Chapter 268 - The grand battle is coming

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 268: The grand battle is coming

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: VindiFan#1

Proofreader:  Arya & Juicetin

His words made sense, so both Ning Yue Xi and Gu Qing Shan nodded.

“We came here through the gate that the demons created” Gu Qing Shan said, “if they also have access to such a gate, this world would’ve already been theirs”

Ning Yue Xi said: “This might be a very crucial point. The next time we meet, we have to capture one of them to interrogate”

The rest of the cultivators gathered around, the three of them began to describe the scene they saw before.

After knowing everything, the rest of the group only shook their heads and said nothing.

The things they went through today has shocked them greatly.

Even if everyone here were great cultivators who have went through all sorts of thick and thin, their Dao hearts firm and tough, they still need some time to digest everything that they found today.

A while later, Leng Tian Xing was the first to speak: “The four people we saw were cultivators at a realm above Sainted, yet when they saw the Zishan young master appeared, they all had expressions of joy and hesitation. Which means the Zishan young master must have been even stronger than they are”

Ning Yue Xi couldn’t help but ask: “Then wouldn’t that mean he killed every person in this world by himself?”

Gu Qing Shan answered: “From what I can see of the Zishan young master, unless something unexpected happened, it definitely was his doing”

Everyone went silent again.

“That can’t be, if there really exists such a high realm, why has no one in our world manage to cultivate to such a height before?” a Rejuvenation realm cultivator questioned.

An Ascended realm cultivator answered: “In the Age of Old, we even had Divinity with us, but since then, after the 1000 years of blank history, the strongest anyone has ever made it to was Sainted realm”

They all sighed and remained silent.

Gu Qing Shan suddenly said: “The rain of fire is still here”

Hearing that, everyone’s expression changed.

The group of great cultivators here have never felt such panic and dread ever before.

This was the very first time that they noticed how a calamity has been looming over their heads this whole time.

The rain of fire was unleashed by that Zishan young master, but right now, the rain of fire was still falling from the sky nonstop.

Which means, the Zishan young master really was using the rain of fire to refine the world for himself, bit by bit.

Refining an entire world!

What an unbelievable thing!

If he’s able to do that, he definitely knows that there were more cultivators who suddenly appeared on this world.

Then why did he not kill them, the cultivators who came from the cultivation world?

There must be something else very important that’s keeping him.

But sooner or later, he will know about what happened today, and put out some time to deal with them.

At that moment, the two worlds will officially enter a state of all-out war.

No, more accurately, it’ll be a world trying to totally enslave another.

All the cultivators fell silent again.

Everyone’s hearts were heavy and stunned.

Even Gu Qing Shan didn’t think that he would find out such an incredible truth from this world.

If the Destiny Quest had remained the same, he would’ve already completed it by now.

But now, the Destiny Quest’s objective is to “at least keep Shen Wu world intact”

Then, did the System feel something?

Is this world going to be changed somehow?

Gu Qing Shan contemplated.

“We have to report this to the Saints immediately” an Ascended cultivator said.

“The Saints are nowhere to be found, even our Communication Talisman’s couldn’t reach them” for the first time, Ning Yue Xi angrily replied.

Then both she and Gu Qing Shan gasped, suddenly remembered about the Universal Talisman.

“Let me” Gu Qing Shan said.

Tapping his Inventory Bag, he took out a Communication Talisman.

He didn’t use words but rather his inner sight to record everything they found out recently to the Communication Talisman.

The good thing about inner sight is how he’s able to hide what he’s saying from the people here.

Using his exploration down the magma cave as an excuse, he also recorded the secret that the large corpse told him into the Communication Talisman.

Very carefully, he placed the Communication Talisman into the Universal Talisman and hoped that Bai Hua Fairy will see the new intelligence as fast as possible.

And also that they could help her.

Suddenly, Ning Yue Xi’s expression became firm and said: “Everyone swear in front of me that you won’t divulge what we found today to anyone after we return”

“We can avoid it for a short time, but not forever” Leng Tian Xing said.

“This matter is too big; we have to wait for the Saints’ reply before we decide on what to do next” Ning Yue Xi replied.

Hearing that, Gu Qing Shan also nodded in agreement.

The rest of the cultivators also understood from hearing her.

