Meilleur Science-FictionRomans

I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced

I Regained My Memories and Became Rich After Getting Divorced

Vie ScolaireRomanceScience-Fiction

"Gu Dai, I only married you to make Grandpa happy. If someone else had saved Grandpa, I would have m

Skyfire Avenue

Skyfire Avenue

Vie ScolaireActionMystèreMatureSurnaturelFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxScience-FictionMechaAventure

Skyfire Avenue is a street that is 2048 meters long. There are 168 stores here, and each of the stor

Master of the Stars

Master of the Stars

ActionMystèreSurnaturelPsychologiqueFantaisieSeinenArts MartiauxXuanhuanScience-Fiction

It is the turn of the century and humanity has ignorantly stepped into the starry space to lay thems

Tempest of the Battlefield

Tempest of the Battlefield

Vie ScolaireActionTranche de VieArts MartiauxXuanhuanScience-FictionAventure

Having a rough life growing up, Wang Tong had numerous dreams of living a better life. However, his

Immortal Mortal

Immortal Mortal

TragédieActionFantaisieRomanceXianxiaArts MartiauxScience-FictionAventure

Here, only those with spiritual roots can cultivate while those with mortal roots are destined to st

Sovereign of Judgment

Sovereign of Judgment

TragédieActionMatureFantaisieSeinenArts MartiauxScience-FictionMechaAventure

A fighting genius.In grade 6, Choi Hyuk killed someone. He then promised his mother that he would n

Swallowed Star

Swallowed Star

ActionSurnaturelFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanScience-FictionAventure

Year 2056, in a city in the Yuan Jiang Su Jin area. On top of a ruined, shattered six story resident

Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Legend of the Supreme Soldier

ActionFantaisieArts MartiauxScience-FictionMechaAventure

Ye Chong was a denizen of Trash Planet-12. On one fateful day, he discovered a treasure that would

The Godsfall Chronicles

The Godsfall Chronicles

ActionMystèreMatureSurnaturelFantaisieArts MartiauxScience-FictionAventure

The nuclear holocaust which caused the collapse of the Old Times on Earth should have wiped out all

Nano Machine (Retranslated Version)

Nano Machine (Retranslated Version)

ActionFantaisieArts MartiauxScience-Fiction

Until he became the lowest-ranked master, his lonely and luckless life never changed.Suddenly one da


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