Chapter 2041

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2041: Chapter 2037 data obtained

Translator: 549690339

As time passed, about two to three hours later, almost all the “Players”in the beginner village were working for Jiang Fei. The entire interior of the light membrane was filled with “Players”‘beginner ships, these new players did not fight monsters anymore. They just ran around and used their equipment to collect data.

“The brain is indeed a good thing. If I went to the vicinity of the wormhole to collect information, I would definitely be suspected. Now, with these guys working for me, not only would my efficiency increase, but I would also not have to take any risks!”Jiang Fei laughed in his heart, at this time, a portion of the “Players”had already started to approach the vicinity of the wormhole.

As more and more “Players”were doing the signal collection task, there were fewer and fewer places that had not been explored. Therefore, these “Players”did not need Jiang Fei to guide them. They also knew to run to those remote places, this included the vicinity of the wormhole.

After another half an hour or so, Jiang Fei received the first signal data about the wormhole. However, the data collection point was still far away from the wormhole, so the signal was very blurry. However, Jiang Fei was not in a hurry, with this beginning, he believed that more detailed signal data would be sent to him soon.

“Grand Marshal, how much longer do we need to collect this data?”At this time, Eamon was too lazy to collect the data himself. He stood beside Jiang Fei and watched as the other “Players”in the party handed in their quests, as the boss, after all, he had paid these people a frigate as their salary. Therefore, he did not work for the other members of the party and did not say anything.

“I need to verify the accuracy of these signal collection devices. Therefore, the more signal collection devices, the better,”Jiang Fei said calmly.

“I see…”although Eamon was a little anxious, he did not dare to urge Jiang Fei to issue the next phase of the quest. Therefore, he could only wait patiently at the side and chat with the people in the guild, he wanted to understand the situation at the front line.

At this moment, the battle situation in Salhu cloister was very tense. Bella had ordered Tesla’s fleet to do nothing. The cultivators from the five directions were also doing the same because they were all led by elders, these old fellows were all smart people. Therefore, they had long seen through Bella’s thoughts. When they saw that Bella was unwilling to contribute, they naturally would not let their disciples become cannon fodder.

With that, the main force of the battle became the player squadron under Eamon, and the opposing resistance army was the same. Due to the threat of Aurelia, Vasari’s direct descendants had already withdrawn from the battle, they had also quickly returned to help, so the remaining were all player squadrons. Of course, these Vasari’s direct descendants didn’t manage to get anything, and they were almost wiped out by Aurelia’s squadron.

Therefore, the SALHU cloister had returned to its original state. Both times, the “Player fleets”were fighting against each other. There were wins and losses. Without exploding their eggs, the “Players”could be resurrected at the frontline base, they would also receive new battleships and participate in the battle again. This way, it would be impossible to determine the outcome of the battle within a certain period of time.

Compared to Jiang Fei and Bella’s ease, Aurelia’s side was much more laborious. In order to buy more time for Jiang Fei and to attract more attention, so that Jiang Fei’s actions would be more covert, aurelia had almost racked her brain. She was crazily attacking and conquering the territory of Vasari’s army. Unlike before, when she went straight into the capital star, Aurelia’s fleet this time swept through all the enemies in front of her, it was as if they wanted to wipe out the Vassali Legion.

Facing Aurelia’s growing threat, the Vassali Legion was anxious. The ‘development team’was even more anxious. At this time, the ‘game’was making money. A large number of ‘new players’continued to pour into the game, it brought them considerable profits. If the ‘game’ended with one side winning, the loss would be too great.

Hence, after some urgent discussions, the ‘development team’decided to send more NPC legions to the Vassali Legion’s hinterland. These NPC legions had nothing to do with the ‘players’of the resistance, their mission was to protect the hinterland of the Vassali Legion. They did not participate in the invasion.

The idea of the ‘development team’was not bad. With such a legion that was only in charge of defense, they could solve the current crisis of the resistance and not threaten the safety of the imperial army. It could be said to be the best of both worlds, however, they had made a mistake, and that was to hand this legion over to Vinlon to manage.

However, for the ‘Development Team’, this was also a matter of course. First of all, they had to deal with bugs of all sizes every day to maintain the balance of the ‘game’. It was impossible for them to send people to personally command this legion, moreover, this group of ‘developers’would not command the fleet.

Furthermore, the ‘development team’had a lot of trust in Vinlon. In their eyes, Vinlon was the game manager, the game mastermind. Who would have thought that this guy already had self-awareness.., and had the intention to rebel against the Creator?

Hence, for various reasons, the development team gave the newly deployed NPC fleet to Vinlon with great confidence, allowing him to command this fleet to resist the invasion of Aurelia.

The arrival of the new fleet made the entire Vasari higher-ups rejoice. After all, the reinforcements they had relied on had already lost their combat strength due to Aurelia’s attacks, and the Legion was on the verge of destruction, now that the reinforcements of the Holy Advent Emissary had finally arrived, the Vasari higher-ups finally heaved a sigh of relief.

However, the Vasari higher-ups were clearly happy too early. This was because with Vinlon’s deliberate cooperation, the newly deployed fleet of the “Development team”did not achieve too good a result, although they had won and lost in the battle with the fleet of Aurelia, they only managed to repel Aurelia’s attack when they won. However, when they lost, they would lose a large number of warships.

Therefore, after a few exchanges, the ‘development team’realized that the fleet of Aurelia did not seem to be that easy to deal with. However, in order to maintain the balance of the game, they could not directly wipe it out, therefore, they had no choice but to focus their attention on this side so that they could replenish Jiang Fei’s new battleship in time after Vinylon’s defeat.

Aurelia was also very cooperative with Vinylon. The two of them worked together to buy time for Jiang Fei to attract the attention of the “Development team”for him.

In this way, Jiang Fei’s side was left alone. In the next two to three days, he collected almost all the spatial signal data of the interior of the light membrane, including the area around the mysterious wormhole.

Although he did not have time to sort out the data, Jiang Fei was already excited. This was the first time he felt so close to the gamma space. It was also the first time he felt so close to victory.