Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister
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Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister


How will the person who, in her previous world was known as the Goddess of Ice, deal with the world of Naruto?
This story will loosely follow cannon and will focus on how a powerful, wise, and slightly insane person will affect the story and its characters. Slightly AU

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Últimos Capítulos Publicados

  1. Chapter 561(END): Epilogue

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana
  2. Chapter 560: An actual Powerful Opponent?

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana
  3. Chapter 559: Attacking Kara

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana
  4. Chapter 558: A Powerful Opponent

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana
  5. Chapter 557: Scientific Ninja Tools

    Hace 10 meses, 1 semana

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