Divine Hint: Reporting An Escaped Convict From The Start
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    Bean Of Giant Silkworm
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Divine Hint: Reporting An Escaped Convict From The Start

AcciónSlice of LifeFantasíaArtes MarcialesAventura

# rapiddevelopment

Li Hao mumbled, “Huh? Someone escaped from prison? Hmm? Why is there an exclamation mark on the bounty notice?”

[Pay 200 yuan and you will receive information about the prison breaker's location. What are you waiting for?]

Li Hao wondered, “There is an exclamation mark on this scratchcard too?”

[Scratch this card and you will receive a grand prize. Don't miss it!]

Li Hao exclaimed, “A question mark above this box of pills?"

[This is a box... Leer más >>


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