Chapter 629 - A visitor

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 629: A visitor

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Dr.Lock

Proofreader:  Arya

The mountaintop small cabin.

Barry didn’t expect the question to be as such, so he was stunned for a moment.

Seeing Ye Fei Li’s expectant and serious look, Kitty chuckled.

“Of course there isn’t any problem, you’re all welcome” she said.

Barry lightly nodded and also smiled at him.

To think that he is still able to think of his wife, this youngster is really adorably sincere.

Such a person is very suitable to be a member of the Club.

“Then it’s decided?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“No problem” Barry answered.

They easily finished with Ye Fei Li’s matter on the spot.

From now on, Ye Fei Li would officially become a member of the Justice Iron Fist Club.

“Then, what do I do while I’m in the club?” Ye Fei Li curiously asked.

What to do…

This question caused all three people to freeze.

Besides fighting and looking for food, the club doesn’t really do anything, does it? Gu Qing Shan silently thought.

Barry cleared his throat and asked seriously: “What’s your expertise?”

“Playing games, my world ranking is quite high” Ye Fei Li proudly answered.

“Playing games? World ranking?” Kitty asked in confusion.

Gu Qing Shan tried following up: “That doesn’t count, Ye Fei Li, think of something else.

Ye Fei Li scowled and thought for a while and finally answered: “I can stay at home for a very long time, if there’s no problem, even several years is fine”

“…” Gu Qing Shan.

He gave up on trying to help Ye Fei Li.

Kitty, on the other hand, happily clapped: “That’s actually a good talent, when we’re not at the club, you can manage the Super Dimensional path for me”

“Hasn’t the Super Dimensional path been managed by you all this time?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“Yeah, for 1000 YEARS! I want a vacation! I want to go shopping! I want to go out and play too!” Kitty retorted.

Barry nodded in empathy.

“It’s also been a long time since I went to a casino or bar” he spoke emotionally.

The two of them observed Ye Fei Li closely from the top.

“Unfortunately, he’s still a bit too weak, and doesn’t know much about the 900 million World Layers, it’ll take some time for him to mature”

“Yeah, after merging all of the Samsara worlds together, we should take him on a trip and kill a bunch of stuff, let him evolve into the next stage”

At this time, Gu Qing Shan’s Holo-Brain lit up.

[Sir, I have something to report]

“Go ahead”

[The Frost Flame Wraith King of the Wraith realm is leading his subordinates to kidnap people in masses and convert them into Wraiths]

A scene was shown on the screen.

The Frost Flame Wraith King was inside his Wraith Fortress, loudly shouting his orders.

The humans kidnapped and gathered by the Wraiths were being rallied to a single plaza in order to go through a conversion ritual.

While watching, Gu Qing Shan asked: “Have they always been messing with the human realm this way?”

[Yes sir, the Wraiths caused the most harm to our world among all the worlds, those who refuse to obey are killed and eaten, only humans who surrender can temporarily live until they are subjected to the Wraith conversion ritual] Impartial Goddess reported.

Gu Qing Shan intensely scowled.

Killing intent rose from his body.

“Seems like we can get Ye Fei Li to kill a bunch of things right away” he muttered.

Kitty told him: “That’s simple, just tell me the coordinates of that place”

Impartial Goddess put the coordinates on the screen.

“We’re going”

Kitty loudly clapped.

In an instant, Barry, Kitty, Gu Qing Shan and Ye Fei Li all disappeared without a trace.

The Wraith Fortress.

The Frost Flame Wraith King was rushing to complete the large-scale conversion ritual.

Those people he met earlier were too terrifying, just by looking at them from afar, he already felt his powerlessness to resist them.

The Frost Flame Wraith King realized that he can’t afford to stay in this world any longer.

After this large-scale conversion ritual was complete, he would immediately return to the Wraith realm and not return for a long time.

『 Very good, everything is prepared. Get into position, activate the conversion ritual!  』the Frost Flame Wraith King ordered.

Not a single of his subordinates answered.

The entire Wraith Fortress fell silent.

The Wraiths were all locked in place, unable to move even if they used all their power.

Space around them had fully solidified, not even leaving them the space to open their mouths.

Noticing something wrong, Frost Flame Wraith King immediately wanted to activate his personal warp technique to escape.

Only to find that he couldn’t lift a single finger either.

A flash of light appeared in front of him.

All the members of the Justice Iron Fist Club appeared on the plaza.

“Impartial Goddess, dispatch Mobile Mechs and a transport airship to take the people back” Gu Qing Shan ordered.

[Very well, sir]

Gu Qing Shan then looked at Kitty and asked: “Are you sure these Wraiths won’t be able to move?”

“Of course they won’t, I’ll leave this place to you, that formation over there is more interesting, I’m going to take a look” Kitty replied.

She flew towards a large-scale warp formation.

——-the one that leads back to the Wraith realm.

“Fei Li, go ahead” Gu Qing Shan said.

Ye Fei Li excitedly licked his lips and asked: “These ones here are all quite strong, it’ll help my evolution a lot, are you sure I can kill them all as I like?”

“Don’t leave a single one” Gu Qing Shan replied.

Ye Fei Li let out a battle cry and left a blood-colored streak of light behind as he flew towards the Frost Flame Wraith King.

