Chapter 1564 - Monster Emperor Star

Martial Peak

Chapter 1564, Monster Emperor Star

“Junior Brother, what is this?” Xia Ning Chang tilted her head and asked doubtfully.

“This is the shortcut,” Yang Kai smiled lightly and began explaining in detail.

Hearing that Shan Qing Luo and Bi Luo had entered the Star Field directly from here, Xia Ning Chang immediately became curious.

She finally learned who it was Yang Kai said they were going to meet, and after doing so, she couldn’t help giggling as she glanced over at Yang Kai meaningfully.

“En, it’s not what you think…” Yang Kai argued weakly, “Forget it, I will study this thing, feel free to do as you please.”

“En,” Xia Ning Chang nodded, sat down in a clean place nearby, and began comprehending the True Alchemy Enlightenment Scripture while trying to condense her Shi.

Yang Kai reached out and touched the strange runes and patterns engraved on the altar in front of him, releasing his Divine Sense as he studied them carefully.

Since Shan Qing Luo and Bi Luo could reach Monster Emperor Star from this place, it meant that this altar was able to open a portal between the two places. In other words, as long as the conditions were met, this altar could form a stable Void Corridor.

This was far more profound than even the most powerful Space Arrays Yang Kai had seen.

Yang Kai knew that some of the most ancient Space Arrays in the Star Field were capable of transporting cultivators from one Cultivation Star to another, spanning billions of kilometres in an instant, but this kind of Space Array was extremely rare. On top of that, most of these ancient Space Arrays were heavily damaged and using them was extremely risky.

Perhaps someone like Heaven Battling Union’s Mo Xiao Sheng could repair an ordinary Space Array, but he would be absolutely helpless in front of these super long distance Space Arrays.

In general, even if a great force was in possession of this kind of special Space Array, they would only use it as a last resort, instead preferring to spend a large amount of time using a Starship to sail from one point to another rather than risking their lives.

The orthodox method to activate this altar was to make use of Shan Qing Luo’s bloodline. Back then, she and Bi Luo had accidentally activated this altar with her blood.

Yang Kai naturally couldn’t use this method. Although his Golden Blood was powerful, it obviously didn’t have the same composition as Shan Qing Luo’s blood.

He could only rely on his own profound comprehension of the Dao of Space.

One by one, Yang Kai investigated the ancient runes on the altar, but he obtained no reaction from it at all. Not becoming anxious, Yang Kai continued immersing his consciousness into these patterns.

Progressively, Yang Kai uncovered their mysteries.

These ancient characters almost behaved as if they had a mind of their own and were subtly interlinked with one another.

Yang Kai gradually began comprehending them.

Trying repeatedly, Yang Kai studied the altar and he felt that he had some gains as time progressed, but even after many careful investigations, he achieved nothing…

Time passed by. Little Senior Sister sat quietly to the side, not bothering Yang Kai at all. Right now, she was immersed in the process of condensing her Shi and comprehending the True Alchemy Enlightenment Scripture and had lost track of her surroundings.

One day, Yang Kai suddenly opened his eyes and a light flashed across them, as if he had had a significant gain.

Injecting his Space Force into the ancient altar, Yang Kai began connecting the various complicated patterns and runes together in a specific sequence.

It was like threading a needle, tying the runes and patterns closer together one by one until they formed a single inseparable whole.

When his Space Force penetrated the last rune, the patterns on the altar suddenly burst with light, as if given new life, and floated up into the air.

These runes and patterns swam about like fish, rearranging and combining until finally they formed a closed illusionary gate in front of Yang Kai!

“Little Senior Sister!” Yang Kai shouted.

Xia Ning Chang quickly opened her eyes and with a flicker, arrived next to Yang Kai and held his hand.

She knew the time had come!

Yang Kai paused a moment as he stared at the illusionary gate with an extremely dignified look on his face.

Although he had successfully used his comprehension of the Dao of Space to inject his Space Force into the altar and activated it to form this gateway, he didn’t have the key to open it.

Shan Qing Luo’s blood was that key, something he naturally lacked.

However, Yang Kai had his own methods.

Condensing his Space Force at the tip of his finger, he stabbed it forward and then slashed it down fiercely!

Space trembled and a small crack soon appeared on the closed door. Initially, this crack was very small, almost imperceptible, but it was expanding at a very rapid rate.

In the blink of an eye, it swallowed the entire gate, revealing a pitch-black passage.

This was a fully formed Void Corridor that connected two points many billions of kilometres apart!

Inside, there was nothingness and chaos, like the giant mouth of a beast that was capable of swallowing the entire world.

Xia Ning Chang’s tender body couldn’t help growing slightly tense as she held onto Yang Kai’s big hand a bit tighter.

Yang Kai didn’t hesitate, however, pulling Xia Ning Chang along with him into the vortex. When the two of them were gone, the black corridor closed again and disappeared.

Everything around them had gone silent and dark, with nothing but darkness behind or ahead of Xia Ning Chang and Yang Kai.

However, from within this darkness, Xia Ning Chang could feel a kind of mysterious power flowing, like a rushing river that was trying to drag her under.

Yang Kai quickly protected her!

This was the Void, a mysterious and indescribable place that was all but impossible for ordinary people to reach, and a forbidden area where it was difficult for anything to survive.

