Chapter 2631

The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2631: Chapter 2622, investigation

Translator: 549690339

“Looks like I made the right bet. The black hole is safe!”Jiang Fei let out a long sigh. Ariel had already been sent into the black hole. That was a place beyond the reach of the development team. Therefore, after losing the target.., the development team stopped.

“Should I send my family and friends in?”Jiang Fei hesitated. He had always been worried that the development team would attack his family and friends. If the black hole was really a safe zone.., that place could be used as a shelter.

However, this thought was quickly abandoned by Jiang Fei. Because the black hole was also not safe. Ariel and Nina had entered the black hole because they had no choice. If they had a choice.., jiang Fei did not want them to go to that unknown place.

“Forget it. Let’s Go Home First!”Jiang Fei shook his head and directly summoned little nine.

“Let’s go back to the five directions first!”Jiang Fei said to little nine.

“Okay, brother!”Little nine activated her ability and sent Jiang Fei to the town star.

“Let’s go and see the Phoenix Spirit first. I haven’t seen her for a long time.”Jiang Fei thought for a moment and immediately went back to the Dragon Clan’s territory.

After returning to his bedroom, the Phoenix Spirit hurriedly came out to welcome him. At this time, the Phoenix Spirit had just revealed a little bit of her stomach. It looked like it was about the same as a human’s four to five months.

“I’ve been quite busy recently, so I haven’t been here for a long time. Don’t mind me, Phoenix Spirit,”Jiang Fei said apologetically.

“I know that you have something important to do. I’m already very satisfied that you can find the time to visit me,”Phoenix Spirit nodded and smiled. She had been living quite well in the dragon race because she was pregnant with the only dragon seed in hundreds of years, therefore, the entire dragon race almost worshipped her.

“Thank you for understanding me,”said Jiang Fei with a nod.

“By the way, why is sister Ariel not here? She has not come to visit me for a long time,”asked Phoenix spirit curiously. In the past, when Jiang Fei had come, Ariel had followed him almost every time. She was the person who liked babies the most.

“She…”when Jiang Fei mentioned Ariel, his face became gloomy.

“What happened?”Asked Phoenix Spirit.

“Something happened at home.”Jiang Fei thought for a moment and told Phoenix spirit everything that had happened. Now that Phoenix Spirit was pregnant with his child, Jiang Fei felt that he should not hide anything from her anymore.

“What? ! Nina and Ariel are both dead? !”Phoenix spirit was shocked. When she heard that the two sisters had fallen into the black hole, she was shocked.

“They’re not dead! They’re not dead!”Jiang Fei quickly waved his hand. Recently, he had been very afraid that someone would mention the word “Dead”. Then, he briefly explained what had happened in the black hole.

“Then, do you have a way to save them?”Phoenix Spirit asked.

“Not yet, but I will think of a way!”Jiang Fei said.

“Sigh…”Phoenix spirit sighed.

“Alright, let’s not talk about this for now. I have a lot of things to do recently. I might not be able to visit you often,”Jiang Fei said.

“HMM, such a big thing has happened. You do have to go and take care of it. You Don’t have to worry about me. I have made a simple calculation. The child will need at least fifty years to make a sound. Even if you are outside, it will take at least four years!”Phoenix Spirit said.

“I understand. I will try my best to find time to visit you.”Jiang Fei nodded.


After that, Jiang Fei chatted with the Phoenix Spirit for a while. After having lunch with her, he asked little nine to send him away from the five directions world.

“Malekki, let’s go home!”After summoning the yacht, Jiang Fei said to Malekki.

“Yes, Sir!”Malekki adjusted the course of the yacht. Although the yacht had suffered some damage during the overclocking, it was not very serious. It should be able to support to Skoda Star.

A few days later, Jiang Fei returned to Skoda Star.

“Ah Fei, where are you taking Ariel?”When Jiang Fei returned, Aurelia and the others came up to him.

“Get someone to repair my yacht. I’ll tell you when I get back,”Jiang Fei said.

“Okay!”Aurelia nodded and ordered the engineers to repair Jiang Fei’s yacht. On the other hand, Jiang Fei and the group of girls also returned to their own residence.

On the way back, Jiang Fei noticed that Yu Wanqiu, who was called out by Ariel, was not there. Therefore, he asked curiously, “Where is Yu Wanqiu?”

“Why do you remember her?”Bella asked curiously. Yu Wanqiu was a later generation and she was a little attached to Jiang Fei. Although she had helped Jiang Fei a little, due to her personality.., she did not really get along with the girls. Therefore, she seemed a little lonely among the girls.

“It’s nothing. I just found out that she was not around, so I just asked.”Jiang Fei smiled awkwardly. Because some things had not been confirmed yet, he did not want to tell the girls too early.

“TCH, she’s not the only girl who did not come to pick you up. Why are you just asking her?”Sylvie said.

“Eh? Sylvie, since when are you on Bella’s side?”Jiang Fei asked with a smile.

“TSK! Why Do You Care?”Sylvie rolled her eyes. However, she did not continue to pursue the matter of Yu Wanqiu.

After the group of people had returned to their residence, Jiang Fei said to the girls, “Call everyone over. Let’s have a reunion dinner today!”

“Sure! Sure!”Si tuying cried out excitedly. Other than Ariel, she loved a lively atmosphere the most.

“Alright, you guys go and get ready. Bella, come with Aurelia,”Jiang Fei said. Bella could be said to be the person he trusted the most. Under any circumstances, Jiang Fei would not believe that Bella would betray him.

Aurelia was Jiang Fei’s brain trust. She was very meticulous. When there was something, Jiang Fei was willing to discuss it with her.

Based on the information that Ariel had obtained, if the “Players”wanted to descend on the carrier, they would first need the carrier’s consent. Only after the carrier’s consciousness had left would they be able to successfully descend.

Among Jiang Fei’s girls, a latecomer like Yu Wanqiu did not have much of a relationship with Jiang Fei. Even when they were on Skoda star, the two of them did not have much time to spend together, therefore, the foundation of their relationship was relatively weak.

When Yu Wanqiu first took a liking to Jiang Fei, it was because she thought that he was strong and had a bright future. She had chosen Jiang Fei because she had been single for a long time and wanted to find a partner to live with. This was the same as the Phoenix Spirit back then.

After she left the world of five directions, due to her personality, Yu Wanqiu did not have much in common with the other girls. Therefore, she was somewhat out of place in this circle. Moreover, Jiang Fei was not cold to her either, therefore, after a long time, she naturally found it boring.

At this time, the development team came to find her and chose her as the carrier of the “Player”. At this time, Yu Wanqiu was having a boring time. Therefore, she was naturally willing to accept the development team’s “Ascension”proposal.