1720 Chapter 1719-sky path

Pet King

Sihwa realized that she did not recognize this unfamiliar ocean at all.

“Phew! It’s so hot!”

She poked her head out of the sea, and the hot sun above her head was almost within reach, so bright that she almost couldn’t open her eyes.

Where was this place?

She turned 360 degrees and looked in all directions, but no matter where she looked, the sea and the sky were the same. There was no sign of land.

The temperature of the sea was very high, just like the tropical area on the globe that Zhang Zian had given her. This was, of course, her guess, because she had never been to a real tropical area, so she did not know how high the temperature of the tropical ocean was. However, the temperature here was almost as high as the temperature of the small lake in the desert oasis in Egypt.

When she was in the narrow bathtub, she yearned for the sea all the time … Well, it was an exaggeration. After all, she couldn’t charge her phone in the sea, and she was now a severe mobile phone addiction.

She had always thought that the sea was her home, but now that she was in the middle of the vast sea, she felt inexplicably panicked.

Perhaps it was because she didn’t have a cell phone with her?

This must be one of the reasons. It was like an ordinary person who had forgotten to bring their mobile phone on a trip. They would be depressed and helpless. After all, it was almost impossible to go out without a mobile phone these days. It was no fun, so it was better to stay at home.

The other reason was …

Sihwa had never been so far away from the coastline. Since she appeared in the world, she had basically been active on the coast, swimming South from Northern Europe along the coastline. Even if she occasionally left the coast a little further, she at least knew which direction the coast was and which way to swim back to the beach.

But now, she didn’t even know where she was on earth. She secretly regretted not studying the earth apparatus seriously.

Could it be that … She thought she liked the ocean more, but in fact, she only liked the seaside more? The only thing that could give her a sense of security was solid land?

“I’m not afraid of the sea. “

She flicked her hair and tried to drive the distracting thoughts out of her brain.

“It must be because it’s too hot … Why is it so hot?”

The temperature of the sea water did not seem to be swimming, but more like a bath, making her body soft.

She covered her eyes with her hands and carefully observed the position of the sun, trying to determine the direction according to the trajectory of the sun. She still understood the rules of rising in the east and setting in the West, but she had been in this strange ocean for a long time, and the sun seemed to be nailed to the sky, not moving at all.

At this moment, a shadow floated over from the horizon.

“It’s here again …”

Sihwa frowned.”What kind of disgusting thing is that … If only the cheapskate was here. You can ask him …”

That shadow was not a dark cloud. At first, she also thought it was a dark cloud. She swam over happily. If there was a heavy rain, it would at least be cooler. However, when she swam closer, she was shocked to find that it was not a dark cloud, but a rusty dark red Sea.

The Red Sea water continued to surge over. It was very slow, but it was so overwhelming that one could not see the end of it.

As the red seawater gradually approached, Sihwa felt that her body was sticky, as if it had been stained with some kind of disgusting mucus. It also emitted a strange smell, and it became difficult to breathe.

She grabbed a handful of it from the water and looked at it carefully. It looked like some kind of seaweed.

In the face of unknown things, Sihwa quickly turned around and swam in the opposite direction. She swam very fast and tried to stay as far away from the red seawater as possible. She used the clean seawater to wash away the mucus on her body. She swam a long way in one breath, thinking that she had shaken him off, but it didn’t take long for him to catch up to her again.

She remembered the story of the turtle and the rabbit’s race. Although the turtle ran very slowly, if it kept running, it would catch up with the rabbit sooner or later.

What worried her even more was that if she kept running away blindly, would she be getting further and further away from the coastline?

In another strange place, she had been swimming for so long, but she had not seen a single fish in the sea. Not a single fish. The sea was empty, like a fish tank without any fish.

She couldn’t keep running like this. Although she didn’t need to eat, there was a limit to her physical strength, and she needed to sleep. She was already drowsy from the hot sun, and it was entirely possible that the red seawater would quietly catch up and surround her in her sleep. When she woke up, she might be surrounded by blood … She might never wake up again, and her body would be wrapped in disgusting mucus, and she would suffocate to death without knowing it.

He had to find land as soon as possible.

But where was the land?

