Chapter 457 - Approaching the truth

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 457: Approaching the truth

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader: Arya

Wang Hong Dao began to think.

From controlling the sect for so many years, he was fully confident of being able to reach the truth simply through his deductions.

First of all.

The majority of cultivators in Qi Yan’s Zwei Wei Hall have come to the new world.

Being in two different worlds, these cultivators have no way to know whether or not Qi Yan was killed or kidnapped.

Which means they won’t be able to do anything to the coordinates regardless of Qi Yan’s situation.

So these cultivators can be left out.

Following that line of thought.

Whoever the keeper of the coordinates was, they have to be in this world.

Who could that be?

Wang Hong Dao’s eyes blinked slightly.

Qi Yan was a smart enough person to not give such a thing to Rakshasa’s Daughter.

Then it was likely that they were a cultivator from the sect.

There were still quite a few disciples left.

Unless he goes around soul reading them all, there was no way to confirm which one of them to be Qi Yan’s hidden piece.

That takes too long.

Wang Hong Dao sighed.

He had no way but to admit that this was a very difficult problem.

Aside from Zhao Wu Chui, no one can possibly hide the coordinates for Qi Yan.

I didn’t think the situation would be so complicated.

It was a new world, it might be worth paying a certain price to probe it out.

Even though the price might be a bit steep.

Wang Hong Dao squinted his eyes, mumbling: “Seems like this old man needs to go all out to find the truth of this matter”

Circulating spirit energy around his body, he clasped his hands together and formed a hand seal.

A light gathered at the tip of his finger, forming a shining white hook.

Wang Hong Dao inserted the hook into Wu San’s forehead.

Wu San’s head exploded.

But following the scattered brain matter and blood, a faint scenery appeared in front of Wang Hong Dao.

The scenery was showing what Wu San saw last.

Zhao Wu Chui disappeared from his vision, then darkness.

This was the end of it. The next scenery was of Wu San coming up the platform, kneeling to bow to Qi Yan.

Next was Qi Yan’s maids coming to summon Wu San.

Everything was shown from Wu San’s perspective.

But these sceneries were all going in backward chronological order.

This was Wang Hong Dao’s Divine Skill, [Six Senses Over Soul]

A person’s 5 senses as well as their body itself are mediums for the soul to take in information from the outside.

So the six senses are Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Body and Consciousness.

Once consciousness leaves the body, everything the eyes ever saw, the ears every heard, nose ever smelled, the body ever touched will be gone as well.

But Wang Hong Dao’s Divine Skill was able to rewind what a person has experienced and observe it backwards from their corpse.

As long as the corpse’s senses were still in one piece, Wang Hong Dao can see what the dead experienced recently.

Of course, if Wu San was still alive, this would’ve been even more convenient.

A living person’s body has much firmer memories.

Which means, Wang Hong Dao can see everything that Wu San ever experienced throughout his entire life!

This was a very rare information-type Divine Skill.

Without blinking, Wang Hong Dao was staring at the passing scenes trying to find a clue.

His complexion paled.

He was already heavily wounded, so using this Divine Skill right now to him was also quite a burden.

But he ignored that and continued to use his Skill and carefully searched Wu San’s memories.

At a certain point, Wang Hong Dao changed his hand seal.

The scenery jumped back to where it was before.

Qi Yan was currently making a formation plate right in front of Wu San.

“Young master, your formation skills have improved, this servant completely doesn’t understand at all” Wu San was buttering him up.

“Such an idiot like you of course wouldn’t understand such an advanced formation, this is the hardest type of Two-world warp formation plate” Qi Yan replied.

Wu San followed up: “Ohoho, it must be a formation only those extremely talented can learn, this servant is dumb so of course I couldn’t be compared to the young master”

Qi Yan smiled and spoke: “If you really understand formations to the same level as I, I wouldn’t be allowing you to stay here to watch”

Wang Hong Dao wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying.

His gaze was fixed on the formation plate in Qi Yan’s hands.

The Two-world warp formation plate!

“Found it”

Wang Hong Dao muttered.

At this time, the faint scenery started to blur.

He couldn’t see anything at all, even the scenery itself was about to dissipate.

[Six Senses Over Soul]’s duration was about to end.

But having finally found his target, at such a crucial moment, how could he not continue?

Wang Hong Dao gritted his teeth and poured more spirit energy into the hand seal!

[Six Senses Over Soul], once again!


The scenery stabilized as the light returned.

But the price he paid for using his Divine Skill in succession was the wound on his shoulder opening up and started to bleed again.

Wang Hong Dao wheezed in pain.

Letting go of his hand seal, he tapped his gem ornament and took out a bottle of pills.

Taking out a pill like it was the most precious thing in the world, he swallowed it.

Wang Hong Dao’s complexion loosened.

He quickly tapped his gem ornament again and took out an empty formation plate.

As he looked up, the scenery was showing exactly when Qi Yan began to create the formation plate.

“This was it”

Wang Hong Dao muttered.

Although it took more effort and a heavier price than I had originally thought, I still got what I wanted.

Wang Hong Dao was staring intently at Qi Yan.

He imitated every move and gesture that Qi Yan made to create an exact copy of the formation plate.

