Chapter 1173 - Condemner of the Inner Plane, Crimson Demon Divine Spear!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1173: Condemner of the Inner Plane, Crimson Demon Divine Spear!

“Be careful”

With that statement, a single skeleton among the multitudes of skeletons abruptly stopped.

The giant corpse’s voice sounded from the skeleton:

“I do not know where you are, but I know that you’re here”

The skeleton pointed at the giant corpse.

“Hurry! There’s not much time, quickly help me kill that insect!”

Gu Qing Shan looked up.

The body within the black suit of armor was now just of a skeleton without any flesh remaining.

Even the bones were filled with signs of being bitten and gnawed on.

Only the giant corpse’s head and neck still had some flesh that hadn’t been consumed.

A monster with 8 long legs was closely attached to the large skeleton, slowly but surely eating its way up the corpse.

The orange cat jumped up and silently headed towards the bronze pillar.

He lightly landed on the giant corpse’s shoulder, then softly and silently approached the monster to carefully observe its appearance.

——Gu Qing Shan was sure that he had never seen this type of monster before.

This monster was about as big as two people, its entire body composed of black flesh and white bones, its eyes were a bit blank, but exuded a sense of malice, almost like a sea creature in his homeworld called a shark.

The monster had a colorful diamond-shaped giant maw, with a long tongue covered in slime and saliva. Whenever the tongue touched the giant corpse’s flesh, it would be slowly liquified before being licked away.

It was quite unimaginable that such a creature managed to devour all the flesh of the giant corpse, leaving only his head and neck behind.

The monster was focused on its meal and ignored the orange cat that had just appeared.

The orange cat silently got closer and was about to act.

“Be careful, if this thing is startled, it can release over 8 million tons of venom to liquefy the entire world, irreversibly changing it” the giant corpse’s voice was heard again.

“What is this thing?” the orange cat used his inner sight to ask the black skeleton.

“An Apocalypse Door Knocker, a terrifying insect that was made specifically to get rid of me——- if I didn’t already know that you happened to wield a new concealment technique, I wouldn’t have summoned you here——– if you appeared in front of it normally, you would have been completely devoured without being able to resist!” the giant corpse told him.

Apocalypse… Door Knocker?

What a strange name.

The orange cat focused his mind and asked: “What about items? Can it consume items?”

The giant corpse said: “It would not, it eats only flesh and ignores the existence of items”

The orange cat lightly sighed.

Because although he was concealed right now, he would still need to release his weapons right at the moment before the ambush.

If the monster could eat his swords, he would have to be even more careful.

The orange cat began to speed up, gradually changing from a slow-paced stroll to a rapid sprint.

He abruptly lunged towards the monster.

A gleam of his sword flashed.

The orange cat had slashed the monster’s body using a sword with an ancient design he was holding with his teeth.

At the very next instant, another sword crossed over from the other direction and bisected the monster.

[Swallows Return]!

[Earth’s Choice]!

The monster’s body abruptly straightened as it let out a sharp cry———

Before death, it was prepared to use its venom!

But before it could finish this last act, its body had already crumbled and disappeared into the void.

The orange cat lightly sighed.

The black skeleton below loudly called out: “Damn it! They’re coming again! Run!”

The orange cat immediately recognized an unbelievable sense of danger.

He put his sword away and flew towards the other shoulder of the giant corpse.

One last second.

From the giant corpse’s shoulder, the orange cat leapt up high.

And then, ‘that’ occurred——-

A black bolt of lightning descended from the sky, striking the bronze pillar and fully enveloped the giant corpse.

A destructive presence capable of wiping out all things could be felt from the black lightning.

The giant corpse was struck to the point that even the skeleton that remained of him started to tremble from pain.

The wind started to pick up intensely.

The destructive power spread into the world, then returned, over and over again.

A few dozen seconds later.

The black lightning finally disappeared.

The world returned to silence.

All the black skeletons were reduced to fine dust that moved about on the ground, attempting to regenerate their bodies once again, but failed.

Only a bit of the dust managed to slowly converge and reform as a black skull.

“Finally… it’s over” the black skull muttered in relief.

But the orange cat did not relax.

He stood in mid-air, silently retreating further and further.

He could sense that danger hadn’t passed.

Sure enough, without wasting any time, a commotion could be heard from the sky-high bronze pillar.

An increasingly loud ‘zi zi zi’ noise could be heard.

The orange cat looked up.

Only to see an innumerable amount of Apocalypse Door Knockers crawling down the bronze pillar.

All of them had either 7 or 8 legs, swiftly and stably making their way down the outside of the bronze pillar, soon reaching the giant corpse’s body.

“Ah, no, it’s all over” the skull on the ground said with despair.

The orange cat sent his voice: “Don’t you have a way to get rid of these things?”

