Chapter 824

Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

.Chapter 824

824 Chapter 824, there was nothing much to say

Unrivaled super hero and five nights had the same class. They were both archers. This was because they were here to earn money in the game. Time was money. Naturally, they chose this class with the fastest movement speed so that they would not waste a large amount of time on their journey.

At this moment, the two of them met at the Archersshooting range in Yueye City. This resurrection point immediately became the liveliest place. After dusky clouds order was given, the place was filled with noise. Some people heard that they had captured the high-ranking figures of English studio and were already stretching their necks to ask Which which which which. At this moment, there was new news, it was said that the big boss of English studio had also been captured, so the crowd became even more excited. Which which whichwas louder, and the Resurrection Point was safe and without danger, they could confidently step in and admire these two animals. For a time, more and more people gathered at the archery range. Everyone looked around. Five nights was identified, so it quickly attracted a lot of attention. No one knew who unrivaled super hero was, but it was obvious that he was right beside five nights. Everyone thought about it, so they appraised him as they watched, leaving a series of exclamations.

AH, his equipment is not bad. As expected of the Big Boss!

Yeah, look at that bow. Enhanced snipe and double arrow. Its a dual-skill enhanced weapon. Ive never seen it before!

Could it be that youve seen his hat? Enhanced Eagle Eye! Have you seen a hat with enhanced skills?

F * ck, the clothes are obviously light armor. The defense is even higher than the heavy armor of a warrior like me!

The shoes are also fast!

The necklace adds so much agility!

Ring and archery proficiency! ! !

Unrivaled super was surrounded and appraised by the crowd. The equipment was taken down one by one by the crowd. If it wasnt for the protection of the Resurrection Point.., it was hard to guarantee that these guys wouldnt lose their minds and pounce on them. The people surrounding the two people clicked their tongues in wonder. Outside the circle, someone shouted, Its our turn, its our turn, lets take a look too! !

Unrivaled super hero and five nights were extremely depressed. The two of them were like monkeys in a zoo. Unrivaled super hero, in particular, was more attractive than five nights, the so-called higher-ups. This was especially true for the equipment he was wearing.

Originally, it was a form of enjoyment to have amazing equipment, but now, would matchless hero have the mood to enjoy it? In order to avoid this kind of harassment, he directly took off all the equipment he was wearing and placed them in his pocket. He randomly put on some tattered clothes and asked in a deep voice, Wheres the boss of Your Guild? I want to meet him.

Seeing that monkey had spoken, the players quieted down a little. Immediately, someone walked out from the crowd and stood in front of Matchless hero in a human-like manner. What do you have to say?

The person laughed and said in a flashy manner, Theres no need to sit down. If you take a hundred thousand or eighty thousand, I can consider letting you out of this resurrection point.

The group of players cheered. Most of the players did not have a good impression of the studio collecting money in the game, especially from the players. Now that there was an opportunity to collect money from the studio, everyone was in high spirits.

No one expected that unrivaled super would actually nod at this request. He continued to calmly say, If theres anything, we can sit down and talk about it. Anything is fine.

The person who came was obviously very surprised. He scratched his head awkwardly amid the laughter around him, as if he did not know how to respond. Five nights, who was beside him, also felt that something was amiss. The boss of the Ten Guild Alliance, Dusky Cloud, was a thief. At the very least, everyone knew this, but the person in front of him was clearly a warrior. Even if the boss of unrivaled super hero was high and mighty, he still often used the game to entertain himself. The Ten Guild Alliance was so famous, and dusky cloud was a character who was ranked above the five unyielding experts. How could he not know this? This guy in front of him was obviously pretending to make fun of them.

Five Nights was hesitating whether to remind the boss, but matchless hero already smiled and said, You cant make the decision? Then can you let me see someone who can make the decision?Five nights came to a realization, as expected of the boss, he was quite calm. Even though he knew that this guy in front of him was just fooling around, he was still patient enough to deal with him.