Every move that Qi Yan made, Wang Hong Dao would make as well.

Time passed.

A completely new Two-world warp formation was taking shape.

Wang Hong Dao appeared clearly excited.

There were only two more steps until I completed this formation!

These last two steps were him using very specific techniques to carve the coordinates into the two pre-arranged places in the formation plate.

One of them was the coordinates to the Suspended world.

The other was the coordinates to the new world.

Every formation user had their own hand seals to lock-on to a certain coordinates.

In the faint scenery.

Qi Yan’s hands were moving quickly.

He was forming the special hand seals to specify the coordinates.

Wang Hong Dao quickly followed.

His movements were without a single mistake, in fact they were firmer and more fluid than Qi Yan’s own!

The two worlds’ coordinates were now half-completed.

Wang Hong Dao showed an expression of frenzied joy.

He only need to copy nine more coordinates hand seals for the formation plate to complete

I’m about to get a new world.

No, TWO completely new worlds!

While Wang Hong Dao was thinking that, the light that formed the scenery started to waver.

Wang Hong Dao couldn’t see the hand seals that Qi Yan formed at all.

While he panicked, there already wasn’t anything else he could do.

Wu San had died a bit too long for the effect of his Divine Skill to remain for much longer.

This couldn’t be helped at all.

The longer it had been since Wu San died, the blurrier the scenery would be. Even if he reuses his Divine Skill, the results would still be the very same.

“I missed… two hand seals. Detestable Qi Yan, he killed even his own subordinate!” Wang Hong Dao couldn’t help but cursed him.

During the creation of a warp formation plate, even the difference of one hand seal could produce unpredictable results.

But he just missed two…

I can only hope that I’m fortunate enough and the warp won’t be too far away.

Of course, that was if he actually finishes this formation plate.

Wang Hong Dao held his breath, staring at Qi Yan’s hands again.

Seven more hand seals until the formation plate was finished!

But at this moment, a female voice came from the screen of light.

“Young master, may I come in?”

Qi Yan stopped his hand.

“What did she come at this hour for? Could it be she wants to…”

Qi Yan mumbled, looking down at the formation plate in his hand.

“I heard that Chu Liu is an excellent formation user, young master, this servant hold nothing but absolute loyalty to you, so I sincerely suggest that you have to be careful with her”

Wu San took the opportunity to follow up.

Qi Yan’s expression became darker.

“Of course I know she’s a formation user, Wu San, you’re dismissed, let Chu Liu in”

Wu San nodded: “Yes, young master”

He went out of the room, carefully closing the door behind himself.

Outside, an elegant and mild young girl stood.

Wu San’s flattering tone of voice came: “Lady Chu Liu, please come in”

The girl scowled, speaking in a low voice: “Your gaze is nauseating, don’t think that I don’t know what you’re thinking”

She pushed open the door and came in.

Wu San stood there for a while longer before leaving.


Wang Hong Dao struck and destroyed Wu San’s body, turning it into a mist of blood.

Damn it!

I only needed just a bit more to get the coordinates to the new world!

This detestable womanizing bastard!

You ruined my plan!!

As Wang Hong Dao stared at the formation plate in his hand, his fury boiled even more.

No matter how perfectly a formation plate was made, without the remaining 7 hand seals, he can’t get the coordinates no matter what he does.

This formation plate was now useless.

Him using [Six Senses Over Soul] twice also became useless!!

Wang Hong Dao was gritting his teeth so hard they could almost break.

Across from him, Wu San’s body was now a mass of blood and flesh.

The white insect that was hidden in Wu San’s body was also killed by Wang Hong Dao’s attack.

Staring at the white insect’s body, Wang Hong Dao slowly calmed down.

“I wasted an insect as well… how could a person like me lose my control so easily”

He forced himself to regain his composure.

Standing alone in midair, Wang Hong Dao recalled the entire process.

From Zhao Wu Chui’s report to Wu San’s memories.

Wang Hong Dao slowly recalled every word, every scene, every minor detail.

At a certain point, he muttered: “No… that isn’t right…”

He realized something was wrong.

Something was completely wrong!

Qi Yan clearly knows the coordinates.

During the last process of making the formation plate, Qi Yan wasn’t hesitant at all.

His hand seals were very firm and without hesitation, like he knew the coordinates by heart.

So Qi Yan definitely knows the coordinates of the new world!

Then how could Qi Yan swear that he doesn’t know the coordinates and got recognized as the truth?

A cultivator won’t be able to hide anything from the heaven and earth, so once they swear upon it, it will definitely come true.

But it didn’t do anything to Qi Yan as he swore it.

Which means he must’ve been telling the truth that he doesn’t know the world coordinates.

But he DID know the coordinates!

These things contradict each other

How could both things be true for one person?

Wang Hong Dao closed his eyes and went into thought.

With Qi Yan’s personality, he definitely wouldn’t feel assured giving the coordinates to someone else.

But giving the coordinates to someone else he completely trusts to protect his own life is also a plausible course of action that fits him.

Both arguments make perfect sense.

Then what’s going on here?

After a while.

Wang Hong Dao abruptly opened his eyes, mumbling: “Unless… there are two Qi Yan”