The giant corpse replied: “I’ve been beaten to the point that most of my strength is gone, and I already used what I had left to summon you”

“Gu Qing Shan, you won’t be able to remain here for too long, nor will you be able to save me”

“All things… will eventually meet their ends, and my time has come”

It deeply sighed and spoke with a deathly voice: “You all believe that you’ve been fighting against the Apocalypse, but you do not know that the infinite worlds had managed to survive for so long because I have been keeping the truly horrible Apocalypses outside of the Gate”

“Now that I’m about to die, everything on the inside of the Reality Gate will soon meet its end, whether it’s the Inner Plane, the Eternal Abyss, the Space-Time Mystery Nest, the artificial 900 million World Layers, or the numerous parallel worlds, they will all soon come to an end”

The orange cat was stunned.

Everything on the inside of the Reality Gate…

Then, has every world I’ve known so far been inside the Reality Gate?

While the place truly under attack by the Apocalypses were——-

The outside of the Reality Gate?

He didn’t have much time to ponder further.

The Apocalypse Door Knockers were already about to reach the head of the giant corpse.

They were only a few hundred meters away.

While the orange cat had already felt a force pulling him away.

This visit will soon end!

The orange cat clenched his teeth, activated [Ground Shrink], and landed on top of the giant corpse.

“Listen, I have one last solution, but the prerequisite is that your head can move!”

“My head… can move?” the giant corpse doubtfully asked.

“Yes, can your head still move? There’s no need to perform any spells or techniques, just moved around normally, can you still do that?”

“I can still do that much”


The orange cat stopped hesitating and summoned a spear clad in a resounding crimson glow.

——as the monsters had no interest in items, they ignored this spear!

The orange cat held the spear with his teeth and heavily thrust it into the giant corpse’s helmet.

A small hole was created.

The hole was visibly closing back up.

Using that short period of time, the orange cat flipped the spear around and had its tip pointing up.

“Is that the infinite worlds’ Spear of Condemnation? Although it’s still in its primitive initial state, it can indeed help me—– good!” the giant corpse suddenly seemed spirited again.

The orange cat held onto one end of the spear with his teeth, stabilizing the spear in the hole of the helmet.

Once that was done, the hole finally closed back up.

Under their cooperation, the [True Crimson Demon Spear] had been fixed in place!

“Hurry! Hurry! Do you still have any chances to draw extra Cards? I still need a lot of resources!” the giant corpse urged him.

“Yes!” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“Draw them all!”

The orange cat turned to his Card UI.

——-since I’ve advanced several realms since the previous time, I’ve accumulated quite a few chances to draw cards.

Inner Plane Cards are extremely hard to obtain, and since Little Dusk understood Inner Plane Cards better than I do, I had planned to wait until she woke up before I drew them.

But I have no choice but to use them now.

The orange cat reached his paw into the void of space several times.

1 Card.

2 Cards.

5 Cards!

He drew a total of 5 Cards.

As soon as they appeared, the Cards floated into the air and circled around the [True Crimson Demon Spear].

A line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI;

[An unknown power is attempting to fuse all of your Cards into the spear, will you allow it?]


The orange cat said resolutely.

These are only a few Cards; the giant corpse has helped me a lot more!

Originally, I wanted the giant corpse to use his head to swing the [True Crimson Demon Spear] and kill these monsters, although it was crude, it was also the only solution.

Who would’ve thought the corpse would become filled with hope for survival and come up with a better idea from seeing this spear?

So I should naturally support it!

“It’s not enough, I need more resources, a lot more resources!” the giant corpse said.

The orange cat took his Inventory Bag out from his Thought Sea and pushed it to the corpse.

—–I’m glad I robbed Cang Wu Zhang!

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but feel glad.

His Inventory Bag instantly disappeared.

The five Cards from earlier as well.

Right away, the [True Crimson Demon Spear] began to give off a high-pitched ‘wu wu’ noise.

Lines of glowing text quickly appeared on the War God UI:


[Having been subjected to an advanced forging technique from the Inner Plane, the True Crimson Demon Spear is currently gaining power and evolving to a higher level]

[In three seconds, the forging will be completed]




[Condemner of the Inner Plane, Crimson Demon Divine Spear has been born!]

Gu Qing Shan turned to the spear.

A red ray of light appeared from the newly reforged spear and entered his body.

An immature but resolute voice resounded in his mind: “Leave this place to me, don’t worry!”

This… wasn’t the giant corpse’s voice.

An artifact spirit?

The [True Crimson Demon Spear] has given birth to an artifact spirit?

Gu Qing Shan was delighted.

The spear then gave off a ray of resounding crimson light that shot along the bronze pillar towards the Apocalypse Door Knockers.