Chapter 1060 - Evil-warding Weapon of The Bottomless Abyss

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 1060: Evil-warding Weapon of The Bottomless Abyss

The men with black mask and white mask immediately responded and quickly formed various hand seals to complement the technique.

The green mask yellow tusks man said nothing and simply stood there, muttering emotionally: “Many years ago when the technique had just been completed, the Heavenly Dragon’s corpse abruptly manifested in this void and was instantly discovered by the Void Deities, after several great battles, those Deities managed to sever the Soul Controllers and led to this technique being crippled”

He looked down at the purple-scaled black snake and continued:

“It’s a good thing that the Heavenly Dragon’s body somehow managed to consume a few souls and finally triggered the spell that we arranged”

Gu Qing Shan and Boss were both shocked.

It turns out that the purple-scaled snake had been a manipulated corpse from the very beginning.

No wonder the Deities couldn’t kill it no matter what they did.

It was only after the strings that controlled its body were severed that the God of Life took the chance to take the corpse for herself.

The God of Life’s eyes were certainly top-notch, since this corpse was called the ‘Heavenly Dragon’, it would surely have countless wondrous uses.

Unfortunately, even after eons, this corpse still retained its connection to the combination Divine Skill.

Most likely, the God of Life had also considered this, that’s why she hid herself within Calming Soul Country, painfully waiting out the time until the technique thoroughly disappeared.

While the green mask yellow tusks man muttered to himself, the technique of the two behind him had begun taking effect.

The green-furred face opened its gaping maw again and dropped another coffin down.

Unlike the other black coffins, this one was pure white and gave off the impression of boundless divinity.

The hand seals of the white mask and black mask man became more rapid and more complicated.

They were sweating bullets, trying to control the technique with all their strength as they slowly lowered the white coffin in the middle of the other coffins.

Suddenly, the black mask man shouted: “Open!”

The pure white coffin immediately opened.

Some bright red blood flowed from inside the coffin.

Other than that, the coffin was completely empty.

“How is that possible!?”

The black mask man exclaimed in shock.

The green mask yellow tusks man apparently also felt surprised as he muttered: “That can’t be right, I’m sure that they were actually dead…”

He leapt up and walked forward, touching the insides of the coffin.

His hand was red from blood.

The green mask yellow tusks man observed the blood on his hand for a long time before muttering: “So, it was this technique…”

The white mask man chased after him and asked: “Sir, what do we do now?”

The green mask yellow tusks man replied: “This is that person’s blood. Collect it, that should be just enough for you to perform [Memory of Three Lives] and obtain some inheritance from it”

The white mask man quickly formed a hand seal.

The blood that was flowing randomly through the void immediately gathered in his hand to form a sphere of blood that began to glow in red.

The black mask man asked: “Sir, if this is the case, would our men be not enough?”

The green mask yellow tusks man took out a handkerchief, wiped all the blood from his hand and replied: “We can’t borrow any more people, because the war had gotten to the most crucial point, good men are lacking everywhere—- it truly is tough to thoroughly suppress that Eternal Abyss”

The black mask man complained: “It’s so strange, we were clearly about to win, how did the Abyss obtain the power to replenish itself enough to mount a retaliation?”

The green mask yellow tusks man sighed: “Apparently it regained parts of its body… in truth, wars between realities are always this way. Until the very last moment, you can never really tell what would happen next”

He raised the turtle shell in his hand and continued:

“But there’s no problem, these Deity corpses should be enough”

“The infinite worlds’ operating center isn’t that far from where we are. Using the Heavenly Dragon, we can destroy the seal, with so many Deity corpses to scout for us, we’d soon be able to find the truth”

“”Understood, sir””

The white mask and black mask men replied in unison.

The green mask yellow tusks man flipped his hand over to put the turtle shell away before slowly forming a hand seal.

Almost right away, all the Deity corpses flew on top of the black snake.

The green-furred face above them gradually faded away.

“Move out!”

The green mask yellow tusks man ordered.

The purple-scaled black snake swiftly moved, broke through the void of space, and vanished in merely the blink of an eye.

Gu Qing Shan and Boss stayed silent within the dark void, not saying a single word.

What just occurred was too shocking.

Only after a long while did the two of them finally thought everything through from the beginning.

“Did you hear that? They were people from the parallel world that fell into the Eternal Abyss” Gu Qing Shan spoke up first.

