Chapter 1588 - Arrival!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1588: Arrival!

After saying his piece, Gu Qing Shan immediately leapt into action.


With his curt shout, three dark figures charged forward.

Sword phantoms danced in the sky.

The Heaven sword, Chao Yin sword, and Six Paths Great Mountain sword continuously attacked, only for the glowing cloaked skeleton to swing its axe and send them all flying.

The glowing cloaked skeleton tried to move, only to find that it was stuck in place, unable to move.

[The power of Dragons…]

The glowing cloaked skeleton muttered, then left a shadow of light where it originally stood and stepped forward, away from the shadow.

Gu Qing Shan’s eye twitched.

Both the Red Dragon and Azure Dragon Hexes had been left on the shadow of light, the glowing cloaked skeleton had escaped from the Dragon Hexes’ influence and headed straight towards him.

[Life and death are nothing but a passing moment in the long journey, living beings like you cannot even dream of existing eternally!]

The glowing cloaked skeleton howled and rushed forward with its axe.

Gu Qing Shan held the Earth sword up in front to block the strike.


The sword clashed against the axe.

Cracks began to appear on the ground underneath Gu Qing Shan’s feet, undulating with shockwaves.

Everything became a blur.

The shockwaves manifested into storm-force wind that blew the clouds above away.

The sword remained still, firmly holding the axe back.

“What right do you have to force living beings to die, huh!?” Gu Qing Shan snapped back.

He swung his sword.

The glowing cloaked skeleton as well as the axe in its hand were forced back.

Gu Qing Shan swiftly pursued, swinging strike after strike, with every attack being sharper and stronger than the last.

Three airborne consecutive slashes——

Secret Art, [Despairing Rise]!

The glowing cloaked skeleton used its axe to defend, but was still sent flying.

Crashing into the black wall, it regained its balance and spoke: [With only so much power, you dream of——-]

Its voice was suddenly cut off.

A streak of light descended from above, manifesting as a strong wind that surrounded the glowing cloaked skeleton and eventually consumed it.

Countless blades of sword-infused wind slashed through the air back and forth, instantly performing tens of thousands of strikes.

The Heaven sword had returned!

——–[Heaven’s Choice], 9-fold Taiyi Sword Arrays!

However, the only thing that appeared within the sword-infused wind was a shadow of light left behind by the glowing cloaked skeleton.

That shadow of light had taken those numerous attacks while the glowing cloaked skeleton easily walked out of the deadly formation.

Gu Qing Shan silently observed this.

This glowing cloaked skeleton possesses the ability to make the shadow of light receive everything instead of it so that it can escape.

——how troublesome.

He deeply sighed and tightly wielded the Earth sword.

The glowing cloaked skeleton landed on the ground and looked at Gu Qing Shan: [What a sarcastic sight to behold. A Death God fighting for the sake of living creatures]

Gu Qing Shan replied: “I’m an advocate for natural deaths”


The ground broke apart as endless ice surged forward from the sky, freezing the glowing cloaked skeleton inside.

A flying sword rapidly circled around the large block of ice while giving off a long whistle.

Blue lightning was flickering and arcing within the ice

Chao Yin sword, [Dreamjolt]!

The glowing cloaked skeleton paused for a split second within the ice before it began to struggle.

Another shadow of light appeared around its body.

“Still want to run?”

Gu Qing Shan let go of the Earth sword and instantly threw a punch.

[Ethereal – Grand Mountain]!

Within the large block of ice, the glowing cloaked skeleton instantly became stationary.

The three swords returned and hovered behind Gu Qing Shan, staring closely at the block of ice.

Gu Qing Shan took a few steps back and put on a pair of red flaming gloves.

But a second later, the glowing cloaked skeleton once again walked out of the block of ice while leaving a shadow of light behind.

[That punch just now gave me a very familiar sensation…] it pondered and commented.

“Oh? I originally came from the slums, did you also come from the same place?” Gu Qing Shan asked like he was interested.

The glowing cloaked skeleton didn’t say anything and simply fell silent.

It seems to be reminiscing about something.

Gu Qing Shan formed a sword seal and mobilized his three flying swords.


The three flying swords rushed forward, each giving off endlessly blooming black sword images that completely enveloped the glowing cloaked skeleton inside.

“Shannu, hurry up, seize the time!”

Gu Qing Shan called out in his mind.

At another location——–

An autumn water-like blue steel sword was hurriedly flying across the sky, moving through the thick black clouds towards a location several thousand miles away.

She was using everything that she could, flashing forward continuously in order to reach her target as fast as possible.

——following Gu Qing Shan’s plan, after she was sent flying, she had flown straight into the clouds to save someone instead of returning.


At a certain point, she suddenly landed and turned into a blue-dress maid.

The girl wielded a sword and slashed towards the gigantic black wall and shouted: “OPEN!”

A blinding flash of a sword phantom manifested.

