Chapter 1039 - Conspiring

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1039: Conspiring

Within the World Technique.

The middle-aged man was still discussing things with Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan watched his expression, then suddenly thought of something.

“After so many long years, the God of Life—— or rather, that monster, should have already consumed enough souls to heal its injuries, so why did it remain in Calming Soul Country for so long without showing any signs of leaving?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

The middle-aged man replied: 「 At first, the monster’s intention was to consume enough souls in order to heal and leave, but as time passed, it noticed a certain benefit—— 」

The middle-aged man displayed a cold grin: 「 Calming Soul Country is under the protection of the oath between Inner Plane 7 Deities and the 4 Pillar Gods of the void, thus becoming one of the best safety shelters within the space vortex for hiding 」

「 However, if it returned to the space vortex… it might run into the monster’s original enemies and allies 」

「 How could the ‘noble’ God of Life know how to live among monsters? It would definitely expose itself in front of such terrifying monster 」

「 And so, rather than risking death that way, it decided to continue staying in Calming Soul Country and live a life free of worries 」

Gu Qing Shan sighed: “As the God of Life, it truly does live up to that name”

「 What do you mean? 」

“I’ve rarely seen someone fear death as much as it does”

「…You seem to hold an unusual disrespect towards Deities 」the middle-aged man commented.

“That isn’t so, I do hold respect towards Deities——– as long as they aren’t fake Deities like the God of Life”

After saying so, Gu Qing Shan continued: “Then, how do you want me to cooperate with you in order to flee Calming Soul Country?”

When official matters were mentioned, the middle-aged man became clearly more serious.

He observed Gu Qing Shan from top to bottom and asked with a hint of probing: 「 First of all, we need to know what attitude you hold towards killing 」

Gu Qing Shan leaned back on his chair and casually replied: “I’ve killed more living beings than all of your majesties combined”

The middle-aged man stared closely at him and said with a displeased tone: 「 There is no need to mention such exaggerations in front of us. You should know, all of us were kings of an entire country, rulers of a world of Demis, the number of people we’ve killed aren’t comparable to a mortal such as yourself 」

Gu Qing Shan simply grinned without saying a word.

Seeing Gu Qing Shan’s attitude, the middle-aged man became hesitant.

He spoke to the void of space above himself: 「 9th king, I recall that you are able to see through a person’s sin—— take a look at him 」

A face appeared from the void of space and stared closely at Gu Qing Shan for a while.

The face abruptly exclaimed in shock: 「 He is an evil entity worse than the Deities themselves, he had killed over a quadrillion dead people alone! He is a true Devil! 」

Gasps of shock resounded from the void of space, apparently, the Previous Kings were considerably shocked by this conclusion.

The middle-aged man watched over Gu Qing Shan carefully again and doubtfully questioned: 「 You have massacred over a quadrillion dead souls? Not even the God of Life would have been able to achieve such a fear, how did you do such a thing? 」

“They’re nothing but a few villains”

Gu Qing Shan said indifferently: “Isn’t that a very simple matter? If someone offended me, they won’t find peace even in death”

The middle-aged man fell silent.

He lowered his head, seemingly participating in the kings’ discussion.

Gu Qing Shan didn’t urge him and simply waited.

A few moments later.

The middle-aged man spoke up: 「 The situation had changed; we have reached a new consensus 」

“Please go head” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The middle-aged man told him: 「 We originally wanted you to be responsible for a portion of this matter, taking a supportive role 」

“And then?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 After consideration, as you managed to win against the king and are a remorselessly sinful devil, we believe that it is fitting for you to fully participate in this matter 」

The middle-aged man cleared his throat and continued: 「 You must have an ability—– to control a person’s life and induce their death at a certain point in time 」

“If it’s only that, I can achieve such a thing” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 What do you intend to do? 」the middle-aged man questioned.

“Bloodletting, or even simpler, put a timebomb into their stomach” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The middle-aged man froze, then scowled: 「 So simple? 」

“Simple means practical” Gu Qing Shan replied.

The middle-aged man shook his head: 「 That won’t do, we need a certain person to enter a state of extreme weakness, so weak that they would lose their life at a single touch——- thus making their cause of death to be that touch, rather than yourself 」

“Understood, so what exactly do you want to achieve with that?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 Listen well, this is the best possible opportunity for in our entire history 」the middle-aged man explained, 「 There is only one last remaining direct descendant of the God of Life, a three years old child 」

「 Gu Qing Shan, we want you to cooperate with us and create a result of the God of Life taking the life of that child 」

「 As the child is its direct descendant, according to the ancient covenant between the Deities and Gods, it cannot kill this final member of the royal family, otherwise it would violate the oath 」

Gu Qing Shan thought for a bit, then asked: “Is there a need for such complication? The God of Life had already fused with the Law of Death of this world. If that child died, Calming Soul Country would be destroyed and would cause the God of Life heavy injuries either way”

The middle-aged man shook his head: 「 It isn’t quite as simple as you assume. Even while heavily injured, it would still have enough strength to chase after and kill us as we break through this world’s barrier 」

“It can kill you?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

「 Naturally, we are already dead, no longer under the protection of the oath. It’s simply that our souls do not carry the God of Life’s sigil so it couldn’t find us 」the middle-aged man replied.

Gu Qing Shan was surprised.

So, it’s only because the royal family doesn’t have the God of Life’s sigil that the kings were able to avoid being consumed by the monster at the time of their deaths.

The middle-aged man continued: 「 Remember well, we need to meticulously control the state of that child’s death, causing him to die not a single moment too early or too late, but exactly at the God of Life’s touch. This way, the God of Life would receive the recoil of their oath and perish 」

「 Once the God of Life perishes, both you and us will achieve freedom 」

Gu Qing Shan thought briefly and asked: “When exactly do you intend to put this plan into action? As you know, the God of Life would not easily show themselves”

The middle-aged man replied: 「 Tomorrow, at the time of the coronation ceremony, it will surely hide within the shadow to watch over the entire process 」

Gu Qing Shan added: “The four fake Gods will also show up”

「 There is no need to pay any attention to those four traitors. Once the God of Life perishes, they would also lose all of their powers 」the middle-aged man replied.

Gu Qing Shan grinned, then said: “So that was the case, we have a deal”

The middle-aged man nodded, satisfied.

After the two sides discussed a bit more details, the technique was about to end.

At the end, Gu Qing Shan hesitantly said: “That child is your descendant, I’m worried that you might not be able to act in the final moments”

The middle-aged man spoke with a stern expression: 「 Do not worry about such things. We are kings, rulers of this world, when it comes to necessary sacrifices, we would not hesitate 」

“Then there is no worry——- right, this illusion Card is quite useful to me, you can’t completely expend it” Gu Qing Shan mentioned at the end.

The middle-aged man scowled: 「 It’s merely a Card, are you so concerned with it? 」

“Of course” Gu Qing Shan replied.

「 Very well, we shall return an exact same Card to you 」the middle-aged man replied.

It was now that Gu Qing Shan was pleased.

He nodded towards the other party and slowly faded from inside the World Technique.

A few moments later, Gu Qing Shan found himself back in their temporary camp.


Only a fraction of a second had passed.

Zhang Ying Hao and the rest glanced at him for a bit but didn’t say anything.

There were no other disturbances around them, so they instinctively assumed that the magic fluctuations just now came from Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan looked down at his hand.

An illusion Card appeared in his hand.

Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief and muttered to himself: “Good, although their mouth was full of empty words, at least they returned the Card to me”

“Calming Soul Country… hah, what an ironic name for such a world”