As the surrounding players continued to laugh, someone started to mock him, Immortal Pig, youre still far from being the boss. Come down quickly!

Immortal pigs skin was top-notch. He laughed and turned around, Why am I not the Boss? Am I not the guild leader? People just asked The boss of Your Guild. F * ck, Im not the guild leader?

The Ten Guild Alliance was made up of ten guilds. Immortal pig was indeed the guild leader of one of them. If he said that he was the guild leader, then naturally, he was also the guild leader. However, in the concept of the Ten Guild Alliance, they were a guild as a whole. The systems division was not established. At this moment, immortal pig raised this matter and was seen as shameless by everyone. They laughed loudly. From this, it could be seen that celestial pig, the so-called Guild Leader, really didnt have any weight. If the system didnt insist that a guild must have a guild leader, he probably wouldnt be worthy of this title.

As their brothers cursed at each other, unrivaled super hero and five nights seemed to be ignored, intentionally or unintentionally. Meanwhile, unrivaled super hero continued to maintain his composure and waited patiently for these guys to finish arguing. Then, he continued to look inquisitively at celestial pig, the Guild leader.

Immortal pig did not realize that his negotiating opponent was so calm and difficult to deal with. He already felt that he could not hold on any longer. He secretly hated himself for trying to steal the limelight. In his heart, he could only hope that dusky cloud would hurry over.

Seeing that the other party was not speaking, unrivaled super hero was not in a hurry. At the very least, the momentum of being watched like a monkey had stopped. After a few words, although he and five nights were only two people with little strength, they seemed to have the same status as the other sides large group. It had to be said that this was an aura. A big leader like Matchless hero still had an aura.

The tour aimed at the two of them had been stopped, but the Archersshooting range and outside didnt stop. The chaotic battle in Yueye City still had to continue! Just in time, a group of people from the opponents organization charged towards the archery range. The Ten Guild Alliance players who were watching the two people hurriedly turned around to counterattack, but they still carefully left a few people to keep an eye on unrivaled super hero and five nights.

Unrivaled super hero did not say anything, and five nights did not know what his boss was going to do. He had no other way out, so he could only quietly stand by the side. When he had just died, five nights had thought of calling prideful emperor and weed to quickly organize people to rescue him, but then he thought that prideful emperor and weed must have already been dug up by the other side, it was hard to say if they would still do their best, so he gave up on this idea.

In the end, prideful emperor and weed did send a message, informing five nights that they were also going to resign.

The two of them had been leading the guild battle against Dusky Cloud! There was a new email in the mailbox, so the two of them didnt have the time to read it. Later, a colleague who was on good terms with them asked about it, so the two of them hurriedly went to take a look. They were considered the last two people in England to discover that they had been poached.

Of course, the two of them had to hesitate, but a new battle report soon arrived. Five nights, and even their boss of English guild, had been blocked by the Ten Guild Alliance to the Resurrection Point. The two of them immediately felt that English guild was in big trouble this time. And the other partys generous conditions were right in front of their eyes. From receiving the poaching letter to making a decision, these two could be said to be the quickest. This gave five nights a casual greeting, and the two of them immediately left the guild without saying a word.

Their guild in Yueye City had already become a disaster. The two of them believed that their new boss would definitely not be interested in taking in such a disaster-like item. Thus, they made a prompt decision. While they left the guild, they also blacklisted all the members of the original guild, all alone, they went to their new boss.

The guild leaders of the two guilds that were opposing the Ten Guild Alliance suddenly left the Guild together. This bomb was too heavy. Just a few minutes ago, the two of them were still in a tug of war at their respective respawn points. Why did they suddenly leave the guild without saying a word? The two guilds were in chaos. They were already powerless against the Ten Guild Alliance. Now that even their guild leader had run away, naturally, the morale of the troops was in chaos. For a moment, the number of players who had left the guild was like the clouds. The two level 5 guilds were on the verge of disbanding in an instant. Some of them were still fighting on the battlefield when they suddenly left without looking back, leaving the ten guild alliance baffled. It was too obvious what had happened to the other side. Many people suddenly started to run.

