Chapter 1385 - Investigation

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1385: Investigation

The Wraith realm.

The Wraith Temple.

Deep inside the temple, three statues stood straight without moving.

These were the statues of the three Wraith Lords.

They silently remained here like they were protecting something, or were waiting for someone.

Suddenly, one of the statues spoke: “Half an hour had passed, no reports had come from the Soul Eradication Mountain, they had most likely failed”

Another statue spoke: “The formation of our Soul Eradication Mountain had not failed for over 500 years; it seems like that Hitman’s backgrounds are much deeper than we had thought”

The final statue spoke: “Perhaps we should personally act, to make——-”

Its voice was cut off.

The sound of a chiming bell resounded throughout, cutting off the three Wraith Lords’ conversation.

Ding Dong——- Ding Dong——- Ding Dong——-

Ding Dong——- Ding Dong——- Ding Dong——-

A total of six chimes echoed across the entire Wraith Temple.

The Wraith Temple suddenly disappeared without a trace, abruptly replaced by an entirely new world.

There was no sun in the sky, but a faint white glow was radiated from a statue high above the clouds to illuminate the entire world.

Around the three Wraith Lords, a lush green field, countless beautiful flowers, a clear water spring, and a series of ivory-white high towers were built in close vicinity.

An angel with four natural pairs of wings descended from above, landing in front of the three Wraith Lords.

The four-winged angel bowed, then spoke: “Greetings; Wraith Lords Fate Obstruction, Giant Frame, and Karmic Fire; I’m here under orders of the Holy Son to report a certain matter”

The Wraith Lords responded to its greeting and spoke: “Please go ahead”

The four-winged angel explained: “The Holy Son had told me to report that he managed to recognize one of the swords in that Title Hitman’s hand, which was the Earth sword among the twin swords Heaven and Earth”

“His identity can practically be confirmed, but there exists a faint Space-Time fluctuation on his body. The Holy Son was worried that you cannot deal with him properly, so he specifically ordered me to bring my men here to aid you”

Wraith Lord Fate Obstruction spoke: “The twin swords Heaven and Earth… strange, these two swords should currently be in the 900 million World Layers, under the joint monitoring of the Eternal Abyss, as well as the Awaitings of [Order] and [Chaos], how could it…”

Wraith Lord Giant Frame continued: “That is correct, I also remember that the twin swords are currently in the 900 million World Layers, unless…”

Wraith Lord Karmic Fire concluded: “Unless this Hitman came from the past or future!”

The angel envoy’s expression turned cold and continued: “According to our information, Fei Yue of Void City has gotten into contact with this individual, absolutely no mistakes must come out of this matter—– to prevent this individual from interfering with our true plan, I shall personally bring my angels with the three Wraith Lords to eliminate this individual!”

Void City.

Gu Qing Shan stood at the main lobby of the library and waited for a while.

“Are you looking for me?” a voice called out.

Gu Qing Shan followed the voice, only to see an unfamiliar middle-aged man standing just a bit away from him with a slightly nervous expression.

“You are?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The middle-aged man replied: “This humble one is Yu Juan, a researcher librarian of Void City’s Grand Library—– they said that a Titled Hitman was looking for me”

Gu Qing Shan observed the other party and fell into thought.

I’ve never seen this man before.

“Not too long ago, did you participate in the battle against the Plague Apocalypse in Saint Spirit world?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The middle-aged man lowered his head and answered after some thought: “At the time I was… conducting an experiment but I was careless, so there was an accident. I fell unconscious and only awoke yesterday”

Gu Qing Shan looked closer at him; his killing intent subsided a bit before asking in a low voice: “Can you affirm that what you said was true?”

The middle-aged man sighed, then tiredly replied: “Yes, my ID card was indeed lost. As soon as I heard that I participated in that war, and even survived, I knew right away that someone impersonated me”

“But what could I actually say? If that person was able to steal my ID card without a sound or commotion, it wouldn’t have been much trouble for them to take my life, so I didn’t dare to expose this matter”

—–the man was wearing a thick pair of glasses, his expression full of annoyance from having to talk to other people, his expression displayed honesty and anxiety, his strength… is much lower compared to the Yu Juan I know.

—-he isn’t lying.

Gu Qing Shan arrived at this conclusion simply with his intuition.

