Chapter 1356 - Gu Qing Shan’s stratagem

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1356: Gu Qing Shan’s stratagem

All the ice was consumed by the orange cat.

The icy white snow that originally blanketed the entire withered forest had completely disappeared.

As time slowly passed, an indescribable sensation manifested within the forest, rousing an unknown sentimental sensation in the hearts of the observing monsters.

A bright green hue then appeared on a piece of dried-up leaf, which ‘ignited’ the entire forest.

In an instant, the great trees that were plunged in deathly silence rapidly regained their vitality, all exuding immeasurable life force.

From the void of space, the glittering green light was almost visible.

『 The seal has been completely removed… 』

The gentle voice commented.

Its voice seemed to contain both vicissitudes and complex emotions.

A second later.

The entire forest began to burn, the green vitality from before erupting into intense heat that created a sky-high pillar of holy light.

The light burst forth, then spread.

Heaven and earth became white.

An overwhelming presence that observed every living being at once had manifested!

All the monsters prostrated themselves, devoutly praying while chanting in unison: “King has awoken!”

At this point, another voice cut in:

“Meow meow meow——-”

The orange cat patted his own chest with his paw and boasted full of spirit.

Without the gentle voice asking, the green tiger quickly translated:

“King, he said that it’s a good thing he was here”

The gentle voice replied from the sky with a faint smile:

『 Indeed, it was a good thing 』

As it spoke, an air current began to swirl in the sky.

A blinding ray of white light shot down from above, enveloping the orange cat.


The storm-force wind ravaged his surroundings.

The orange cat’s fur was also fluttering in the wind, his whiskers moving like they were dancing.

“Meow… meow… meow…”

The orange cat narrowed his eyes and moaned in pleasure.

He didn’t pay attention to the lines of text that appeared on the void of space:

[You’ve received the rejuvenating baptism of the Chaos Serpentes King—— Ouroboros]

[Life Talisman: Wicked Thoughts Burning Spirit had completely been dispelled]

[You’ve regained your consciousness]

Instantly, the orange cat’s eyes abruptly opened wide—— almost like he was shocked.

He hurriedly looked around.

Only to see a group of monsters standing at a distance with a giant pillar of holy light descending upon him from above.

Where am I? What am I doing? What exactly——–

Because he could ask any of that, the orange cat realized something very unwell.

A notification popped up on the War God UI:

[Attention, you will expel the virus waste out of your body. This is a harmless process, but during it, you will only have the constitution of a cat, please be careful of the numbness in your legs]

Numbness—- in my leg——?

The orange cat was very doubtful.

Suddenly, an ominous sensation descended from the very depths of his heart and mind.

It hurts!

This stomachache!

Almost instantly, the orange cat couldn’t hold it in.

His body flashed numerous times, using [Ground Shrink] to teleport towards a river that was a few hundred miles away.

Not good, I can’t hold it in——

The orange cat appeared by the river, then immediately lowered his body to rapidly dig up dirt, shouting: “Meow——”

He quickly dug up a hole of appropriate size and sat down on it.


The fart only lasted for an instant, immediately followed by———


——–like a broken dam!

The orange cat was frightened by the amount of excrement he was letting out.

Suddenly, a cautious sensation appeared in his mind.

It’s probably diarrhea, so why does that part feel so cold!?

It feels as cold as actual ice down there!

The orange cat shivered, the fur all around his body standing up on their ends.

But the dam was still broken and the flow was intense, so not even a God would be able to stop this from happening.

The orange cat had no choice but to stretch his tail as straight as possible, his front paws digging into the ground to hold himself down, and endured the frigid poop with all his willpower.

This can’t be right!

Why would the wraith’s talisman hex have such an effect!?

The orange cat was confused, so he looked towards the UI in front of his eyes and silently asked: “Meow meow, meow meow meow?”

The War God UI first gave this explanation:

[For the system, answering an animal’s question is too troublesome, so recorded footage will be shown instead. This is considered to be hard work, so you will need to pay an extra fee]

[This question will require 5000 Soul Points; would you like to pay?]

——-you’re robbing a man in his needs!

The orange cat was full of complaints, but he was already used to it, and he really needed to know what happened, so he had no choice but to compromise.