This is such an unbelievable tale that if it’s made known to everybody, the morale of the entire alliance troop will plummet.

Everyone swore one after another.

The exploration into the underground ruins stopped here.

The cultivators followed back the way they came in, using airships to return to the camp.

As a Ding Yuan General brought a group of You Ji Generals back to camp, several guards cultivators came to receive them.

Thankfully, Ning Yue Xi also chose powerful great cultivators to go on this trip, so despite being fearful inside, they showed nothing on their faces.

Ning Yue Xi quickly went to meet the other Ding Yuan General, Sun Ming monk.

Immediately after, the two Ding Yuan Generals began giving out order after order.

The entire camp became very busy.

As the cultivators were so deeply drowned in consecutive military missions that needed to be done as soon as possible for the sake of reinforcing this camp into an outpost, they quickly forgot about how Ning Yue Xi led a group of cultivators out to explore.

Only the great cultivators who were led by Ning Yue Xi noticed from her arrangements the feeling of a brewing storm.

As Gu Qing Shan still has his mission from the three Saints, no one gave him any other missions.

After passing on all necessary matters, he headed to his tent, looking up to see the rain of fire pouring down at the far horizon.

What unimaginable power, how would they be able to stop that?

His heart was heavy.

Suddenly, his Universal Talisman gave a response.

Gu Qing Shan quickly went back to his tent and opened the Universal Talisman.

A Communication Talisman came out.

Infusing it with spirit energy, he heard Bai Hua Fairy’s voice.

“Sorrow was wounded so I brought him into the space vortex to avoid further pursuit”

“What you did was correct, when meeting the enemy, just take the initiative and definitely do not hesitate”

“As for what you said about the 5-Elemental essences, if that really is the truth, then the reason why the three of us are stuck at Sainted realm without being able to breakthrough for so long must because of the world’s limit”

“If that’s the case, Xuanyuan will leave to look for the 5-Elemental essences, while I will stay in the space vortex to protect Sorrow”

The voice from the Communication Talisman stopped.

The world’s limit?

It’s possible, maybe something happened to the cultivation world in the past, leading to cultivators only being able to reach Sainted realm.

If that’s the case…

Gu Qing Shan suddenly thought of something and quickly spoke into the Communication Talisman: “Shifu, then maybe you could try breaking through in Shen Wu world”

He put the Communication Talisman into the Universal Talisman, then it quickly disappeared.

Soon enough, Bai Hua Fairy reply came

“There’s a very strong enemy hiding in Shen Wu world. If I attempt to face the Tribulation in Shen We world, these people will definitely band together to deal with me”

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

Has the situation become so dire already?

Not long after, another Communication Talisman came out.

“Give them my order, all other world cultivators are to be killed on sight”

Gu Qing Shan transferred this Communication Talisman to Ning Yue Xi.

While Ning Yue Xi was wracking her head in worry, she instantly regained her spirit after receiving this Communication Talisman.

“Then I’ll relay the order and make sure everyone knows the situation”

“Don’t make them seem too strong”

“Don’t worry”

Leaving those words, Ning Yue Xi quickly left.

Since the Saint dealt with this matter so decisively, there probably won’t be any problem with troop morale for the time being.

Since every issue on hand is already dealt with, Gu Qing Shan looked to the War God UI.

A notification was still blinking.

[Congratulations, you’ve barely cleared the requirements, initiating Thaumaturgy Quest number 3]

[Quest description: The world is moaning in agony; the remaining weapon spirits are helping it fight against the fire. The user must go deeper into the abyss of the world to further find out its secrets]

[Quest objective: You probably need to see some sort of key item. Specifically, even the System couldn’t look into what that exactly is]

[Note: The System will try everything it can to support you. You can use the special power inside the crystal ball prematurely to find out the real truth of this world]

After reading through the Quest details, Gu Qing Shan nodded.

This was the very first time that the War God UI openly admits that it’s helping him, as well as expressing the desire to investigate this world.

Just look, this matter is so dangerous that even the War God UI is doing everything it can.

Looking at the crystal ball, Gu Qing Shan saw that it was full of white mist again.

He then lightly tapped the crystal ball.

Immediately, all the white mist appeared from inside the crystal ball and flowed inside from every hole on his body.