God’s Song
  • Auteur
    Song of God신의 노래
  • Noms Alternatifs
    San Kyung 산경
  • Source
    Myoniyoni Translations
  • Statut

God’s Song

Tranche de VieComédieRomanceDrame

It is said that humans only reveal 5% of their DNA. The person you perceive yourself to be and the person others judge you for is determined by this 5%. No one can know what is in the hidden 95%.

Put simply, it would be as if our parents gave us a total of 100 cards when they gave us life – of which only 5 can be used. They don’t know which cards they’ll be handing down, but that’s not the real issue. The bigger problem is that of the 100 random cards, we can’t even choose which of the ... Lire plus >>

Derniers Chapitres Sortis

  1. Epilogue

    Il y a 1 année
  2. Chapter 281

    Il y a 1 année
  3. Chapter 280

    Il y a 1 année
  4. Chapter 279

    Il y a 1 année
  5. Chapter 278

    Il y a 1 année

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