Endless Pampering Only For You
  • Autor
    Mo Xiao Shui默小水
  • Nombres Alternativos
    Billion of Pampering Only For You Yi Wan Sheng Chong Zhi Wei Ni 亿万盛宠只为你
  • Fuente
  • Estado

Endless Pampering Only For You

Vida EscolarShoujoRomanceDrama

They are childhood sweethearts, they are engaged under the family’s scheme, and they have to live in the same room and sleep together.

That night, she was accidentally drunk, and he kissed her in a fascinating mood,. By accident, his “crime” was finally discovered, she accused him, but he said with a smile, “You are my wife, why can’t I kiss you?”

The two people’s daily routine is full of bickering, mutual hate.

He said that he disliked her. Actually, In his heart, he was ex... Leer más >>


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