Almighty Sword Domain
  • Auteur
    On Azure Phoenix Peak青鸾峰上
  • Noms Alternatifs
    Invincible Sword Realm 无敌剑域
  • Source
  • Statut

Almighty Sword Domain


Yang Ye’s entire family relied on him to keep them safe, but just when everything seemed to be going well, misfortune struck in droves!

How will he overcome the odds and rise up to protect his loved ones?

This novel tells the tale of Yang Ye, a ruthless yet loving young man who’s driven by his desire to protect his loved ones. It’s set in a world where most only value strength and gain above all else, yet Yang Ye who’s shaped by his experiences during his youth proves to be u... Lire plus >>

Almighty Sword DomainListe des Chapitres


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