Chapter 1057 - Samara Divine Skill: [Lead The People]

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1057: Samara Divine Skill: [Lead The People]

The green-furred face faded and is once again obscured by the darkness.

“What was that?”

Boss muttered in a low voice, seemingly shaken.

Gu Qing Shan was completely stunned, his hand holding the umbrella was soaked in a cold sweat.

Indeed, the 900 million World Layers had infinite worlds of all shapes and sizes, the space vortex was also filled with innumerable things that couldn’t be explained.

But this green-furred face had already gone above and beyond the realm of what could be described simply as a lack of knowledge, not even Boss knew about it.

In the battlefield, the God of Life finally completely lost her composure and made a mad dash, trying to escape.

——but now that there were a lot more Deity corpses on the battlefield, they swiftly arrived to block her path.

Her actions drew the attention of most of the Deity corpses, relieving some pressure from the Soul Shrieker.

The Soul Shrieker once again focused its Divine powers and roared: 『「 Gu Qing Shan! You can stop me once, but what about after that? 』」

「『 I’ll give you till the count of three, if you won’t rescue me, I will really destroy the Bramble Bird Kingdom! 」』

『「 Trust me, you can’t stop me! 』」

The mass of light that represented the gathered power of [Chaos] was now on two of its hands.

It was exuding an increasingly more intense light.

Gu Qing Shan looked at the Soul Shrieker and scowled.

This fellow is still trying to blackmail me.

During that Deific Retribution just now, it arranged numerous traps around itself within the void.

——the only place that didn’t have any trap was where the God of Life stood since she was its temporary ally.

It was afraid of causing a misunderstanding with the God of Life.

Gu Qing Shan knew that it would be the safest around the God of Life, so he used [Shadow Shift] to switch places with her and interrupt the Soul Shrieker’s attack.

—–but now, the God of Life lost her composure and rushed away from their previous formation.

Gu Qing Shan was sure that the Soul Shrieker had arranged numerous [Chaos] magic traps in the void of space around itself, no longer leaving any gaps.

It was waiting for him to take the bait.

Gu Qing Shan quickly asked Boss: “Can you stall it for a bit?”

Boss replied: “No problem, but not for very long”

“Help me buy some time, I’ll try to come up with a solution” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Boss kept his hand on the umbrella as he flipped through the Book of Prophesized Destiny and ripped two pages out.


The two pages started burning in his hand.

Even when Boss lost all of his power, he was still able to stop half of a Holy Retribution for Gu Qing Shan, so now that he regained some of his strength thanks to the Abyss’ help, he would naturally be able to stop a lot more.

While avoiding the Deity corpses’ attacks, the Soul Shrieker continued to shout:

『「 Three 』」

『「 Two 』」

『「 One! 』」

It raised both hands up and roared: 『「 Gu Qing Shan, you’ll regret this until the end of time, the Bramble Bird Kingdom shall be wiped out from this reality! 』」

Two streaks of light, filled with Divine power of [Chaos], were unleashed.

At the same time, Boss tossed the two burning pages into the void of space.

Flames of Nihility!


The two blasts of Deific Retribution were struck by something invisible, twisted, and vanished into an unknown direction in the void.

Boss displayed expert control over his power in order to change the directions of the [Chaos] Deific Retributions.

It would now be impossible for them to accurately strike the Bramble Bird Kingdom.

As for where those blasts were being directed to, that wasn’t under anybody’s control.

The Soul Shrieker immediately recognized that power.

It angrily roared: 『「 Flames of the void, so it was you! 』」

「『 You’ve truly fallen so far, intermingling with insects within the 900 million World Layers, how pitiful! 」』

At this point, the God of Life had managed to cross more than half the battlefield and was close to escaping.

More and more Deity corpses gathered where she was, as well as a new black coffin that exuded an unimaginable presence that descended right in front of the God of Life’s path.

The Soul Shrieker’s pressure was further alleviated.

The light surged forth from its body once again as he muttered in a low voice: 『「 It’s useless, Abyssal King, Gu Qing Shan, if the two of you want to save the Bramble Bird Kingdom, you can only rescue me from this place! 』」

Now, three out of its six arms started to gather the power of Deific Retribution.

Boss didn’t say a single thing, only wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Three more burning pages were hovering above the Book of Prophesized Destiny.

——-at this point, he was already exerting all of his strength.


Gu Qing Shan summoned Adorable back from the battlefield.

“These Deity corpses are being controlled by a technique; can you borrow it?” he asked.

The jade gourd pendant Adorable shook its body, replying:

Xiu xiu xiu, xiu xiu wu wu.

(This is a combination Skill, it’s impossible to borrow the entire thing)

Gu Qing Shan was a bit surprised.

He knew about combination Skills and how complicated they were.

For example, the God of Life’s [Demonic Soul Slashing Blade] was the simplest kind of combination Skill, by simply overlapping the same ability over and over to surpass the uppermost limit of that ability.

Another type of combination Skill was one where multiple Skills with appropriate characteristics were used in tandem, thus creating an entirely new Skill with vastly increased strength compared to each individual skill.

And these were only the two simplest types.


Gu Qing Shan put his hand on the jade gourd pendant Adorable and transferred 100,000 Soul Points over.