The earth was round. Perhaps if she chose a random direction and kept swimming, she would eventually reach land one day, but before that, she might be exhausted to death.

Besides, what if the Red Sea water came from the other side as he swam?

Sihwa floated helplessly on the surface of the sea. When she used to play in the sea, she would always deliberately avoid the sight of other humans, but now she couldn’t care about anything. It would be good if anyone came, but could they tell her where the land was?

There was not even a shadow of a ship on the sea, let alone a figure of a person. There was also no plane flying in the sky.

There were no people, no boats, no fish, no planes, only the endless Red Sea water that was constantly spreading … What kind of world was this?

Being roasted by the scorching sun, she didn’t know how many times she turned around, trying to find a life-saving straw. She felt that her brain was about to melt from the heat, but she couldn’t find anything.

She had almost frozen to death in the cold Baltic Sea. Was she going to be boiled by the sea now?

She fell into deeper and deeper despair, so aggrieved that she wanted to cry. Usually, everyone in the Pet Shop had to coax her, and she always pretended to cry when she lost her temper. But now, even if she cried until her throat was broken, who could hear her?

I can’t cry. Now is not the time to cry.

She wiped the corners of her eyes and tried to lift her spirits.

If Zhang Zian was here, what would he do?

She racked her brain and tried to think in his way. It was very difficult. After all, his way of thinking was considered strange among humans.

She thought of her trip to the mahogany forest not long ago and suddenly had an idea. Would the situation at the bottom of the sea be better?

On the West Coast of the United States, she dived into the sea and found the undercurrent that could not be seen on the sea. She also saved melgen, who had almost drowned. Otherwise, there would be another broken foot of unknown origin at the border between the United States and Canada.

No matter how hot or cold the water on the surface was, the undercurrent at the bottom of the sea might have a completely different temperature, and the speed of the undercurrent was often very fast. It would bring things that were drawn into the undercurrent to other places. This might mean danger to humans, but she could breathe underwater. If she could find an undercurrent, wouldn’t it be like taking a free ride?

“Goodbye, damned sun!”

She pointed her middle finger at the sun, which she had learned from the netizens in the live broadcast room, although she was not sure what the gesture meant.

She swung her strong fishtail, head down and tail up, splashing high waves. With a sudden dive, she dove to the bottom of the sea, almost vertically downstream.

She didn’t notice that the moment she started to dive, a faintly shimmering ball of light floated down from the position that almost coincided with the sun. It sank with her and followed her from far behind.

Previously, the ball of light had been shrouded by the light of the sun, and no one dared to look directly at the sun, so Sihwa had never noticed the ball of light.

The deeper the water, the darker the light.

After swimming for a while, she saw a faint reflection in the water.

Have we reached the bottom of the sea?

She thought that the reflection was the reflection of the fine sand at the bottom of the sea, but when she swam closer, she was shocked. A series of bubbles came out of her mouth and nose.

What … The hell was that?

Sihwa stared at the bottom of the sea in horror. It was a human city that had sunk underwater.

For a moment, she was so flustered that she almost forgot to breathe. She was afraid that she would recognize a familiar landmark from that city, because she was only familiar with one city.

She wanted to look, but she didn’t dare to. After hesitating for a long time, she finally gathered her courage and continued to sink.

In the dim light, the city was like a gloomy grave, dead.

She stared at him for a long time before she finally heaved a sigh of relief. Her body was almost exhausted.

It wasn’t Binhai city, nor was it one of the northern European, Egypt, or San Francisco cities that she had seen before. In terms of scale and grandeur, it was far inferior to those cities. It looked very shabby, and the architectural style was obviously not in the style of China, America, Europe, and Egypt. There were large and small temples everywhere, but there were only a few tall buildings.

She was relieved that it was not Binhai city.

This sunken city was too eerie and terrifying. There might still be drowned ghosts floating in the streets and alleys, so she didn’t dare to approach.

She felt an undercurrent passing under her feet at high speed. She immediately swung her tail and threw herself into the undercurrent.

The undercurrent was really cool, carrying her over the mountains effortlessly. Soon, she left the sunken city and the Red Sea behind.