“You… Do you have any relations to the church?” Gu Qing Shan pondered a bit and asked.

“The Church?” the middle-aged man’s expression lit up and immediately explained in detail: “I’m their devout believer. The Splendor Saint Church is extremely powerful, not only have they been continuously protected us researchers who have no power, only knowing how to do research, but they also provide us with finances”

“Ah right, are you also a believer?” the middle-aged man asked.

Gu Qing Shan remained silent for a split second.

He was already prepared to leave, but the middle-aged man’s last words drew his attention.

“I am a believer, take a look”

After saying that, Gu Qing Shan took out the ring-shaped lightbulb.

“A Saint Selection believer! My apologies, so you were at a much higher rank than I am” the middle-aged man exclaimed in shock.

“Do you know what this means?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Of course, only believers of the firmest faith would know about this halo, even I just happened to qualify as well” the middle-aged man’s expression displayed a hint of respect.

He even made a holy sign towards Gu Qing Shan as he stared closely at the halo.

Gu Qing Shan’s thoughts were quickly turning.

This halo that was used to monitor me and my location is now serving to prove my identity as a believer.

“Do you think so highly of this?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Indeed, this is a kind of proof, we can show it to the church in order to exchange for even more research funds” the middle-aged man explained in detail.

“Then do you know how many believers there are in Void City’s Grand Library?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The middle-aged man’s gaze was still locked on the halo as he replied: “I only know that there are some believers in my division, but I rarely contact researchers of other divisions, so I don’t really know other believers”

“Oh? What does your division mainly study?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The middle-aged man replied: “We study the worlds of the void as well as the corresponding information of those worlds”

Gu Qing Shan fell into thought.

The one who impersonated Yu Juan didn’t silence him.

This meant that the real Yu Juan also had a certain level of value.

“Might I be so rude to ask, what is your field of research?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Me?” the middle-aged man puffed out his chest and pridefully answered: “I research the war history of multiple layer worlds”

War history of multiple layer worlds?

Gu Qing Shan silently committed this term to memory.

“Then you must be the leading expert in this field” he flattered him.

“Ahaha, there is no need to say that, there are actually several other experts who are similarly knowledgeable when it comes to this field—— although they are a bit lacking compared to me” the middle-aged man seemed embarrassed.

Gu Qing Shan silently nodded.

——this is a man immersed in scientific research who doesn’t understand the outside world well.

“Here, I’ll give this to you. Keep in mind, never mention another word about the fact that someone impersonated you, this is for your own good”

After saying that, a mass of white fog appeared around Gu Qing Shan as he disappeared.

The middle-aged man appeared surprised before looking down at this hand.

The other party just gave the ring-shaped lightbulb to me.

“This is… perfect. With this Proof, I’ll have enough resources for my upcoming research!”

He said as he excitedly put the lightbulb away.

The shade of night was heavy.

An orange cat was rapidly running through the streets under the protection of the shadow.

The orange cat rushed past several tall buildings, managing to find his destination in a few breaths’ worth of time.

He lightly landed on the cold street and looked at the series of structures in front of him.

It was the Church.

It was currently midnight, so most of the church’s believers had dispersed and gone home, the inside of the church was also very silent with only the occasional gospel being heard sung by a few angels.

「 Should we silently sneak inside to check? 」the Earth sword asked.

The orange cat replied: “No, the Great Flood is about to hit, and I would die before that—– we won’t have time to slowly confirm the truth”

「 Then what now? 」

“I can almost guarantee that this was the work of the Church—– so now, I’ll force that person out”

The orange cat raised his paw and pointed forward.

An excited ‘wu wu’ could be heard from the void of space.

A sprite of light the size of a finger’s section suddenly manifested out of thin air.

It gave off a faint gentle glow as it drifted in the wind towards the Church.

A split second later.

This small sprite of light began to tremble, then abruptly formed a blinding spherical sun. It then began to radiate wave after wave of gigantic red flames like a solar storm or comet towards the Church complex.

—–[Chaos] Divine Skill, [Cyan Flames]

This was a Divine Skill from the [Chaos] Serpentes King, Ouroboros!

Almost as soon as [Cyan Flames] manifested, the alarms inside the church loudly rang, squads of angels immediately took flight to face the intense flames!