Chapter 2430

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2430: Chapter 2421 arrived at the treasure

Translator: 549690339

Although the three unlucky “Players”quickly returned to the city for free, their initiative to fight seemed to have lit a fuse. A large number of “Players”rushed out, they charged at the pirates who were guarding the treasure.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”The pirates were all red-eyed with killing intent.

Before this, the Pirates had wanted to clear their identities and complete Jiang Fei’s quest. Now, their thoughts were not as complicated as before.

Now, there were only two paths in front of the pirates. Kill or be killed! If they did not want to be killed by the “Players”, they could only fight back and kill these enemies. Only then would they have a chance to survive.

Therefore, the pirates who were fighting for their lives exploded with unimaginable combat power. Although they were facing fully armed “Players”who had come prepared, they still fought with great caution, although the number of the pirates was decreasing, the “Players”were also being killed.

“How long are you two going to wait?”Simon was not happy. If the “Players”were all killed by the npcs, would he not have come in vain?

“Attack!”Jiang Fei and Jeffers looked at each other. Then, the two of them jumped out of their invisibility and attacked the pirates.

Because Jiang Fei had disguised himself, he had even changed his aura. Therefore, the pirates did not recognize him. Moreover, when dealing with these pirates, Jiang Fei had deliberately suppressed his power, the purpose was to let Simon lower his guard against him.

Jiang Fei did not feel any pressure at all to kill these pirates. Although these pirates were working for him, these people were all evil killers, if some of the small pirates were forced to live, then these big pirates were all evil demons. Each of their hands was stained with the blood of countless civilians, these big pirates were powerful. They even dared to plunder some relatively remote planets.

If those remote planets were breached by these pirates, then they would definitely plunder the entire planet. The number of civilians who died because of this was no less than a million.

Therefore, these big pirates were bastards that everyone had to kill. They deserved to die. Jiang Fei had asked them to come this time because he did not intend to let them go back. Therefore, when he killed them, Jiang Fei did not show any mercy.

“Hmph… They are all useless!”Simon looked at the “Players”in front of him who were fighting the pirates. His heart was filled with disdain.

However, Simon did not plan to attack at this time because these “Players”had not yet gotten close to the treasure. Only when they felt that the treasure was within their reach would they hold their hands and beat them down one by one, looking at their despairing eyes, only then would they feel even more exhilarated.

As the battle continued, the Pirates began to be unable to hold on any longer. More and more “Players”came to the entrance of the treasure, forcing the remaining pirates to retreat into the underground palace.

“They’re hiding inside! Chase!”

“Chase after them!”


The “Players”became more and more courageous as the battle progressed. Those who could survive until now had spent a few pennies to exchange for a decent carrier of “Players”, those “Players”who refused to spend a single cent were unable to withstand the attacks of the pirates. At this moment, all of them had returned to the city for free.

“Boom, Boom, boom…”the sounds of battle continued to come from the entrance of the underground palace. From the sounds, one could tell that the “Players”had already entered. At this moment, there were not many pirates who were still alive, therefore, they could only slowly retreat into the depths of the underground palace.

“Let’s go in too!”Jiang Fei and Jeffers looked at each other and followed them in.

“Hehe, it’s finally time for fun.”Simon, who was at the back, smiled coldly.


After entering the underground palace, Jiang Fei and Jeffers did not encounter any obstacles because the “Players”in front of them had already killed the pirates that were blocking them. The remaining pirates were also chased into the depths of the underground palace, therefore, when Jiang Fei and the others came over, the place was already very empty.

“Let’s hurry up. Don’t let those guys snatch all the treasure!”Jeffers was a little anxious. At first, he did not want to be the first to stand out, so he hid in the back. Now that the “Players”had killed their way into the underground palace.., he was afraid that he would not be able to snatch the treasure.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei nodded. Then, he also quickened his pace. Simon followed behind the two of them.

Soon, Jiang Fei and the others arrived at the depths of the underground palace. As Jiang Fei had ordered the robots to rush out in a few days, the place was not very big. It was also relatively rough, however, the “Players”did not care about this at the moment. Because they had received the official quest, they did not think too much about it.

Simon, on the other hand, did not think about it in that way. In his opinion, he was on the game. The “Players”in the game could not hurt him at all. Therefore, there was nothing to worry about.

“For the happiness of our children and grandchildren! Charge!”

“Fight! Killing one is worth it, killing two is worth it!”

“Bastards! I’ll fight with you!”


At this moment, the remaining pirates saw that they had no way out. Behind them was the shrine where the treasure was stored, so they could only choose to fight with their lives.

“Kill!”The final battle broke out. The “Players”swarmed forward, and the pirates also fought. Two waves of people fought together.

“Let’s Go Too!”Jeffers roared and joined the battle. If they were still hiding at the back to watch the show, they would definitely be attacked by the other “Players”, after all, no one wanted to have someone behind them when they were risking their lives.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei nodded and rushed over.

As Jiang Fei had hidden his strength, he did not want to share the burden of these “Players”. Therefore, he did not put in any effort. As for Jeffers, although he wanted to kill the enemy, he was too weak, therefore, he could only fight at the periphery.

Gradually, the pirates who were alone could not hold on any longer. They fell one after another. Although they had dragged a few “Players”along with them, they could not hold on any longer.

“You… won’t have a good ending…”following an indignant roar, the last great pirate also fell. Although he was stronger than these “Players”, it was difficult for him to fight against four hands with two fists, a wise man could not hold on any longer. Under the opponent’s continuous battle, he finally fell.

“Haha! We can finally get the treasure!”A “Player”shouted excitedly.

“Yeah! We’re going to make money this time!”Many of the “Players”looked happy.

“Simon, it’s your turn now, right?”Jeffers and Jiang Fei had already retreated to Simon’s side.