“—–Reneedol had indeed lost a large amount of her memories, but if this Reneedol dies, the new her would recall everything that happened to the two previous Reneedol, and that version of her would learn the truth” Boss explained.

Gu Qing Shan was a bit startled, but he understood.


The revived Reneedol will obtain all of her previous memories.

Shifu wanted everyone in the world to forget this event, not just Reneedol in particular.

So if this Reneedol was dead, the memory wiping technique would also lose its effects.

——-this would be, in essence, helping the next Reneedol undo the Samsara memory wiping technique.

The next ‘her’ will recall everything.

Boss continued speaking rapidly: “I cannot talk to you for a long time right now. The fourth Sealing Token is hidden in the upcoming few days of this period. You must first ensure your own survival as well as Reneedol’s safety to make sure that she doesn’t die——- if she dies, the Pantheon will immediately obtain all of her memories and learn of what happened”

“——-The Myriad Deities must not learn about what occurred today, stall their progress as much as possible. Once Reneedol survives up to a certain moment, you will find the fourth Sealing Token”

Gu Qing Shan smiled wryly: “Can’t you just give it to me right now?”

Boss froze, then helplessly replied: “It took me using all of my powers to forge these six Sealing Tokens when I was still the Lord of Infinite Origins at my strongest—— do you think I can undo them at this point in time?”

“Do your best, Gu Qing Shan, everything rests on your shoulders”

Boss’ voice slowly faded away.

Only Gu Qing Shan remained within these long years of Immemorial.

Gu Qing Shan heavily sighed.

For some reason, he recalled the giant corpse’s words——

The Lord of Infinite Origins… made a certain correct decision during the fog of history, which was to forge the six Sealing Tokens within the ruins of the Pantheon”

“…you must obtain these six Sealing Tokens… As you hold the seals, then no matter what happened in history, it would still be under your control. There would then be no issues”

Gu Qing Shan silently put the third Sealing Token away.

——three left.

The stars that filled the sky earlier had all disappeared.

The night sky had returned to normal.

The eastern horizon slowly became bright.

The early wind carried with it a hint of freshness that blew against Gu Qing Shan’s cheeks, somewhat easing his spirit.

“How strange, what happened?” a voice sounded from behind him.

Gu Qing Shan turned back.

Only to see Shroud, Reneedol, and Scarlet all had blank expressions on their faces.

Shroud looked around and said: “The Law Behemoths were enraged and gave out an order to kill all of us, so why can’t I sense their presence at all right now?”

Scarlet commented: “I remember that they had to face some sort of calamity—– look, there isn’t a single bit of life force in this entire barren wilderness, something really wrong must have happened with the Laws of the World”

Reneedol looked around and couldn’t help herself holding Shroud’s hand.

“What’s the matter, Reneedol?” Shroud asked.

Reneedol’s expression was a bit pale and answered him in a low voice: “I don’t know, I feel like I’ve forgotten something very crucial”

“Me as well” Gu Qing Shan followed up.

He walked towards Reneedol and asked: “I only remember that the Law Behemoths seemed to have competed against one another, then nothing else——- what about you?”

Reneedol wracked her brains, then slowly replied: “I just remember that you and Shroud saved me when we were little, we then begin to study World Techniques and Law Techniques together in the World Valley, after that… the World Valley was destroyed and we managed to escape; I don’t remember anything else beyond that”

Gu Qing Shan looked at her.

Her gaze was filled with doubt and terror.

——the Samsara memory wiping technique was extremely powerful, the stronger the living being affected by this technique, the more they would forget.

These were Boss’ own words.

Although he had lost his powers, his discerning eyes should remain.

In other words—–

Reneedol had even forgotten the fact that she originated from the Pantheon?

That’s quite interesting…