Boss solemnly replied: “I heard them——- but I didn’t think that they had already planned for this countless years ago”

If that was the case, it wasn’t a coincidence that the parallel world fell into the Eternal Abyss at all.

They must surely be after something.

Gu Qing Shan asked: “The place they called the ‘infinite worlds’ operating center’, did they mean the Inner Plane?”

“If there is a place worthy of being called the infinite worlds’ operating center, then it must be the Inner Plane without any doubt” Boss replied.

Gu Qing Shan couldn’t help but question: “The Inner Plane had over 80,000 Deities, as well as the Deific Kings and the Grand Empress. How exactly did such a powerful world get destroyed in the first place?”

Boss shook his head: “That is a complete mystery, nobody knows”

Gu Qing Shan tried asking further: “You don’t know as well?”

Boss appeared reminiscent and replied: “At the time, I was the strongest person below the Grand Empress, responsible for protecting the Eternal Abyss. But by the time I received news and returned, it was already too late, and the entire Inner Plane had already been destroyed”

“Then, the seven Deities surely must know about the specifics”

“What the hell do they know? They weren’t supposed to have been able to escape in the first place, it was the Grand Empress’ power that tossed them out”

Boss waved his hand in irritation and continued: “I originally thought that the Grand Empress might have tossed them out for some deep reasons, but nothing turned up even after thousands of years of investigation, and they also lost their lives fighting against the monsters of the void”

Gu Qing Shan added: “Besides the God of Life”

Boss agreed: “Besides that piece of garbage”

Gu Qing Shan mused a bit, then regretfully said: “What exactly did those people earlier wanted to find within the Inner Plane? How regretful, we currently have our hands full so we can’t even go with them to take a look”

Boss coldly chuckled and told him: “Don’t worry, before they can even reach the Inner Plane, they will die”

“They will die?” Gu Qing Shan doubtfully asked.

Boss explained: “After the Inner Plane was destroyed, many powerful parallel worlds noticed this and wanted to look for the truth inside, but any of them who entered would end up dead”

“But why?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Boss replied: “Because there is a vast space between the Inner Plane and the space vortex. As the Inner Plane was destroyed, that space was occupied with numerous creatures that can’t be defeated with strength alone——- those are true demonic creatures that I couldn’t try to probe even at my peak. They were more unimaginable compared to the monsters within the space vortex, and even more impossible to deal with. The only outcome of facing them is death!”

Gu Qing Shan muttered: “That’s why you said those people just now would have ended up the same?”

Boss nodded: “With that big snake and the numerous Deity corpses, they are capable of a lot of things, but if they want to defeat those demonic creatures and enter the Inner Plane, they are still far from enough!”

Gu Qing Shan silently thought for a while before sighing: “How exactly was the Inner Plane destroyed, I truly want to know such a secret”

Boss patted him on the shoulder and said: “Don’t think too much. When the day that I regain my power arrives and you become strong enough, I’ll lead you to the place from which you can truly enter the Inner Plane to search for the truth”

“What do you…”

Boss went silent and sent his voice: “The Abyss has found a secret passage that leads into the Inner Plane, which is being hidden at the bottom of the Abyss”

“There is only a single demonic creature guarding that place. Although it is unimaginably powerful, after countless years, the Abyss had finally found the method to get rid of it”

“However, the method that the Abyss came up with was stolen by the Soul Shrieker not too long after it was conceived, even I didn’t know about this—— fortunately, the Soul Shrieker didn’t end up obtaining that secret method”

“You mean, the Soul Shrieker lost the method?” Gu Qing Shan uttered in disbelief.

——the Soul Shrieker was such a sly and treacherous monster, I truly can’t imagine it losing such a precious thing at all.

“Indeed, that secret method had only recently reappeared within the 900 million World Layers”

Boss looked at Gu Qing Shan full of implications.

“Gu Qing Shan, it’s right in your possession”

Gu Qing Shan froze.

From the Abyss, was stolen by the Soul Shrieker… and finally ended up with me…

Watching the expression on Boss’ face, Gu Qing Shan slowly realized.

He took out the twin swords Heaven and Earth, wielding them in his hands.

Boss’ gaze, as he looked at these weapons, turned complicated, muttering:

“Indeed, the method was the Abyssal Soul Artifact, the Evil-warding weapon of the Bottomless Abyss, the legendary twin swords, Heaven and Earth”