Chapter 1208: Paramount Before Godly Ascension

Sage Monarch

Chapter 1208: Paramount Before Godly Ascension

In the Paramount level, one could absorb the power of space and imbue it into their flesh and blood. That made it possible to store greater levels of godpower, and when one used spatial might to crush it down, it would lead to godhood that surpassed that of ordinary experts by thousands of times over.

Upon closing his eyes, Yang Qi saw that the basic structure of the god world was much different than he had previously assumed. The surface was an ordinary world, but deeper inside were countless dangers, including wild energy flows and dangerous power convergences. And above the highest heavens was incomparable radiance and light, and indescribable darkness and gloom. They rotated in a cycle that created day and night, pulsing with a power that surpassed even the Sovereign Lord. There was no will that could surpass the very will of the god world that made everything turn.

With his body completely reformed, his Paramount will was complete and he radiated an incomparably imposing boldness.

His every move and action were like those of a consummate hegemon whose mere presence made it hard for the surrounding demon-gods to breathe.

Yet Yang Qi still hadn’t reached godly ascension. He had reached the Paramount level, but he was still not a god. He was like a furnace that had reached the ultimate level of heat, and all that remained was to pour the iron ore inside to smelt.

It was a given that, with enough time to work on his cultivation, he would easily crush any Greater God who got in his path. After all, while Greater Gods had Paramount will, they lacked monarch godhood. The moment one formed one’s godhood, it foreordained what would come for them in the future. And most cultivators needed to become Greater Gods before they could reach the Paramount level.

In the impure lands, it would be like the difference between an eighteen-year-old multi-millionaire, and someone who became a multi-millionaire at age seventy.

The wealth was the same, but the eighteen-year-old would be able to enjoy it more, and accomplish more with it.

Truth be told, although legends spoke of people who had reached the Paramount level before becoming gods, and even talked about the incredible things they were capable of, most people assumed they were just that: legends.

However, the demon-gods present were all here bearing witness to Yang Qi’s legendary achievement.

Yet even as they gasped in astonishment, an immense, overwhelming psychic will entered their minds and wiped their memories clean.

With his Paramount will, they couldn’t resist him at all and had no choice but to utterly and thoroughly accept his superiority.

Such was Paramount will. It was so far above everything else that there was no second option other than to acknowledge allegiance.

People below the Paramount level who tried to fight Yang Qi wouldn’t even be able to lift a hand in their own defense.


Yang Qi left Demon Master Valley.

He didn’t want word of his accomplishment spreading, as it would surely lead to a disaster. If his sect found out, it was possible they would view him as an invincible person worth helping. They might even give him a powerful position. Or they could denounce him as a freakish hellion and lock him up to experiment on.

At a certain point, one could become so amazing that their fortunes could be reversed. After all, when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction. In order to keep his secret, he wiped away the memories of all the demon-gods who had witnessed the event.

Flying up into the sky, he looked down at the mountains and, with a faint smile, sent his will out to fill a five-kilometer area, causing black clouds to form and rain to fall.

Then, with another stir of will, he caused snow to fall and intense coldness to fill the area. With another thought, he made everything turn as calm and refreshing as spring, then thunder rumbled out.

He could use his will to manipulate the meteorological phenomena in the god world. Although he was limited to a five-kilometer area, that would improve with further breakthroughs.

“Open up!” he said, chopping his hand out like a blade. Rumbling sounds echoed out as a rift opened and a wild black wind erupted out from inside.


Yang Qi dodged aside and the wind slammed into a nearby mountain, reducing it to rubble.

‘It’s that incredible?’

Even as Yang Qi looked on in shock, the rift closed up as surely as if he had just used a saber to slash through water. He had just tapped into the spatial power of the god world, similar to how, in the impure lands, the Space-Void Transformation of the Legendary level was when one could pierce through the void.

In the god world, space was too strong, and opening a rift in it would cause destructive tempests to fly out and destroy anything in their path, even mountains. Obviously, if it hit a person, it would destroy them just as well.

Yang Qi performed another experiment, using a finger to slice open a smaller opening.


Wind shot out like a flying sword, hitting him right in the chest.

He was flung backward, eventually slamming into the side of a mountain, a jagged hole in his chest. Shockingly, even his vital energy had been damaged significantly.

‘Strong. So strong....’ Struggling to his feet, he drew on the God Legion Seal, sending golden light into the charred hole in his chest that sank all the way into his bones, and even his five viscera and six bowels. After roughly an hour, he was healed.

At this point, he realized how powerful the spatial tempests here were. In fact, if he didn’t have his initial version of monarch godhood and a deathless body, he wouldn’t have survived.

‘Right. I wonder how high the sky is in the god world. I think I need to take a look.’ Leaping off the ground, he floated up into the sky. Before, he had been able to fly, but only at low altitudes where the energy flows were ordinary, even comfortable. As he rose higher, things changed.

In the god world, it was possible to fly at low altitudes below thirty thousand meters. But above that level, even gods had to proceed with caution.

At thirty thousand meters, the vital energy grew unstable and chaotic. Godwinds blew about wildly and the light was intense, causing hissing sounds to ring out when it touched Yang Qi.

He produced a dagger and threw it out. The dagger was caught up by a gust of wind, and sparks showered down as it was wiped out of existence in the shortest of moments.

‘Strong, but roughly on the same level as ordinary spatial tempests.’ Climbing higher, he soon reached a height of ninety thousand meters. Here, the winds screamed so loudly that he couldn’t hear anything, and the light was blinding.


His clothes ignited from the heat. Although there was no sun in the god world, the light was still extremely hot, and more so the higher one flew into the sky.

It was almost as if the sky contained both wind and fire.

And wind helped fire burn. All of a sudden, Yang Qi realized that his Heaven and Earth Furnace was aptly named.

He continued climbing higher. One hundred and fifty thousand meters. One hundred and eighty thousand. Three hundred thousand. Three hundred fifty thousand. Six hundred thousand. At that point, everything around him was chaos and fiery rays of light. His clothes were completely burned off, and his vital energy was being eaten away. He could tell that if he flew higher, he would die.

Six hundred thousand meters was his limit.

Yang Qi stopped there and considered waiting a few hours to see what would happen when night fell. In the blink of an eye, everything changed, and when the darkness hit, it became freezing. In fact, in the blink of an eye, he was encased in solid ice and started falling.

He couldn’t move and was forced to draw on the true flame inside of him to melt the ice. Cracking sounds could be heard as it collapsed, and he finally stopped his downward motion, hovering at about three thousand meters.