This jade pendant remained forgotten for countless years, only when it was almost starving to death did it meet Gu Qing Shan, receive Soul Points and return to its current jumpy state.

And Gu Qing Shan hadn’t been treating it badly either.

The current situation was too dangerous, so Gu Qing Shan needed to carefully discuss with the gourd before they made any moves.

Wu wu, xiu xiu xiu!

(What the hell, you have so many Soul Points!?)

Adorable was considerably surprised

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I do. Now, we can’t borrow the entire combination Skill, but we might be able to borrow a particularly powerful Skill from within that combination——– is that possible?”

The gourd immediately replied:



Gu Qing Shan asked: “Do you have any suggestions on which Skill to borrow?”

The jade gourd pendant Adorable became spirited and rapidly ran a circle around the battlefield.

Gu Qing Shan took that chance to check Boss’ situation.

Having unleashed Flames of Nihility over and over to alter the course of the Soul Shrieker’s Deific Retribution, Boss was reaching his limit.

“My power is about to run out, have you come up with a solution yet?” Boss gritted his teeth.

“Buy me just a bit more time” Gu Qing Shan replied.

At this point, Adorable returned and started to squeak ‘xiu xiu xiu’ over and over, seemingly troubled over something.

Hearing it, Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and replied: “I understand, I can do it if you can’t, I’ll make sure to grasp the opportunity”

“But, are you sure what you said is true? That Skill is truly the strongest within the entire combo Skill?”

The jade gourd pendant Adorable hovered up and down, expressing confirmation.

Gu Qing Shan glanced at the Soul Shrieker briefly and made his decision: “Good, then let’s do it now!”

——-I can’t give the Soul Shrieker any more opportunities.

Because it had already known about what I care about and had shifted its strategy from direct confrontation to blackmailing.

I need to take this chance to get rid of it, once and for all!



The gourd squeaked and landed on Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder.

Gu Qing Shan used [Ground Shrink] and vanished.

He brought both Boss and Adorable into the battlefield once again, this time above the sky, filled with black coffins.

While avoiding the black threads that were controlling the Deity corpses, Gu Qing Shan looked below.


His gaze fell onto the coffin that contained the strongest presence.

Right now, the God of Life was in a hurry to escape with its own life, while the Soul Shrieker was busy threatening Gu Qing Shan to save it, while this coffin landed near the edge of the battlefield, surrounded by numerous other coffins, so neither of the Deities had the leisure to destroy it.

The coffin slowly opened.

A hand appeared from inside the coffin and lightly pushed.


The black coffin was broken from the inside.

The dust scattered and faded.

A large figure appeared in front of everyone present.

He wore a yaksha mask, his torso was left naked while seven types of weapons were tied behind his back, which were respectively a Blade, a pike, an axe, a mace, a bow, a sword, and a staff.


Boundless divinity exuded from his body and swept across the entire battlefield!

『 AAeeeeee! 』

The God of Life screeched as she mustered every bit of strength she had to dash away from the battlefield.

The Soul Shrieker also trembled as it tried to look for a way to escape.

—–in truth, it understood quite clearly that the corpses’ attacks were still relatively mild while it remained stationary, but as soon as it tried to escape, the Deity corpses would immediately rush over, and even more black coffins would manifest.

But there was no other way right now!

The Soul Shrieker gritted its teeth, once again unleashing four masses of Deific Retribution.

It shouted: 『「 Gu Qing Shan, Abyssal King, this is your final warning! Save me, or I will use my everything to destroy the Bramble Bird Kingdom—— 』」

Boss turned to Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan ignored its words and pointed at the Deity corpse that exuded an overwhelming presence and asked: “Is that a Deific King?”

Boss quickly answered: “That is indeed Deific King power level, but I’ve never seen this person, he’s most likely not a Deific King of the Inner Plane”

Gu Qing Shan glanced at the figure and muttered: “Strange, why do I feel a familiar presence from him…”

While they were talking, he had brought Boss along and started to descend.

Boss asked in a panic: “What are you trying to do?”

“To look for some help” Gu Qing Shan replied.

With a single thought, the Earth sword moved.

Sword seal activated.

Secret Art, [Full Moon Consecutive Slashes]!

A blinding flash of light-blue sword phantom appeared in the dark void, then was extinguished just as quickly.

All the thin strands of black rune strings that connected to this Deity corpse from the darkness above were severed at once.

At the same time, over 780,000 Soul Points were deducted from the amount displayed on the War God UI.

——-Gu Qing Shan had to expend so much Soul Points just to sever these rune threads!

What an unimaginable technique this was!

The half-naked man that wielded 7 weapons instantly became motionless.

Immediately, Gu Qing Shan shouted: “Adorable!”

The gourd’s sound came from the void:

Xiu xiu xiu, xiu xiu xiu wu wu!

(Your Divine Skill is awesome, I shall borrow and spread it far!)

Pah pah pah pah pah!

Dozens of black rune strings emerged from Gu Qing Shan’s body and connected to the half-naked man.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly felt a mystical sensation.

He found that he had another body.

——–an undefeatable body with vast Divine power!

A line of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[You’ve performed the Samsara Huang Quan Divine Skill: Lead The People]