Chapter 1645 - Rising in the Astralscape

Beastmaster of the Ages

Chapter 1645 - Rising in the Astralscape

Tianming's strike was far too powerful. The Frozen Glasstree sword ki alone caused black crystals to manifest, tearing through the Chaos Deity's defenses and allowing the mini godswords to shatter the enlarged Grand Godless Liberty. The ten thousand swords were nothing but simple brute force. Even as the Chaos Deity's five abilities smashed into Tianming with the attack of Ye Chen's weapon, sending him flying with astralforce, that didn't stop the bombardment of his Myriadsword Providence. Blood was spilled all throughout the air.

"Li Tianming!" the Chaos Deity cried, smashing away many small totem swords with its weapon. However, that was far from an adequate defense. Many more totem swords remained to bore holes into Ye Chen's body, but he still stood thanks to his sheer tenacity!

"This fellow’s a hardy one, alright! But unfortunately for him, he ran into me!" Tianming felt like his entire skeletal frame had almost been shattered by the sheer force of that blow. He saw that the Chaos Deity was waving its huge pole weapon around, still instilling the audience with awe. But as far as Tianming was concerned, Ye Chen was as good as dead. Ying Huo had managed to gather a lot of energy without being interrupted near the flank of Ye Chen. It had formed a sun about ten thousand meters wide, finally attracting some attention to itself.

"What’s that?!" As countless doubts filled Ye Chen's head, a shocking explosion tore through the atmosphere as a nightmarish light instantly enveloped everything, piercing through the Chaos Deity's chest! Ye Chen had been laser focused on fighting Tianming, thinking that he could deal with Ying Huo just by defeating its master. But he was a little too late and ended up being pierced countless times by the Myriadsword Providence, followed by Ying Huo's supercharged ability. The Chaos Deity shattered into its constituent forms, all of which fizzled away like ashes.

"Ugh...." At the last moment, Ye Chen's vision dimmed. Despite having taken on the Chains of Destiny, he had still lost in such an important arena. All the nightmares that lay in the depths of his psyche instantly surfaced. He didn't even get to see Tianming one last time, having died in the wondersky realm. Amidst the storm caused by the exploding sun, he was vaporized in an instant.

All that remained for the audience to see was a gigantic phoenix that started shrinking like a deflating balloon as it perched on Tianming's shoulder. The white-haired youth lazily stretched his body as if nothing had happened. However, nobody would forget the threat posed by the sea of swords above him. Back in the first two levels of the battlefield, Tianming had only made an impression on a few thousand worlds, most of them heliacal. But now, tens of thousands of worlds were paying attention to this nonabane. Those at the core of the Mysterium Cluster could tune in to many battlefields instead of only their own, unlike the Violetglory Star, allowing his reputation to truly shock the universe! Today was definitely not going to be a normal day.

Tianming turned back and looked at the expressions of the others in the battlefield and knew that he would almost certainly be given the manna imperius when he got back. Even the three remaining members of the Direwolves were completely stunned. With Bai Feng and Tianming surviving, and Kou Mingyou and Ye Chen dead, there was no longer a chance they could win. They had been under the impression that they were winning, yet Tianming was even more insane than Ye Chen. Their expressions were now completely crestfallen.

"Is your whole planet full of sickos like you?" someone said.

"How dare you call Brother Tianming a sicko," Qiao Xingzhou angrily yelled, then shot the person with his totem arrows. He smiled at Tianming, who merely watched, dumbstruck. "Brother Tianming, I've come to an epiphany after laying there like you said! Now let me support you!" He truly had quickly changed his stance, though it didn't come as a surprise. For someone to make it to an arena of this caliber meant that they had to be able to adapt.

"Brother Tianming, they dared to hurt your little Rou! Wipe those three uglies out and help us win!" a coquettish voice that chilled Tianming to the bone said. Tianming turned and saw a blushing Zhong Yirou.

"Fuck me sideways." For her to call him Brother Tianming so affectionately showed how shameless she could be. "Didn't you two say you were powerful? Go ahead and defeat them yourselves. We already did our part."

"We aren’t as amazing as you are.... We were fools to not see that you were a nonabane. You really hid your talent well, and you're so humble too. Someone like you really deserves our respect," Zhong Yirou said, flashing her best innocent expression. Though, her praise did sound sincere.

Tianming could tell that those two were actually rather troubled by their earlier behavior. At the very least, they’d come face to face with cold, hard facts that had made them change their attitude. Now, they could easily defeat the three remaining enemies and protect their astralis, let alone finding the enemy's astralis to destroy it.

After the battle ended, Bai Feng returned to her normal appearance with her short white hair and shapely figure. The wounds she had suffered were like badges of honor, making her look even more impressive.

"You really did carry us. Impressive," she said, lightly punching him in the chest. "Thankfully, I don't like guys, or I'd have fallen for you a few times over."

As long as they survived, they could recover from any injury, so Bai Feng and Bai Huai's wounds didn't really matter.

"Should we look for their astralis now to move on to the next round, Brother Tianming, Sister Feng?" Zhong Yirou asked weakly. At the very least, she seemed to respect the strong.

"There's no rush. The parties that make it to the second round that soon are bound to be the most powerful, so if we win now, there's a high chance we'll run into them. Now that the Direwolves are all wiped out, we can take as long as we like," Bai Feng said.


They could finally take a breather.

"Friend, I'm sure the Mysterium Cluster has already witnessed your prowess, so you’d better ready yourself," Bai Feng said.

"Got it." Tianming nodded.

Thinking back on the battle, Bai Feng was filled with praise for him.

"Brother Tianming...." Zhong Yirou and Qiao Xingzhou came over from behind, but Tianming shooed them away. They meekly obeyed without another word out of sheer deference for him. Kou Mingyou's defeat was the appetizer, and Ye Chen's was the main course that properly satiated them.

He could only imagine what kind of uproar there was back in his hometown, with the Violetcloud Alliance gaining an edge over the Divineglory Alliance once more. Not to mention, Darkfiend Heptus and Whitechalk, two skypiercer-class worlds, had no doubt been thoroughly convinced of his abilities too. However, they didn't know where the Violetglory Star was located. Though there was one thing Tianming didn't expect: the world with the biggest reaction to their battle was the Skyway Tristar, a world at the core of the cluster. Xiao had witnessed the battle that just took place.