With the two leading guilds in such a state of disunity, the remaining alliance guilds were quickly affected. Furthermore, without the support of these two guilds, they were no match for the Ten Guild Alliances players. Those who had left the guild and those who had surrendered, Dusky Clouds journey from Heros workshop to the Archers range was filled with news of victory. By the time he reached the Archers range, the chaotic battle in Yueye City was almost over. Those who were still fighting were those who were not well-informed. They did not know that their two leading guilds had already fallen, and their allies had already given up. They were still shouting, Down with the Ten Guild Alliance!!

Naturally, the attack on the archer range had also been easily defeated. When immortal pig led his group back, he saw dusky cloud and the others coming over. He quickly went over to tell him that the boss of English Fantasys workshop wanted to have a good talk with them.

Dusky cloud sneered and walked into the Resurrection Point. When the players from the Ten Guild Alliance saw that the real boss had arrived, they all made way for him. Dusky cloud also came in front of unrivaled super hero with an imposing aura.

Unrivaled super hero smiled and said, Looks like this is the famous dusky cloud boss!

Dont give me that!Dusky cloud waved his hand and said, If you have something to say, just say it.

Unrivaled super hero wasnt angry. He continued, I think theres been a misunderstanding.

Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?Dusky cloud asked.

I dont think there should be any grudges between us.

Are you saying that were looking for trouble?Dusky cloud said.

Thats not what youre saying. Of course theres a misunderstanding. Its just a misunderstanding.

What misunderstanding? wasnt the ambush on the Oolong mountain range your doing?Dusky cloud said.

Ive already asked about that matter. Its true that we did it, but it wasnt targeted at the brothers of the Ten Guild Alliance. Of course, in the end, it still caused some losses to the brothers. This is something that we must compensate,matchless hero said.

HMPH!Dusky cloud sneered. Of course I know who you guys are targeting. Thousand Miles drunk is a good friend of our ten Guild Alliance. Targeting him is the same as targeting us. You want to bribe us with just a little money? Dream on.

Dusky cloud was such a bandit. He was hot-blooded and did not care about benefits at all. This made even matchless hero speechless. He could only say helplessly, Does that mean that theres no way for us to continue talking?

Absolutely not,dusky cloud said firmly. Just think of a way to try and walk out of this door!

Then youre underestimating me a little too much. Its really too easy to leave this place.Matchless hero smiled. He took out a clear teleportation scroll from his pocket. Dusky Cloud could only stare at the scroll helplessly. There was no way he could stop the other party from entering the Resurrection Point.

Matchless hero used the scroll and disappeared from everyones sight along with five nights.

Why didnt you leave?After escaping from the teleportation, Matchless Heros first sentence was actually to ask five nights this question.

At this moment, five nights, who was talking about loyalty to the studio, felt that it was too fake, so he told the truth. I have nowhere to go.

Oh?Matchless hero did not understand.

The other party did not look for me for this poaching,five nights said.

Why is that?Matchless hero was also very curious. Five nights should not be so bad that no one wanted him.

I suspect that this operation might be the work of thousand miles drunk and the other players behind the scenes. The efficiency leveling method has been rewarded in the city district this time. Ive dealt with them twice, and Ive already offended them. It should be their revenge,five nights said.

In that case, its because of your actions that the other side has dealt a blow to the entire heroic spirit,Matchless Hero said.

Five nights was stunned. Only now did he realize that his responsibility was so huge.

How many people in charge of each city have resigned?Matchless hero knew that this was not the time to pursue this responsibility. Moreover, even he did not think that a player could make such a big move.., it was normal for five nights to not think of such consequences. There was really nothing to be punished for.

Im not sure about the other regions. My subordinates have already resigned from three cities,five nights said.

