Chapter 1216 - Catching up!

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1216: Catching up!

Rewinding time a bit.

After being pushed by Lady Fusi, Gu Qing Shan fell into the River of Time and swiftly made his way towards the future.

In the void, cold wind fluttered while the river remained ever-silent.

Only he jetted forward like a streak of light, speeding along the distance of 10 trillion years within the River of Time.


A bit faster!

Gu Qing Shan was silently worried.

According to Lady Fusi, after he left with her, time was continuously flowing forward unlike with the coins.

I don’t know what the ultimate results of the Apotheotic Combat would be.

Or whether that figure of [Chaos] is hiding in the shadows to observe the direction of the war.

From a rational perspective, this figure must be waiting at the world of the Spire without fail.

——waiting for Ye Ru Xi to be brought back to the world of the Spire, then trigger the [Demon King Order]’s 10 trillion years of accumulated Prayers.

This was the event that individual had foreseen within the River of Time.

It is also the ultimate plan from the [Chaos] faction.

If I can’t make it in time for that moment, everything will occur as he had planned and become reality.

Gu Qing Shan sighed and examined the Card in his hand again.

Following his gesture, lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Unique Card: Demon King Descension Master Attachment]

[Description: A minor alteration in the Demon King Order made by Lady Fusi through utilizing many Dreamscape Soul Artifacts]

[The unicorn is the core of the Demon King Order; the flute is the guiding conduit for Prayers after the alteration had been made]

[As you sit on the unicorn and play the flute, the Demon King’s Prayers will imbue itself onto you]

[Because there was a small mistake during this process, the Demon King’s descension will only last for 7 seconds]

Reading this text, Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but recall Lady Fusi’s words:

“This is indeed the most powerful weapon that our [Order] faction had ever created… we had calculated at the time, if the [Demon King Order] was to stay constantly active for 10 trillion years, constantly accumulating the Prayers of all of its carriers, at most it would only allow the entity called ‘Demon King’ to exist for 10 seconds”

The 10 seconds limit has been reduced to 7 seconds.

With so little time, would I still have enough time to change the situation of the battle?

Gu Qing Shan was unsure.

——all of my efforts, my power, my means, even traveling 10 trillion years back in time, everything culminated within this Card.

This is my last chance and the last chance of all living beings.

Otherwise, once [Chaos]’s plan succeeds, the infinite worlds will be completely destroyed.

Gu Qing Shan held the Card tightly and looked forward.

The path in front of him was vast, so much that he still couldn’t see the end.

10 trillion years is a very long way to travel, I don’t know if I’ll make it in time.

Unfortunately, without the [Demon King Order], I can no longer use the three coins to speed up my travel through time.

If I happen to not make it in time…

Gu Qing Shan shook his head, reluctant to ponder the consequences.

A female voice suddenly resounded from the void of space.

“Qing Shan”

Gu Qing Shan abruptly looked up.

“Xue Er? Where are you?” he loudly asked.

“No need to look for me, I’m currently in deep slumber in the far future, so I won’t be able to appear in front of you. But I think I can give you some help”

Two shining stars appeared next to Gu Qing Shan.

One of them manifested into Su Xue Er.

The other star manifested into an unfamiliar girl.

She could no longer be described as merely beautiful.

She seemed like a masterpiece work of art——- through extreme precision in design and adjustments, following the most optimized path of evolution ever since conception, which finally resulted in the form that embodied humanity’s concept of beauty and nature.

She was like the supreme treasure that nature had cultivated.

Both she and Su Xue Er put their hands on Gu Qing Shan’s shoulder and pushed.

“Your excellency, please go quickly, this is everything we can do” the unfamiliar girl told him.

“Do your best, Qing Shan, I know you can definitely do it!” Su Xue Er loudly encouraged him.

The two of them turned back into stars and disappeared above the River of Time.

Gu Qing Shan abruptly sped up again.

The wind howled by his ears.

His sleeves fluttered intensely.

The glittering River of Time was whizzing past his vision.

Within the boundless darkness and light, Gu Qing Shan suddenly thought of something.

He took out a shell made for Divination and spun it in his hand.

——-having received the knowledge inheritance of countless past worlds, his Divination skills had reached a certain peak.

Very quickly, a trigram appeared to show him the results.

“Ultimately drowned, ominous, faultless”

Gu Qing Shan’s heart sank to the bottom.

The distance of 10 trillion years is ultimately too vast, I still couldn’t make it in time.

Suddenly, another voice resounded in the void of space.

“I can see you, it’s probably a bit too late for you to return to that moment in time right now”

The giant corpse.

—–this is the giant corpse’s voice.

“How did you find me?” Gu Qing Shan asked with delight.

The giant corpse’s voice resounded in his ears:

“[Order] and [Chaos] have travelled along the flow of history countless times in order to obtain the necessary power to end their struggle once and for all at that decisive moment”

“Their war will soon decide the fate of all things and all living beings”

“Being influenced by this, the Laws inside the Reality Gate have already begun to quake, how could I not notice?”

