Chapter 901.2: Attack on Little Radish

Gate of God

Chapter 901.2: Attack on Little Radish

Translator:Atlas Studios

Editor:Atlas Studios

The first thought that came to all the Monster Kings and the elders of the Demon Race's minds after witnessing the death of Space-splitting Demon God was to kill Fang Zhengzhi and Chi Guyan while they were injured.

However, after they saw the Traceless Sword on Fang Zhengzhi's hand, they completely changed their mind. All the Monster Kings, Elders of the Demon Race and Monster Emperor Baizhi looked very serious.

Fang Zhengzhi too.

That was because only he knew the condition of his body. He was extremely tired and felt like his entire body was depleted.

The ancient saying went, 'Women are like wolves when they are thirty and tigers when they are forty'.

Fang Zhengzhi was not sure whether the seventeen-year-old Chi Guyan was more like a wolf or a tiger, but he was certain that the level of hunger Chi Guyan displayed was overwhelming.

Yes, he felt depleted.

When Chi Guyan stabbed the Space-splitting Demon God, Fang Zhengzhi became the man behind her. The truth was, it was not easy to be the man behind her.

When Monster Emperor Baizhi's fox tail hit Chi Guyan, Fang Zhengzhi had held on to Chi Guyan with his death.

At that moment, he only had one thought in mind.


Protect Chi Guyan!

Therefore, when he held onto Chi Guyan, he passed all his Origin Energy to her body.

However, he did not expect that this wild transfer of Origin Energy had caused Chi Guyan's Enlightenment State to change from the Rebirth State to the Sagely State.

Moreover, when Chi Guyan entered the Sagely State, extremely intense attractive forces flowed into Fang Zhengzhi's Small Dimension.

Fang Zhengzhi was stunned.

However, he reacted very quickly.

Chi Guyan had forcefully broken through!

To be very frank, the usual breakthroughs were made when one had sufficient powerful Origin Energy and made use of their Origin Energy to rebuild and restructure their bodies.

However, Chi Guyan was different.

She had decided to forcefully breakthrough without conserving any of her Origin Energy.

Without the support of the Origin Energy…

How could she possibly restructure her body when she changed her state?

This was an irony.

The outcome of this irony was, when Chi Guyan had broken through to the Sagely State, her body turned into an extraordinarily large black hole. Without the support of a sufficiently strong Origin Energy, she would die after the breakthrough.

After understanding this point, Fang Zhengzhi did not resist or let go of Chi Guyan. Instead, he allowed for the terrifying attractive force to rampage in his Small Dimension.

The result was very exaggerated.

Fang Zhengzhi could significantly feel the vast ocean in his Small Dimension being sucked up completely at an unimaginable speed.

It was too fast!

If he did not have enough Origin Energy in his body, he would be completely depleted of Origin Energy by Chi Guyan in a second.


He would be left with nothing.

"Women are indeed scary!" Fang Zhengzhi exclaimed in his heart. However, he had to force himself to hold on because once Yun Qingwu discovered his current condition, Chi Guyan and himself, and even others including Wu Yuer would not be able to leave.

What should he do?

If his Origin Energy had not been depleted, he would kill Yun Qingwu or Monster Emperor Baizhi without any hesitation. However, considering that his Origin Energy was about to be depleted soon…

The only choice for him was the stratagem of an empty city.

In order to employ this stratagem, he must show that he was still absolutely powerful such that Yun Qingwu would believe that he still had his powers.

"Fang Zhengzhi, even if you kill me now, you won't gain anything from it," Yun Qingwu said as she glanced at the Traceless Sword in Fang Zhengzhi.

"I don't think so," Fang Zhengzhi replied as he took a step towards Yun Qingwu's direction.

"You can't kill me!"

"But I can try!"

"You don't have enough time, the ancient Demon Gods would arrive any moment."

"At least not now, right?" Fang Zhengzhi glanced at the two opened Gates of God after he spoke. To be honest, he was slightly nervous. After all, it would be the end of him once the Demon Gods arrived.