Any master that became lost in this mysterious place would eventually become engulfed by the darkness, never able to emerge from it again.

Even Yang Kai, when traversing this place, raised his vigilance to its highest level, using his Divine Sense to constantly and carefully survey their surroundings so he could bring Xia Ning Chang to avoid the deadly currents of the Void.

This strange place also seemed to affect one’s senses, even how they perceived the passing of time.

Yang Kai could only push his Space Force desperately to resist this outside interference.

When Shan Qing Luo and Bi Luo had used the altar to travel to Monster Emperor Star back then, it would not have been dangerous at all because Shan Qing Luo’s bloodline had properly activated it. Alternatively, Yang Kai had used a special method to forcefully open the altar, so the risks he was taking by using it were many times greater.

Fortunately, his accomplishments in the Dao of Space were quite profound, so even if he currently felt like he was treading on thin ice, he could still barely manage it.

Yang Kai wasn’t sure how much time passed before he suddenly led Xia Ning Chang towards a certain spot. After arriving, Yang Kai stretched out his hand and swiped forward again, tearing space, and bringing Xia Ning Chang out from the Void into an unknown place.

Little Senior Sister didn’t recover her senses until this moment, and the confusion in her beautiful eyes gradually cleared up.

To her, only a moment had passed, but what she didn’t know was that Yang Kai had been struggling for many days in the Void to bring them here.

That mysterious place had greatly affected Xia Ning Chang’s judgment of the passage of time.

Currently, the pair was in some kind of damp, dark, underground cave that had a pile of white bones scattered around it. Judging from the scale of these bones however, whatever creature they belonged to must have been enormous when it was still alive.

“This is…” Xia Ning Chang looked around curiously.

Yang Kai walked forward, reached out his hand, picked up one of the bones, and examined it carefully before grinning, “We’ve arrived, this is Monster Emperor Star!”

“Monster Emperor Star?” Xia Ning Chang murmured, “The star where Elder Sister Qing Luo is?”

“En!” Yang Kai nodded, he was able to make this judgment thanks to the white bones around them.

If he guessed correctly, these white bones should be the remains of the Heavenly Moon Demon Spider.

All those years ago, when Shan Qing Luo and Bi Luo arrived here, the first thing they encountered was the corpse of a Heavenly Moon Demon Spider. Shan Qing Luo had absorbed the Source of this Variant Ancient Divine Spirit and was taken in by the Red Moon Tribal Lord as her adopted daughter, allowing her to integrate into Monster Emperor Star.

If not for this series of events, with her identity as a human, how could Shan Qing Luo have gained a foothold on this Monster Race star? It would have been even more impossible for her to have reached the terrifying height of Third-Order Origin Returning Realm master in just a few dozen years without such support.

The Heavenly Moon Demon Spider’s Source had helped Shan Qing Luo a lot. Her bloodline originally had some traces of the Heavenly Moon Demon Spider’s, which was why she could activate the altar in the first place and obtain this opportunity!

Opportunities like this were truly quite mysterious. Yang Kai had worked so hard over the years and his luck was indeed good, but he had only broken through to the Second-Order Origin Returning Realm while Shan Qing Luo was still one step ahead of him.

Yang Kai pondered as he recalled all the information Bi Luo had revealed to him in the Emperor Garden that day.

He didn’t know much about Monster Emperor Star, only that it was a Cultivation Star dominated by the Monster Race. Although there were also Humans on Monster Emperor Star, they were all subjects to the Monster Race’s rule.

The Human Race had its own set of advantages and uses, so despite the Monster Race being in a dominant position here, they did not seek to exterminate all humans and instead just let matters drift. Only if some kind of master that threatened the Monster Race’s dominance emerged from the human population would the Monster Race’s masters step in to kill them.

On Monster Emperor Star, the Human Race essentially had no status.

The Ten Great Tribal Lords were the masters of Monster Emperor Star, and each one had reached the Origin King Realm.

The Red Moon Tribal Lord, who received Shan Qing Luo as her adopted daughter, was one of them.

Yang Kai thought for a moment, but quickly concluded that this really was all he knew, leaving quite a lot to be desired.

“Let’s go outside first,” Yang Kai said to Xia Ning Chang before leading her out of the underground cave.

When they came outside, Yang Kai suddenly discovered that he was actually part-way up a lofty and majestic mountain with a rich ambient World Energy aura. However, there was also a thick Monster Qi lingering in the air.

From the surrounding mountains, the roars of ferocious Monster Beasts could be heard from time to time.

Yang Kai really wondered how Shan Qing Luo had left this place safely; obviously she had experienced a lot of hardship.

Collecting himself, Yang Kai summoned his Star Shuttle and led Xia Ning Chang swiftly across the jungle.

This place may be extremely dangerous for others, but to Yang Kai it was nothing. Beneath the Origin King Realm, he didn’t fear anyone, and he could even calmly face an ordinary Origin King.

Since he had cultivated the Dao of Space, few people could compel him into a hopeless situation, unless they trapped him inside a small enclosed space like how Star Emperor Mountain’s Sect Master Qi Tian Che had done.

However, even trapping Yang Kai wasn’t sufficient as his opponent would need enough strength to completely suppress him as well.

Qi Tian Che didn’t have such strength, which resulted in his death…