Meilleur XuanhuanRomans

Cult of the Sacred Runes

Cult of the Sacred Runes

ActionMatureFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

The formless ancient world was infested with despicable demons. They hunted and feasted on mankind,

Master of the Stars

Master of the Stars

ActionMystèreSurnaturelPsychologiqueFantaisieSeinenArts MartiauxXuanhuanScience-Fiction

It is the turn of the century and humanity has ignorantly stepped into the starry space to lay thems

Ze Tian Ji

Ze Tian Ji

ActionFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

To pick is to choose. This is a story about choices. Three thousand world full of gods and demons

Assassin's Chronicle

Assassin's Chronicle

ActionFantaisieArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

A skilled but unfortunate modern-day assassin was killed in a freak accident. However, he soon found

World of Immortals

World of Immortals

ActionMystèreFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventureHistorique

The World of Immortals, it is the world every mortals long for. For many, it is an eternal glory to

Tempest of the Battlefield

Tempest of the Battlefield

Vie ScolaireActionTranche de VieArts MartiauxXuanhuanScience-FictionAventure

Having a rough life growing up, Wang Tong had numerous dreams of living a better life. However, his

The Strongest Dan God

The Strongest Dan God

ActionFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

He was the continent’s strongest and most revered alchemist, Ye Zifeng. He was under one person and

Swallowed Star

Swallowed Star

ActionSurnaturelFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanScience-FictionAventure

Year 2056, in a city in the Yuan Jiang Su Jin area. On top of a ruined, shattered six story resident

Douluo Dalu

Douluo Dalu

TragédieActionFantaisieSeinenRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

Tang Sect, the most famous martial arts sect of all. By stealing its most secret teachings to ful

Paradise of Demonic Gods

Paradise of Demonic Gods

TragédieActionSurnaturelFantaisieArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

“Obtaining the topmost degree of talent in sword arts in the world requires giving up 72 years of li


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