Sihwa’s physical strength had been restored, and she noticed that the terrain at the bottom of the sea was very complicated. There were continuous underwater mountains and trenches everywhere, but overall, one side was high and the other side was low.

If he kept swimming higher, would he be able to find land?

She thought about it carefully and felt that this idea should be correct. She broke free from the undercurrent and swam in the direction of the higher terrain. If she encountered other undercurrents in the same direction on the way, she would hitchhike for a while.

Several other cities that had sunk to the bottom of the sea appeared one after another. They were smaller than the previous one and more like towns.

She felt uneasy. Why did these cities all sink under the water? What had happened?

She couldn’t figure it out, so she was even more eager to find land, to find Binhai city, and catch the cheapskate for an explanation.

Fortunately, her judgment seemed to be correct. The seabed was getting higher and higher, and they were getting closer and closer to the surface of the sea. As long as they persisted, they would definitely be able to reach land soon.

Half-swimming and half-hitching a ride, after a long time, she saw the underwater mountain range in front of her rise rapidly and rise above the sea surface.

They had finally found land!

She almost cried tears of joy as she broke free from the undercurrent and swam over as fast as she could.


When she floated to the surface of the sea, she saw a solid piece of land. It was bare without a single tree. There were some grayish-white fish bones on the shore, which were crushed into powder upon contact.

She was about to die from exhaustion. Just as she was about to lie on the shore and take a good rest, she saw the lingering red color from the corner of her eye.

The red ocean water had caught up again. Although it might not be the same as before, it was no different.

Sihwa looked around in panic. She vaguely saw something like a stone tablet not far from the shore. There were words written on it, but she could not see them clearly.

Perhaps, the stone tablet said where she was. If that was the case, she might be able to find the direction to Binhai city.

She only had two choices: escape before she was surrounded by the red seawater, or go ashore.

She didn’t want to run anymore. The endless escape had made her more and more disheartened.

If he never returned to Binhai city …

She held onto the rocks on the shore and used all her strength to roll away from the sea and onto the land.

It was so hot!

The stone was scorching hot under the sun and could almost roast her. The scales stuck to the stone for a few seconds and would be burned to the ground. If she moved it again, it would hurt her heart.

With a ripping sound, the bloody scales remained on the stone.

She had ten thousand reasons to cry, and no one would blame her, but she didn’t cry. She supported herself on the ground and dragged her heavy fish tail to the stone tablet, leaving a long trail of blood behind her.

In fairy tales, The Little Mermaid in human form felt as painful as walking barefoot on the tip of a knife with every step she took on land.

That was probably how it felt.

The ball of light floated above her head.

[Navigation elf]: stop, or you’ll die.

Sihwa raised her head and looked at it. “Who are you? Where was this place? Where’s Binhai city?”

[Navigation elf]:”we’ve found you a new adopter, but if you keep going, you won’t be able to go anywhere.”

“The new adopter … Is he in Binhai city?” Sihwa asked.

[Navigation elf] replied,”no, you won’t be going back to Binhai city.”

Sihwa shook her head and continued to drag the stone tablet.

[Navigation elf]: do you want to die?

Sihwa shook her head again.”I won’t die. Someone likes me, and I’ve already obtained an indestructible soul. I’ll turn into bubbles and fly to the daughter in the sky.”

[Navigation elf]: stop. You will really die.

The stone tablet was getting closer and closer.

Sihwa no longer paid attention to the ball of light. There was only one thought in her mind that drove her forward.

Finally, her fingers touched the stone tablet. Her fishtail was already a bloody mess, and even her palms were covered in blisters from the heat.

She gathered her remaining willpower and tried to distinguish the words on the stone tablet.

“Mount Everest … Altitude measurement … Monument …”

“Altitude … 8844.43 … Meters …”

She felt dizzy and lost all her will and strength in an instant. She turned over and fell down.

Sure enough, she had been moving towards heaven …

The sunlight was so strong …

In the haziness, the stone tablet suddenly moved.

How was that possible?

The stone tablet was pushed open like a door, and a few figures walked out.

This must be an illusion.

A human figure blocked the sunlight for her, and a furry paw was placed on her burning forehead.”Silly …”

“Fina …”