Chapter 701 - One Chance At Redemption

Reincarnated With The Strongest System

Sun Wukong smirked as he sipped the wine on his cup. He had already sensed Ephemera's naugthy scheme, but he didn't do anything about it.

The reason? He saw the little familiar fly straight towards the girl with long, purple hair, and light-red eyes with an expression that screamed "No, B*tch! Not on my watch!".

'Little Will is well loved,' Sun Wukong mused as he once again looked at the Half-Elf who was exchanging ice spells with Rebecca. For him, William's appearance at the Heavenly Domain was still fresh in his mind.

He was also curious about what the red-headed teenager was doing back in his world, so when Zhu and Sha asked him to smuggle them to Hestia, the Monkey King thought that it was the perfect opportunity to go and give William a visit.

Sun Wukong didn't expect that the moment they arrived, they would hear about William's exploits, which surprised the three who hailed from the Celestial Domain.

This prompted them to travel to the Savadeen Mountains where William would be appearing next. It was better to wait for him than to arrive than randomly scour the land in search of the person that they were looking for.

Suddenly, a powerful explosion resounded in the arena which made both fighters skid a few meters away from each other. Rebecca glanced at her opponent and decided to use her trump card.

"I'm going to get serious now,' Rebecca announced.

William's expression became dignified as he stood straight as a sword. Everyone that was watching the battle knew that the real battle was at hand, so all of their gazes focused on the two fighters.

"Sacred Guardian, brightest light in the skies, I come to you in my times of need," Rebecca chanted as her body glowed in bluish hue. "Grant me your power, so I can vanquish my foes who stand before me. Oh eternal flame that covers the land in pristine white, grant me your illustrious grace!"


The air trembled, and an overbearing presence descended upon the venue. Behind Rebecca, the image of an Ice Phoenix materialized. A powerful blizzard started to rage in the surroundings and ice, and snow, turned the surroundings into a frozen wonderland.

Everyone that was watching the battle could feel the power of a Pseudo-Demigod emanating from the Ice Phoenix that materialized behind Rebecca. They knew that the Savadeen Mountains housed a powerful being, but very few were able to see its true form.

At that exact moment, the beautiful lady's magical power exploded and increased at an alarming pace. Those who were proficient in magic frowned because they didn't expect that a teenager was able to release a power of this magnitude.

"Saint Rank," Lilith snorted. "What a joke. A Pseudo-Demigod and a Saint teaming up against someone in a one-on-one battle? Ridiculous."

Some of the guests chuckled evilly in their hearts because they now understood what the Misty Sect was trying to show them.

"They're desperate to win, and gain fame by beating William," Princess Sidonie said softly as a frown appeared on her face. "Shameless."

Some of the guests that heard her nodded their heads in agreement, but the elders of the MIsty Sect didn't care about what they thought. All of their gazes landed on the red-headed teenager to see his reaction on the powerful foes that had appeared in front of him.

Earlier, William's face looked dignified, but now it was slightly pale.

Those who had seen this change of expression on the Half-Elf's face, assumed that he must be panicking at the moment. They even thought that if they were in William's place, they wouldn't fare any better either.

Everyone was half right. William was indeed fighting one of the greatest battles in his life, and he was on the losing end of it.

'I shouldn't have eaten so much for breakfast,' William thought as beads of sweat started to appear on his forehead. 'If this goes on, I may not be able to last long.'

Meredith, the Guardian of the Misty Sect, shrieked and flapped her wings, creating powerful gusts of winds that were hurtling in William's direction.

The Half-Elf stood his ground as he did his best to withstand the attack that was headed in his direction. The gusts of wind was merely a greeting and not a formal attack. This was why William didn't defend himself and let the wind collide with his body. As everyone expected, no damage was done.

However, if one were to look closely, William's expression turned even more pale after being on the receiving end of Meredith's greeting.

'Optimus, help me,' William pleaded.

< What can I do for you, Will?>

'I need to take a dump.'

