When A Mage Revolts
  • Autor
    Yin Si
  • Nombres Alternativos
  • Fuente
    Qidian International
  • Estado

When A Mage Revolts


Kubei was just an ordinary pencil and button pusher working a day job, hating his boss and making horrible speeches when one day he fell asleep after pushing an all-nighter. When he woke up, he was bound to a chair, facing three creepy robed women and in a body way too young and way too weak to be his own. As he slowly came to, he realized that he was no longer in the same universe as he was before. He had teleported to the Kingdom of Helius, where an all-powerful church rules its lands and w... Leer más >>

Últimos Capítulos Publicados

  1. Chapter 942: Ten Years in the Kingdom

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana
  2. Chapter 941: Fallen

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana
  3. Chapter 940: Victory and Defeat

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana
  4. Chapter 939: Forbidden Spell

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana
  5. Chapter 938: The Final Battle

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana

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