You have a total of six cities under you, right?

Five nights nodded.

Most of these people in charge of the main cities do not have any formal contract binding them. Its possible for them to leave as they wish and leave without saying goodbye… how many people do you think will remain in the end?Matchless Hero said.

This… I cant estimate,said five nights.

These people are an important part of the connection between our studio and the rest. Take them all away. To be honest, the situation is even more serious than you directors being poached. Their loss has caused a barrier in our communication between the upper and lower levels. You should contact the other directors as soon as possible and tell them that were going to do an inventory of the supplies soon. As long as we have the goods in our hands, we dont need to panic. Yingqi wont fall so easily.

But after these people leave, the game warehouse in their hands wont be able to be used anymore. We still need to move the goods. We cant contact any reliable people right now!Five nights said.

Let the directors of each city be directly responsible for this. You just need to do the inventory well. Then, try to contact as many of the temporary workers at the bottom level as possible. Let them be directly responsible to you first,matchless hero arranged.

I understand.Five nights nodded. Their directors had a high position, so they were bound by a lot of restrictions. They all had labor contracts with the studio. Therefore, even if the other directors announced their resignation, they had to spend a month to complete the handover work. Moreover, the large amount of resources in their hands were the assets of the studio. If they dared to take them for themselves, they would have to bear legal responsibility. However, the employees below the director level were very different. Most of them did not have any formal contracts. Many of them were promoted by temporary workers or part-time workers. They relied on personal constraints and the supervision of the directors. When it came to resigning, there was nothing they could do but leave without saying goodbye. However, they were not too worried about packing up and leaving. It was precisely because they knew the situation of these people that the studios resources were always in the hands of the directors. They rented system warehouses in various cities, only the directors had the authority to use them.

Unrivaled Supers arrangement made five nights feel confident again.

Thats right. It was troublesome to leave, but it was not to the point where it would collapse completely. The studio had been hoarding the games resources and gold coins for a long time, so they could not take them away. They were short of manpower at the moment, but even if there were a few who specialized in these resources, it would be enough to support the studios brand for a period of time. In the future, they would slowly recruit people. And now, he, five nights, was about to take over all the materials in the studio. What kind of trust was this! It looked like he had gotten a blessing in disguise, and his career was about to have another breakthrough.

Five nights, who had regained his confidence, happily contacted the other directors. Many of these directors had fallen out with Matchless hero face to face. Although they had fallen out, they knew that these things were their responsibilities under the contract. They also wanted to get out as soon as possible, so they did not shirk their responsibilities, they all asked when the inventory would start and where the supplies would be transferred.

Five nights was stunned and quickly asked the boss about this question.

You arrange the time. I will mail you the inventory list of the various cities later. Where to… I will find someone to open a new warehouse. When the time comes, I will go with you. You can follow him to transfer the supplies.

Five nights was stunned. It was not the arrangement for the boss, but the fact that the boss still had someone trustworthy in his hands. He thought that at this time, he and the boss were the only two commanders left.

Alright, you can go!Said Matchless Qiying.

What about you, Boss?

Me? The matters in Yueye City have to be taken care of,said Matchless Qiying.

What do you mean? I dont understand.

With dusky cloud and the Ten Guild Alliance here, how are we going to interfere with Yueye citys business in the future?? Moreover, with a group of them creating a bad influence, it will always affect our studio.. More importantly, Im not going to let them do whatever they want!! Dont the Ten Guild Alliance like to fight and Kill?? Well, Ill play with them.Suddenly, the tone of Matchlesss voice became extremely cold, to put it in laymans terms, this is the moment when the worlds most powerful and powerful son of a bitch is bursting with energy. Five nights was stunned.

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Today is the holiday, is the teachers readers happy holiday, and to vote, have it, have it? Do they read books about butterflies? (to be continued, please go to www.qidian. COM for more chapters, support the author, support the legal version!)