The Forgetting River Soul Separating Hook gave off a faint light from its blade and lightly sliced across the Frost Flame Wraith King’s neck.

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His head detached from his body.

The leader of the Wraith realm, the commander of the Wraith army that tried to take over the human realm, the Frost Flame Wraith King died without even being able to put up a fight.


The blood aura around Ye Fei Li’s body became more intense.

He had just absorbed the Frost Flame Wraith King’s power!

“It’s so refreshing! Is this what you call power-levelling?” Ye Fei Li purred in pleasure.

The khopesh flashed again.

Another powerful Wraith was beheaded.

Ye Fei Li’s aura became stronger and stronger.

Barry stood with his arms crossed and asked Gu Qing Shan: “What is ‘power-levelling?’”

“It’s a gaming term, you can just ignore him” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“What do you plan to do next?” Barry asked again.

“Since we’re already here, might as well go straight to the Wraith realm and fuse it with the human realm”

“And then what?”

“We’ll keep going to the Heaven realm, Beast King realm and Asura realm as well, one by one”

Gu Qing Shan thought of something and spoke: “Well, we can be a bit less forceful with the Asura realm; since they and I have a bit of history together”

“That’s easy then” Barry nodded.

Kitty returned: “I’ve finished checking the warp formation to Wraith realm, it’s been rigged so that only Wraiths may pass through. But we don’t need to use it since I already obtained the coordinates, I can take you directly there”

“Then let’s wait a bit for Ye Fei Li” Gu Qing Shan said.

The three of them stood there and watched.

A few dozen seconds later.

Ye Fei Li had massacred every Wraith present in the fortress.

Kneeling on the ground, he was screaming in pain.

Ye Fei Li’s aura had manifested as strings that slowly coiled and wrapped around him like a cocoon.

His cries and grunts of pain were slowly being blocked out by the walls of the blood cocoon.

“His evolution is beginning”

Barry commented as he watched.

“What’s going to happen to him now?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“I’d like to know that as well, but there’s no telling exactly what would happen, we’ll have to wait until the end to see the results” Barry spoke in interest.

Kitty also smiled: “Not only will we get to go sight-seeing around the Samsara worlds, but we’ll also learn about how a World Destroyer evolves, what a useful trip this is”

Gu Qing Shan was silently thinking.

After Ye Fei Li evolves, I can probably go confirm my thoughts.

One by one, we’ll fuse all the worlds of the Samsara together and search for the secret of the world tomb in the process.

This would be a complicated and annoying process.

Luckily, with Barry and Kitty here, we’ll save a lot of effort of having to go through large-scale wars over and over again.

Gu Qing Shan sighed to himself.

I’m really curious what could the Old Gods have hidden away in the Samsara world.

While thinking about it, he felt something deep within his mind.

Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag and took something out.

The Tianma bell.

A small bracelet of bells from which cold air drifted out.

It was currently letting out clear chimes.

The sound of the bell travelled through the void of space and echoed to a world far away.

“Is she coming now?”

Gu Qing Shan doubtfully muttered.

But soon enough, he understood what this was about.

I promised to give her a world as payment, but I still haven’t actually given it to her after so long.

——-she’s probably here to collect the debt.

A few moments later, the void of space shook slightly.

“It’s fine, it’s an ally”

Gu Qing Shan told Barry and Kitty.

While he spoke, an attractive charming girl wearing black clothes descended from above.

She landed in front of Gu Qing Shan without saying a single word.

Barry and Kitty glanced at the girl, then slowly changed their expressions.

They could feel the power of the world’s Laws slowly converging and feeding themselves to this black-clothed girl.

This was tacit consent, affection and support.

The world was welcoming her here.

“Sis, wouldn’t this mean that girl is a Tianma who exists together with the Samsara world?” Barry sent his voice asking.

“Seems like it, how unimaginable, this type of lifeform is so rare” Kitty exclaimed silently.

Gu Qing Shan took out a crystal ball.

——this was the world Laura gave him.

It once belonged to Triste, but it was now in Gu Qing Shan’s hands.

“This was what I owed you, so now the debt is settled”

Gu Qing Shan offered her the crystal ball.

Li Yang accepted the crystal ball and solemnly checked it.

This was the lost world of the Old Gods.

That alone made this world extremely valuable, with a lot more secrets to be found.

Gu Qing Shan sincerely told her: “The matter from before, I was really helped out a lot, hopefully we can continue to cooperate even more from now on”

Hearing that Li Yang lightly giggled.

It was now that she opened her mouth and spoke: 『 I’m not here to collect the debt  』


『 What? I can’t come to see you without a reason?  』

“Of course you can”

『 That’s fine, but I’m actually here because I have something to tell you 』

“…” Gu Qing Shan couldn’t say anything.

He kept up his polite and sincere attitude, asking: “What could it be that you’d come here personally?”

Li Yang told him: 『 The situation at the Shen Wu world is currently quite urgent, the war between worlds is reaching its high point, so I felt like I need to at least tell you about it  』

Gu Qing Shan felt a bit heavy and asked doubtfully: “War? Why would there be a war?”

Hearing Gu Qing Shan’s question, Li Yang couldn’t help but recall that event, even now she still felt awe and respect towards that.

『 Because your Shifu had achieved an inconceivable accomplishment  』

She finally answered.