The Book Eating Magician
  • Auteur
  • Noms Alternatifs
    BEM The Book Eating Wizard 책 먹는 마법사
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The Book Eating Magician

ActionSurnaturelHaremFantaisieArts MartiauxAventure

[‘Lightning Magic Primer’ has been consumed. Your understanding is very high.] [The 2nd Circle magic ‘Lightning Bolt’ has been acquired.] The unprecedented magician who will eat all the magic books of the world has appeared !

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Derniers Chapitres Sortis

  1. Chapter 400 - Happy Ending (3)

    Il y a 1 année
  2. Chapter 399 - Happy Ending (2)

    Il y a 1 année
  3. Chapter 398 - Happy Ending (1)

    Il y a 1 année
  4. Chapter 397 - Goodbye, Dear Friend (3)

    Il y a 1 année
  5. Chapter 396 - Goodbye, Dear Friend (2)

    Il y a 1 année

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