At the same time, Gu Qing Shan also unleashed several gigantic sword phantoms at the same time.

The glowing cloaked skeleton was completely indifferent, it let those sword phantoms strike the shadows of light that left its body and crashed into the black wall with resounding explosions.

[How regretful, such attacks won’t destroy me] the glowing cloaked skeleton declared.

It raised its axe and stood motionlessly.

Gu Qing Shan also crossed his arms and coldly replied: “In reality, you’ve also lost a lot of your power. You no longer wield the same power that you did in the River of Time, otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to even reach you”

The glowing cloaked skeleton remained silent for a bit before answering him: [At the time, only a small bit of weak light illuminated you, so my powers were indeed lacking. Coupled with the Chrono race’s attack, I truly am quite weakened at the moment…]

It raised its axe towards Gu Qing Shan as its presence became a bit eerie.

It seemed to have… become a decaying dead entity.

The glowing cloaked skeleton’s tone became full of malice:

[Death God, if you were killed by the slumbering living beings within the River of Death, then it would be quite interesting, won’t it?]

Under its feet, a spring of black water began to overflow, manifesting into a large surging river.

Various shadows began to emerge from inside the water.

——something was approaching.

Gu Qing Shan’s expression became extremely stern.

He silently chose a certain Title on the [War God Titles] menu and equipped it.

——–[Dragon King of Atrocity Jail]

[By equipping this Title, you obtained the unique Title Skill: Warden]

[Warden: As you fight, countless virtuous living beings within the void will sense your battle and may come to aid you]

At this point in time, the Doomsday Necropolis had been completely sealed off.

——-if there was still anyone within the Doomsday Necropolis who hadn’t flee, they should probably come here and fight by my side.

Otherwise, no one will even get a chance to make their last gamble.

Dozens of monsters suddenly emerged from inside the River of Death that had suddenly manifested.

They were clad in a thick miasma of death.

[Go, kill him!] the glowing cloaked skeleton declared.

Gu Qing Shan wielded the twin swords Heaven and Earth, using his gaze to scan through the monsters.

[Forgetting River Severance]!

From the void of space, countless sword phantoms manifested out of nowhere like rapidly blooming flowers that sliced the monsters.

A gust of wind blew past.

All the monsters had been finely cut into tiny pieces and once again sank back into the River of Death.

[This is only the beginning, the truly powerful slumbering entities have yet to awaken, but they will very soon] the glowing cloaked skeleton laughed out loud.

Gu Qing Shan’s figure was about to shift, but suddenly stopped.

At an extreme distance behind him, an overwhelming presence was rapidly approaching him.

Is that the support summoned by my Title Skill?

He scanned with his inner sight.

Only to see a huge bulky figure descending.

The Death Dragon!

Didn’t this fatty kill hundreds of millions of dead people?

How come he’s considered to be virtuous?

——–seems like there is a reason for everything.

As Gu Qing Shan rapidly thought about this, Dead Fatty had already raised a signboard to him that wrote: [God damn it, everywhere has been sealed off, this dragon can’t get out at all. Brother Gu, do you have any solutions?]

Gu Qing Shan sighed and sent his voice: “I do have a solution, but I first need to deal with this one huge issue.

The fatty peeked his head out from behind Gu Qing Shan and cautiously looked ahead.

The River of Death was currently surging and boiling as more monsters were climbing out from inside.

They all crawled on the ground with their eyes glowing coldly while staring at Gu Qing Shan.

The fatty was frightened and quickly wrote another signboard, showing it to Gu Qing Shan:

[Brother Gu, that skeleton is summoning people from the River of Death!]

Gu Qing Shan explained: “It seems to have gained control over a portion of the River of Death, so those skeletons are listening to its orders”

He suddenly thought of something.

That guy can summon people, can’t I just do the same?

Gu Qing Shan pressed his hand on the ground, recalled the incantation, then whispered: “Dead men from the River of Death, emerge!”

The ground cracked over.

Skeletons began to climb out one after another from the abyss of the earth, lining up neatly in front of Gu Qing Shan with weapons in hand while staring at their opposition.

More and more skeletons were coming out.

Dead Fatty compared the number from both sides and sighed in relief, then raised a new signboard to the skeletons:

[Brothers, get out there and beat those traitors up for me!]

The skeletons didn’t respond.

—–Gu Qing Shan also hadn’t given any orders.

Shannu still hasn’t finished her task, so I need to stall for a bit longer.

And also, he was sensing something else as well.

Ever since his return from the Age of Immemorial and getting more acquainted with the River of Death, his power of Death was also gradually growing.

The Law of Death had once again responded to his summon.


I will be able to summon even more powerful dead beings.

Gu Qing Shan took a step back and whispered: “Dead Fatty, aren’t you going to fight?”

Dead Fatty shook his head like a rattling drum and put up another signboard: [Brother Gu, it’s not us dragon’s style to head into the frontlines and risk our lives. I need to observe the situation first before I can act]