Chapter 1041: The Night Before The Storm

Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Chapter 1041: The Night Before The Storm

A week had passed since they had their strategy meeting.

William and his entourage traveled steadily towards the North using a route that Baba Yaga had planned for them.

As a Demigod who had traveled the entire continent, she was well aware of the lesser beaten paths where no Demon dared to tread.

She had stored her mobile house inside her own domain, and spent most of her day riding in her giant mortar as she led William's entourage along the hidden paths that she had used previously on her journeys.

Celine, on the other hand, stayed in her laboratory in the Thousand Beast Domain, and secluded herself for the time being to do some experiments.

Although she didn't say it explicitly, it seemed as though she was planning to fight alongside William, and was currently preparing some items that she would use in their upcoming battle.

William had asked Kira and Athrun to not join the battle because he didn't want to involve them, or their Clans, in this unprecedented attack on the Gremory Clan's capital city.

Finally on the tenth day, Baba Yaga told them that they would rest during the day, and only travel at night. Although the North was very cold, it was surprisingly a very populated region in the Demon Continent.

Most Demons are highly resistant to certain temperatures, especially from the heat and the cold. They would often travel in groups to hunt, and forage in their snow-covered forests, which were teeming with life.

This was why Baba Yaga told them that they would only travel during the night because the temperature would be too frigid for even the cold-resistant Demons to wander outside of their homes.

The days passed as everyone started to adapt to their nightly routine. When Baba Yaga said that the night was frigid, she wasn't joking. Fortunately, William had reached the final stage of his Elemental Sovereign Job Class, which allowed him to create a dome of warmth for each flying carriage in his entourage.

Looking outside the window of William's flying carriage, Chiffon looked at the world of snow and ice with an indifferent expression on her face. The City of Lexicon had been one of the many prisons that her father, Luciel, had used to lock her up after her mother's death.

She didn't have very fond memories of the place. Just like her brothers and sisters did to her, the other members of the Gremory Clan shunned her as well. They would ridicule her, and make her beg before she was given scraps for food.

Back then, she couldn't stand up to them because, for her, they were stronger than her. This was why she was bullied. However, things were no longer the same. She was no longer the naive, little girl that begged them for food.

Chiffon was confident that if she ever saw the faces of those who had made her life miserable in the past, she would smash their faces with Sharur, and feed their bodies to Medusa, who had somehow ended up becoming her adorable pet.

"You don't have to force yourself to join me in this fight," William said as he wrapped his arms around Chiffon from behind. "I can handle them myself."

The pink-haired girl reested her hands over William's hands, before shaking her head.

"You are my husband, so it is normal for me to help you," Chiffon replied. "Also, I believe that I need to overcome this hurdle as well. I need to get revenge for my mother as well. I will not forgive them."

William sighed internally, but he no longer tried to dissuade Chiffon from fighting alongside him. He had felt her strong need to vent out her childhood frustrations on the people that had made her childhood miserable.

Kenneth, who had decided to accompany Chiffon to the outside world, was seated across them with his eyes closed. He had been cooped up in the Thousand Beast Domain for most of the journey, so he decided to come out for a change of pace.

What many people didn't know was that even if Kenneth closed his eyes, he was able to see everything around him using his Mind's Eye. This was one of the abilities he had, so he could see clearly the Half-Elf's concern for his wife.

Charmaine was seated beside Kenneth and was looking at the husband and wife pair with an envious gaze.

'Sir William only holds me like that when he drinks my blood,' Charmaine thought as she replayed the last time the Half-Elf had embraced her in her memories. 'Tonight is supposed to be the night that he will drink my blood. It's a shame that it will be put on hold until it's only the two of us.'

While everyone was lost in their own thoughts, the flying carriages started to descend from the sky.

William frowned because he thought that it would still take them at least a day more before they reached their destination.

Just as he was about to check what was going on, Baba Yaga's voice reached everyone's ears.

"If we move any closer, Argus Panoptes will be able to see us," Baba Yaga said in a firm voice. "All of you should rest for the rest of the night and finalize your strategy. Once you cross the next two miles, there will be no turning back. This is as far as I will take you. I don't want to involve myself in the war between you and the Demon race."

William nodded in understanding. Baba Yaga had already made it known that she wouldn't participate in the battles that the Half-Elf was planning to fight. The only reason she had helped him thus far was due to her adopted daughter Celine's request.

As the flying carriages landed in a hidden place at the foot of a mountain, William and his entourage gathered for their last strategy meeting. This would be the night that they would finalize their plans.

The Half-Elf made it known to them that when the sun set the next day, and the first stars appeared on the horizon, their attack on the city of Lexicon would finally take place.