“Meow!” the orange cat urged.

The UI replied: [Very well, you will know what happened for the past few hours]

5000 Soul Points was deducted.

Very quickly, images appeared in front of the orange cat’s vision.

Ever since he first entered this world, up until the moment he wolfed down the icy seal, everything was shown without cuts.

The orange cat closely watched it, soon understanding everything that had happened.


He helplessly sighed.

It’s a good thing that [True Luck] was there, this is already the best possible result.

Lines of glowing text then appeared:



[The hex has completely disappeared, your True Luck can still persist for another 3.5 hours, please make sure to use it well]

The orange cat’s eyes glowed.

That’s right, I still have 3.5 hours of [True Luck] remaining!

I need to quickly take this time and think of a way to get rid of the Plague Apocalypse!!!

The orange cat suddenly stood up, then immediately sat back down.

Not yet, this still isn’t over!

An entire half-hour later, the orange cat finally stood back up with its numb hind legs, barely managing to walk away.

He staggered to leave the hole, forming a hand seal without turning back.

The earth moved by itself to cover up the hole.


The orange cat sighed.

Finally, it was done.

He turned back to human form, taking his original appearance.


From his Thought Sea, a delighted voice called out: “Gongzi, you’re finally back to normal!”

Gu Qing Shan froze.

It’s over.

That entire embarrassing process was seen by the three swords, nothing managed to escape their eyes.

Gu Qing Shan quickly adjusted his emotions and acted confused:

“Shannu, what exactly happened?”

「 Gu Qing Shan, don’t you remember anything? 」the Earth sword asked.

Gu Qing Shan replied: “That’s right, I only remember that I was hit by the talisman hex, then the next moment, I’m suddenly standing here——– what exactly happened in the middle?”

Saying that, he looked around like he was truly disoriented.

“Where exactly is this place? Why am I here?”

He mumbled in confusion.

Shannu called out: “It seems gongzi’s hex had been completely dispelled, that’s perfect!”

「 It was like this… 」the Earth sword began to patiently explain to him.

Very quickly, Gu Qing Shan got to hear what happened earlier again.

He sighed deeply, saying: “It was a really good thing that I have [True Luck], but I’m probably not going to take suck a huge risk again”

「 Risk? 」the Earth sword asked.

“That’s right. When I was back in Ramon village looking through that wraith’s memories, I obtained very little knowledge and skills of the wraiths. The only knowledge he had were prepared for the sake of performing [Life Seize Soul Swap], even his combat skills were limited to a few kinds”

The swords didn’t say anything and silently listed to him:

“They’re like mass-produced combat robots, each of them was granted a mission and certain abilities built around that mission. Although this ensured their productivity, it also meant that outsiders wouldn’t be able to see through the foundation of wraith’s civilization”

“Even someone like Cang Wu Zhang only managed to obtain many spoils of war from the worlds he conquered and a few more techniques compared to the others, while he hadn’t truly gotten into contact with the core secrets of the Wraith realm”

At this point, Gu Qing Shan’s gaze became profound:

“But Red Wraith isn’t the same, I can sense that he’s unique——-”

“He also said it himself, there were two rulers of the Wraith realm, one Heavenly King, and one Wraith, with him being the Wraith”

“In this timeline, the Wraith realm humans have yet to find the Heavenly King, so Red Wraith was the only true ruler of the Wraith realm”

“Such a status was worth me taking such a risk”

From the void of space, a ‘xiu’ was heard, seemingly agreeing with Gu Qing Shan’s opinion.

Gu Qing Shan then turned to the void of space: “Adorable, now it’s time for us to see the results of our effort”

Xiu xiu xiu xiu!

Instantly, a blood-red talisman appeared out of nowhere, then shot towards the empty sky.

——nothing happened after that.

This was an attack without any targets, so it wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Gu Qing Shan waited until the blood-red light had completely disappeared into the horizon before he reached his hand into the void of space.

The icon displaying [War God Skills] lit up on the War God UI.

Lines of glowing text quickly followed:

[Jade pendant Adorable had performed the following Skills]

[Life Talisman: Wicked Thoughts Burning Spirit]

[Would you like to comprehend this Life Talisman Skill?]