Meilleur Arts MartiauxRomans

Stellar Transformations

Stellar Transformations

ActionSurnaturelFantaisieRomanceXianxiaArts MartiauxAventure

In a galaxy far away, there is a kid without innate inability to practice internal techniques. So, i

Cult of the Sacred Runes

Cult of the Sacred Runes

ActionMatureFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

The formless ancient world was infested with despicable demons. They hunted and feasted on mankind,

Coiling Dragon

Coiling Dragon

ActionFantaisieSeinenRomanceXianxiaArts MartiauxAventure

Empires rise and fall on the Yulan Continent. Saints, immortal beings of unimaginable power, battle

Blue Phoenix

Blue Phoenix

ActionMatureFantaisieArts MartiauxAventure

Sacrificing his life to protect his best friend was a decision which Hui Yue did not regret, yet who

Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey

ActionSurnaturelRomanceXianxiaArts MartiauxAventureHistorique

Earth Immortals are cultivated from a blessed land.Heaven Immortals move to and from the divine moun

Skyfire Avenue

Skyfire Avenue

Vie ScolaireActionMystèreMatureSurnaturelFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxScience-FictionMechaAventure

Skyfire Avenue is a street that is 2048 meters long. There are 168 stores here, and each of the stor

The Desolate Era

The Desolate Era

TragédieActionFantaisieSeinenRomanceXianxiaArts MartiauxDrameAventure

Fate had never been kind to Ji Ning. Wracked by illnesses and infirm his entire life on Earth, Ni

Master of the Stars

Master of the Stars

ActionMystèreSurnaturelPsychologiqueFantaisieSeinenArts MartiauxXuanhuanScience-Fiction

It is the turn of the century and humanity has ignorantly stepped into the starry space to lay thems

Ze Tian Ji

Ze Tian Ji

ActionFantaisieRomanceArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

To pick is to choose. This is a story about choices. Three thousand world full of gods and demons

Assassin's Chronicle

Assassin's Chronicle

ActionFantaisieArts MartiauxXuanhuanAventure

A skilled but unfortunate modern-day assassin was killed in a freak accident. However, he soon found


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