<... Excuse me? >

William was doing his best not to make any unnecessary movements because he was afraid that the dam would burst if he wasn't careful.

'I need to take a dump,' William repeated.

< Then find a place and get it over with. >

'I can't,' William answered through gritted teeth. 'If I move now, it will come out.'

Optimus quieted down as he calculated the possible solution to this problem. He didn't expect that William would suffer such an unexpected setback during a crucial time.

< Will, I finally found a solution! >

'Really?! What is it. Please hurry. I can't last any longer!"

< Just do it while standing up. >

'... Dafuk?'

Rebecca looked at her opponent's face and noticed that William's face was pale. A smile appeared on her face because she had already expected this scene from happening. She had been sheltered in the Misty Sect ever since she had left the Southern Continent. For her, a Saint and a Pseudo-Demigod was on the top of the food chain, and anyone below that rank were merely ants.

"Surrender," Rebecca said. "There's no shame in backing out of a battle that you can't win."

Meredith eyed William in contempt. It had long wanted to see the Half-Elf who had conquered the 51st Floor of the Tower of Babylon. It thought that William was someone powerful, but looking at the boy's constipated expression, it could tell that the Half-Elf had been overwhelmed by its presence.

William ignored Rebecca's words because he was having a serious discussion with Optimus on how to deal with their current circumstance. The Half-Elf was not afraid of the Saint-like pressure Rebecca was giving off nor of the presence of the Pseudo-Demigod in front of him.

What he was afraid of was that he would be unable to hold back the force of nature that was threatening to burst forth from the depths of his being.

< Will, I have an idea. The only question is, are you brave enough to do it? >

'Bring it on, Bro!'

Optimus immediately shared what it had in mind because it knew that William was reaching his limit. According to his estimation, William had less than three minutes left before he released the Kraken!

The beads on William's forehead increased as he listened to Optimus' daring plan. Since he had no other choice, he decided to bite the bullet and put his plan into action.

"You are not qualified to fight me," William said as he raised his chin in arrogance. "Do you think a little Saint like you is enough to beat me? I refuse to lower myself to your level. If I have to fight, I will fight that little bird behind you. It is barely qualified to fight against the awesome me!"

William's disdainful words made everyone look at him in a new light. It was not everyday that someone would openly challenge a Pseudo-Demigod, and he'd even done it in an overbearing way.

"Darling is so awesome!" Morgana, who had switched with Princess Sidonie, cheered.

Chiffon smiled and nodded her head in agreement. "Will can easily win this battle. This battle is nothing compared to what we experienced on the Devil's Floor."

"Just a Saint and a Pseudo-Demigod?" Ian snorted. "We saw a lot of them during the Southern Invasion. Only those that haven't been baptized with war would falter in their presence.

William's lovers fully supported their man and cheered for him. In their eyes, William could easily swat Meredith and Rebecca away with ease if he used his Heroic Avatar. They were not aware that he had been given a restriction in this match against Rebecca.

James, on the other hand, looked at William with a frown. He wasn't roaring in laughter, or clapping his hands in glee. Although his grandson looked very valiant right now, and was similar to a hero that was about to slay the Demon Lord, James felt that something was definitely wrong.

'Why does Will look like he is about to take a dump?' James thought as he looked at William's fearless expression. 'Am I just overthinking things?'

The temperature in the arena became colder as Meredith unleashed its divine powers. In its long lifetime, no one had dared to call it a "little bird" and William's words that were filled with disdain and ridicule struck its nerve.

"You want to fight me?" Meredith asked.

"You can refuse if you're scared," William snorted. "In my eyes, you're just a weakling. Do you really think that you're that great? Come. Fight me if you dare. I'll only use a hand to slap you silly."

William's raised his right hand in a slapping gesture, while his left hand unconsciously pressed against his bum. He didn't have much time, and every word he spoke moved the payload ever closer towards the exit.

He only had one chance at redemption. If he had to do it, he had to do it right!