“And since you are an integral part of it, I naturally found you right away”

Gu Qing Shan said: “There’s not much time, please give me a hand! I definitely must make it back to that moment!”

The giant corpse sighed: “That is exactly why I had appeared, you must quickly calm the quaking inside the Reality Gate, otherwise the increasingly severe fluctuations might draw the attention of certain inexplicable entities, that is much too dangerous”

As soon as he said that.

Gu Qing Shan felt someone giving him a strong push from behind.

He sped up again!

“Thank you so much! Next time we meet, I’ll invite you for a drink!” Gu Qing Shan loudly shouted.


Like a flash of light, he disappeared in an instant.

The giant corpse’s sigh could be heard from the void.

“Never did I think I’d be pulled into this as well… how regretful, my body had already been devoured, my strength waning…”

His voice slowly faded until it became completely inaudible.

Gu Qing Shan was quickly travelling forward.

The scenery around him could no longer be observed, everything had been warped into a blurry arc that rapidly moved past him.

After some time.


The scene in front of him became visible, displaying a clear scene.

He could see Boss being sent flying, as well as Ye Ru Xi’s helpless sobbing.

One final moment!

Following the Law of Time, this should be the moment he returns to after the 10-trillion-year travel!

I finally made it!

Gu Qing Shan crashed into that moment in time without hesitation.

As soon as he landed on the side of the mountain, he had activated that Card.


He was now riding a unicorn.

A flute appeared in his hand.

I can’t waste even a second; I need to draw the Prayers here now!

Gu Qing Shan put the flute against his lips and lightly blew.


The vast pillar of light detached from Ye Ru Xi’s body and instead descended onto him!

The Prayers of 10 trillion years manifested the embryonic form of various components and circled around him.

Lines of text quickly appeared on the War God UI:

[Attention, the Demon King is about to attach itself to you and descend on this world]

[The Demon King’s components have been prepared, please choose your strongest form of combat]

[Once you’ve chosen a form of combat, the Demon King’s components will manifest into your weapon and fight alongside you]

[You will have 7 seconds to triumph against your enemy]

7 seconds.

My strongest form of combat.

For some reason, Gu Qing Shan’s heart jumped.

He recalled Lady Fusi’s words:

“That created entity would attach itself to the summoner, capable of altering everything in reality while ignoring the restraints of Causality and every other Law in existence!”

Wait a minute!

My strongest form of combat…

That would be——-


The faint figure descended from above and struck Gu Qing Shan with his full power.

“How dare you take away the trillions of Prayers accumulated by the [Demon King Order]! Return them!” the figure from the [Chaos] faction shouted.

But it was useless.

Gu Qing Shan was currently reinforced with 10 trillion years of accumulated Prayers, combined with the descended Demon King’s support, the figure’s attack was simply reflected.

Almost immediately, the figure was sent flying by his own power.

On the other hand, having heard the figure’s words, Gu Qing Shan’s mind became clearer.

“…Trillions of Prayers”

He muttered.

Another scene appeared from his memory.

It was during his very first time performing the Living Being Sacrificial Dance at the Bramble Bird Kingdom.

「 The Sacrificial Dance… how regretful… this Prayers is… far from enough… 」the hoarse female voice had said this.


In Heaven Pillar world, when I wanted to communicate with the countless destroyed worlds, the War God UI reminded me:

[During the previous Dance of the Earth God, you’ve used up all of your Prayers, unable to perform another Sacrificial Dance so soon]


It was Prayers!

Another scene appeared in his memory.

The moment that he saved the Sacred Chant Angel.

Even before I finished performing the Sacrificial Dance, the Sacred Chant Angel’s curse had already been dispelled.

At that time, I was so drained that I didn’t have even a shed of spirit energy left, unable to stop myself from falling back down.

——it was a dance of offering to all the destroyed worlds so far.

「 The Earth God will guard this offering. When the Dance is complete, he shall offer it to you again! 」

That female voice consoled the spirits of the worlds that way.

That’s right.

The Sacrificial Dance.

The Living Being Sacrificial Dance.

This is my strongest power!

And now, I have trillions of years of accumulated Prayers.

Gu Qing Shan slowly raised his hand, then abruptly clenched it tightly.

An unnatural fluctuation emanated from his body and swept across the world of the Spire, then further into the void.

The [Blessing of the past worlds]!

Sensing his will, the hovering components of the Demon King quickly reformed themselves, turning into a heavy, lightly dark golden scepter that hovered in front of Gu Qing Shan.

A sacrificial scepter!

——-this was the manifestation of trillions of Prayers, the most powerful sacrificial scepter in the infinite worlds!

Countless images flashed through Gu Qing Shan’s vision.

Gu Qing Shan sighed emotionally.

The words from the past seemed to be repeating themselves, once again echoing in his ears:

「 You are the final inheritor of the Sacrificial Dance, I ask you, do you want to finish this Offering Dance? 」


「 Immature God, you are still too weak, quickly become stronger 」

The female voice slowly faded and eventually disappeared without a trace.