"You really want to do so?"

"I have no reason not to try in such situations."

"Six months, I promise. In six months, wherever you go, the monster race and demon race would not invade you." Yun Qingwu clenched his teeth and offered a deal.

"How do you promise?"

"As long as I am still alive, I can promise that!" Yun Qingwu said.

Fang Zhengzhi did not immediately reply. He was considering about the deal that Yun Qingwu offered. It was very straightforward and pragmatic.

The Gates of God of the Realm of Monsters and Demons had already opened.

Therefore, a great battle between the humankind and the monster race and demon race would be inevitable. Therefore, even if he killed Yun Qingwu, it would not change the outcome.

It was a pragmatic concern and Yun Qingwu's deal gave Fang Zhengzhi a piece of "pure land" so that he could survive in this battle.

"Three years!" Fang Zhengzhi finally spoke after considering for a while.

"No way, one year is the maximum." Yun Qingwu shook her head without thinking. He knew Fang Zhengzhi's abilities too well. Nobody would be able to predict what would happen in three years' time.

Furthermore, she had offered a "pure land", not a person. Therefore, she would not dare to take such a risk.

"My request is three years," Fang Zhengzhi insisted.

"Two years is the maximum I can offer. If you don't agree, then attack now," Yun Qingwu said with determination and took a step forward.

"Alright, two years then." Fang Zhengzhi finally nodded after consideration.

Then, he took a look at two Gates of God in the sky and without hesitation, dropped beside Wu Yuer.

"Why do you want to strike a deal with her?" Wu Yuer could not understand.

"It is not the time to kill her now." Fang Zhengzhi held Chi Guyan in one hand and put the other on Wu Yuer's arm as his Traceless Sword vanished.

"I don't understand…" Wu Yuer was about to continue when she suddenly realized the sweat on Fang Zhengzhi's hand.

Moreover, she could feel the heavy breaths and saw the paleness on Fang Zhengzhi's face.

Wu Yuer shuddered and stopped talking. Then, she immediately ran towards the bottom of the Heaven Zen Mountain.

Fang Zhengzhi smiled.

She knew that Wu Yuer had figured out his condition and plans. Her actions certified that because she did not take over Chi Guyan from him.

As he heaved a sigh of relief, Fang Zhengzhi's feet trembled uncontrollably and almost fell to the ground. However, he recovered very quickly.

A beam of light flashed across Yun Qingwu's eyes.

"Young Lord, are you really letting them go?"

"Young Empress, if we keep them alive, they would create trouble…"

"I have always felt that Fang Zhengzhi no longer have any more strength. If he had, he would definitely not give in so easily."

The Monster Kings and the Elders of the Demon Race were unwilling to accept the outcome as they watched Fang Zhengzhi and Wu Yuer leave.

"Our main concern should be the Gate of God of the Realm of Monsters and Demons, not Fang Zhengzhi." Yun Qingwu shook her head. As she looked at the disappearing figures, she clenched her fist. "Fang Zhengzhi… I await a battle with you in two years' time!"


At this moment, a loud thunderous boom was heard from the sky. Countless of light shone and the sky was lit up by the green and black rays.

Then, two streams of light landed from heaven.


Two giant black rocks landed on the top of the Tree of God. The world was shrouded by a chilly aura and the strong pressure suffocated the Monster Kings.

"They have arrived!"

"The ancient Demon God has arrived again!"

Crack! The sound of something cracking broke the shouts of excitement. Then, two giant black rocks exploded open.

Countless pieces of small rocks flew and lit up the sky.

Two figures gradually appeared amongst the flying rock pieces and light. It was the figure of a man and a woman. The man was extremely cold and the woman was alluring.

"Finally, they came back!" A voice of excitement and surprise shocked the Monster Kings. Then, they turned their attention towards the bottom of the Heaven Zen Mountain.

"Young Empress, Fang Zhengzhi had not traveled too far? We could…"

"Hmm?" Yun Qingwu looked at the Monster King who spoke with a cold gaze. She did not show any signs of anger but she sounded authoritative. "You are making me break my promise?"

