The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby
  • Auteur
    Lin Yuan Mu Yu临渊慕鱼
  • Noms Alternatifs
    PMMB 末世之毒妈鬼宝
  • Source
    Lazy Girl Translations
  • Statut

The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby


Shao Qing’s only regret in life is that she blindly fell in love with a worthless man. She gave up everything for him, but in exchange was run over by his conniving mistress when she was close to her delivery date. Fortunately, Heaven left her a way. Crimson rain fell from the sky, the end of the world arrived, she resurrected in the morgue and gave birth to a little monster. Turning into a half human, half zombie freak; her son neither human, nor monster; they have no other choice but ... Lire plus >>

Derniers Chapitres Sortis

  1. Chapter 293 - Volume 3 Chapter 103 He is god  

    Il y a 8 mois, 3 semaines
  2. Chapter 292 - Volume 3 Chapter 102 Target S City  

    Il y a 8 mois, 3 semaines
  3. Chapter 291 - Volume 3 Chapter 101 Exchanging Lives  

    Il y a 8 mois, 3 semaines
  4. Chapter 290 - Volume 3 Chapter 100 He will die

    Il y a 8 mois, 3 semaines
  5. Chapter 289 - Volume 3 Chapter 99 Monster

    Il y a 8 mois, 3 semaines

The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster BabyListe des Chapitres

  1. Chapter 240 - Volume 3 Chapter 50 Choice  

  2. Chapter 241 - Volume 3 Chapter 51 Little brothers are for squeezing  

  3. Chapter 242 - Volume 3 Chapter 52 Everyone satisfied and happy  

  4. Chapter 243 - Volume 3 Chapter 53 Meeting an acquaintance again  

  5. Chapter 244 - Volume 3 Chapter 54 The dancing clown  

  6. Chapter 245 - Volume 3 Chapter 55 Reminiscence  

  7. Chapter 246 - Volume 3 Chapter 56 Can’t gang up  

  8. Chapter 247 - Volume 3 Chapter 57 Without Regret  

  9. Chapter 248 - Volume 3 Chapter 58 Old Lady Attribute  

  10. Chapter 249 - Volume 3 Chapter 59 Zombie Group  

  11. Chapter 250 - Volume 3 Chapter 60 The Source  

  12. Chapter 251 - Volume 3 Chapter 61 Accepting a godfather  

  13. Chapter 252 - Volume 3 Chapter 62 Come knocking on the door < 

  14. Chapter 253 - Volume 3 Chapter 63 The past  

  15. Chapter 254 - Volume 3 Chapter 64 Mother’s Memorial Tablet  

  1. Chapter 255 - Volume 3 Chapter 65 Savage enough  

  2. Chapter 256 - Volume 3 Chapter 66 Fresh Meat*  

  3. Chapter 257 - Volume 3 Chapter 67 Fiery Golden Eyes  

  4. Chapter 258 - Volume 3 Chapter 68 Wave after wave  

  5. Chapter 259 - Volume 3 Chapter 69 Shao Qing’s guess  

  6. Chapter 263 - Volume 3 Chapter 73 The real doomsday

  7. Chapter 264 - Volume 3 Chapter 74 The squad for clearing the land

  8. Chapter 265 - Volume 3 Chapter 75 The exploration team

  9. Chapter 266 - Volume 3 Chapter 76 Telling the truth

  10. Chapter 267 - Volume 3 Chapter 77 On the verge

  11. Chapter 268 - Volume 3 Chapter 78 The Rules are set by me  

  12. Chapter 269 - Volume 3 Chapter 79 Strong  

  13. Chapter 270 - Volume 3 Chapter 80 The First Confrontation  

  14. Chapter 271 - Volume 3 Chapter 81 To come to the end  

  15. Chapter 272 - Volume 3 Chapter 82 Gathering


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