Beloved Little Treasure
  • Auteur
    Yuan Gun Gun袁滚滚
  • Noms Alternatifs
    Chong Ai Tian Xing: Bao Wang Ai Nu 宠爱甜心:豹王爱奴
  • Source
  • Statut

Beloved Little Treasure


Hao Yan Che is an immortal and Yuan Gun Gun is a mortal.

Hao Yan Che’s parents saves Yuan Gun Gun’s life. Yuan Gun Gun’s parents agrees to let Yuan Gun Gun marry Hao Yan Che when she turns eighteen.

Yuan Gun Gun loves cooking and taking care of animals.

If Hao Yan Che rejects Yuan Gun Gun, he can return her to her parents.

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Derniers Chapitres Sortis

  1. Chapter 211

    Il y a 1 année
  2. Chapter 210

    Il y a 1 année
  3. Chapter 209

    Il y a 1 année
  4. Chapter 208

    Il y a 1 année
  5. Chapter 207

    Il y a 1 année

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