"Please forgive me!" Hearing Yun Qingwu's response, cold sweat started forming on the Monster King's forehead and he knelt down.

Upon seeing this, Yun Qingwu turned her attention back to the bottom of the Heaven Zen Mountain, then turned around and walked towards the two figures…

One and a half month's time passed by very quickly.

Within this one and a half month's time, whatever happened on the Heaven Zen Mountain had spread throughout the world, including every capital of the Four Great Empires.

The news of the arrival of the powerful ancient Demon God and ancient Monster God had become more animated with the spread of word.

This made the public, who were initially immersed in the change of the world, even more worried. Fear spread quickly throughout the world.

Some of them said the change was the portent of a worldwide disaster, while some said the monster race and demon race would take revenge on the humankind by either killing everyone or turning humans into their slaves.

The power of words was terrifying.

Although the Four Great Empires had been trying their best to suppress the spread of threatening comments, they could not stop everything completely as they were fearful too.

After all, they saw the opened Gate of God of the Realm of Monsters and Demons with their own eyes.

"Your Majesty, your order to deploy soldiers to protect the Capital City had been conveyed!"

"Hmm, has the letter for the Holy Region reached?"

"It had been delivered, but on the Holy Region's side…"


"There was no reply from the Holy Region. From what I know, the battle had already begun in the Holy Region. The ancient Demon God and the ancient Monster God is…"

"I got it, you can leave now!"


When the Capital City of the Great Empires were in chaos, some of the remote regions located far away from the Capitals were still peaceful.

For instance, the Northern Mountain Village below the Cang Ling Mountain.

From its geographical location, the Northern Mountain Village was close to the Cang Ling Mountain, and behind the Cang Ling Mountain was the region occupied by the Demon Race. It could be said that the Northern Mountain Village was the border of the Great Xia Dynasty.

However, because of Cang Ling Mountain, a natural forbidden place, the border had been peaceful for a long time.

"Little radish, this bucket is so big, are you sure you can carry that by yourself?" A voice could be heard at the entrance of the Northern Mountain Village. Meanwhile, a lady dressed in plain clothes walked out of the village.

At the entrance of the village, there stood a cute boy who was about five years old and had a pair of black and large eyes.

However, the boy's head was a little too big and too round, making him look like a radish head.

Judging one by one's appearance?

This was somewhat disrespectful. However, Little Radish did not mind at all and instead smiled very happily.

That was because he was named "Little Radish" by Fang Zhengzhi. In Little Radish's opinion, anything that was said by Fang Zhengzhi was something good.

After all, Fang Zhengzhi was the pride of the Northern Mountain Village.

"Daddy had gone hunting in the mountains. Mom is going to pick him up. I need to get ready to make dinner for Dad and Mom." Little Radish placed the bucket on the ground and breathed heavily.

"Good boy, Little Radish is the most well-behaved child in the Northern Mountain Village. Come, let auntie help you." The lady smiled and was about to help Little Radish carry the bucket.

"It's alright, Brother Zhengzhi had said before, guys need to be able to endure hardships and should not depend on women!" Little Radish shook his head and guarded the bucket with reluctance.

"Woah, this was what Zhengzhi taught you?"


"Hahaha… Your Brother Zhengzhi is right. Guys should behave like a man. However, you are not even six years old. You are still young, I will naturally not offer you any help when you grow older."

"How am I young? Brother Zhengzhi was only seven years old when he went hunting in the mountains. When I grow up, I want to be like Brother Zhengzhi and hunt in the mountains too." Little Radish said and refused to accept the help.

"Hahaha, okay, Auntie won't help you, you can do it by yourself…" The lady smiled again and turned back to the village.

"Auntie, look over there, someone is coming?"

"Someone? Could it be the hunting team? Wait a minute, what… what is that?" As the lady turned towards the direction Little Radish was looking at, her smile disappeared and her eyes widened as though she had seen the most terrifying thing in the world.