Chapter 186 - Please Believe Me

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 186: Please Believe Me

The thirteen witches stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

An ordinary-looking Easterner was standing beside a wooden counter.

He had a sincere smile on his face and didn’t seem to be faking it.


On his shoulder, a little black cat stood alone.

The light of the pyramid reflected off of his sacred body.

The power of the Guardian had obviously returned.

The witches swallowed their saliva.

They saw Mr. A sitting on the sofa, like a good baby, not daring to move.

At this moment, the leader of the Beast sect was comparable to a child in kindergarten.

He sat on the sofa with his head down, the pharaoh’s scepter on the side, and the mask of the Sphinx hung down deeply.

He did not even dare to raise his head to look at the witches who had already come to the door.

“What’s going on?” A witch thought.

They clearly remembered that they had not been separated from Mr. A for more than ten minutes!

Ten minutes!

The leader of the Beast Sect, the evil god Apostle who could stop children from crying at night in land of Qin and Kunlun State, had become like this.

But soon, the witches knew why.

Under the moonlight that was as gentle as water, they felt it.

There was a terrifying and evil whisper that was softly singing.

From their souls and from their bodies.

In this indescribably terrifying whisper, the witches of the feast were terrified to find that the spirit power in their bodies had completely disappeared!


They had also lost all control over their bodies at the same time.

Although they could still think, and even seemed to be able to move freely.


What to say… what to do..

It was no longer up to them!

They felt that at this moment, they were like puppets being manipulated, machines being controlled.

They had to move according to the lines, and they had to run according to the code.


Thus, they collectively became mute.

The witches of the feast finally understood what fear was, and what terror was!

Their bodies could not help but tremble.

At this moment, they heard the voice of the Easterner. “Come in!”

These three simple words were full of majesty, as if they had strength infused in them.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, everyone!” He smiled. It was exceptionally terrifying, and also incredibly frightening!

He was clearly just a skinny and weak ordinary person. There were no spirit power fluctuations around his body, and he was clearly..

But every word seemed to contain boundless strength.

Every syllable was emitting terrifying and deep ripples.

The witches of the feast were trembling in fear and had no choice but to obediently follow his orders.

They walked in.

They walked into this seemingly ordinary bookstore.

It was not until they stepped into it that they knew the true appearance of this bookstore.

Under the floor, there was a terrifying and powerful monster that could not be named.

On the ceiling, countless compound eyes peeked through the cracks.

Tentacles appeared one after another from the shadows of the witches.

They gently entwined with the shadows of the witches.

The witches finally knew why Mr. A was so obedient.

The lights reflected Mr. A’s figure.

The real shadow of the leader of the Beast sect was reflected.

But at this moment, the shadow of the leader of the Beast sect had completely and entirely bowed down to the floor.

He was shaking!

He was trembling!

He was afraid!

He was repenting!

The witches followed the direction of Mr. A’s shadow and looked forward.

Then, they were exactly the same as Mr. A.

Their bodies were trembling in fear, and their souls were repenting in fear.

They wanted to kneel down, but were not allowed to.

Therefore, they could only let their shadows, like Mr. A, kneel down and prostrate themselves on the floor.


In front of them, the figure of a pure black person had already appeared.

A God as pure as agate stone.

The nebula was faintly discernible in his skin and body.

Endless Chaos covered him.


At this moment, the god of black feasting knelt with one knee on the ground.

He lowered his head in the direction of the ordinary Easterner.

The witches of the feast finally knew that they had committed a sin that would not be forgiven even if they died ten thousand times!

They actually harbored enmity towards the people that their God served! ?

What a stupid and unforgivable sin!

… … ..

Ling Pingan looked at the ten or so women who were all wearing black robes and covering their bodies.

These poor people were terrified.

Their bodies were trembling.


Ling Pingan guessed..

They were members of a circus or an acrobatic troupe?

He turned to look at mute, who was wearing a strange mask, and then looked at the things on these women.

They were all wearing low-quality crystals that looked very cheap.

They were the kind of accessories that cost a few yuan each.

He let out a sigh and sighed in his heart. The Internet is good for most people..

But for these small-scale circuses that rely on the traditional model, it’s a disaster.

In the past, when Ling Pingan was young, he would often see puppet shows, dramas, acrobatics performances, and circuses at temple fairs.

However, ever since the rise of the internet.

These professions had suffered a devastating blow!

The market that they relied on for a living had been completely devoured by the Internet.

Apart from a small number of people who had successfully transformed and became internet celebrities through the web.

For the rest, even making a living was quite difficult.

Especially for a group like this..

Ling Pingan imagined a deeply disabled but determined group leader with more than a dozen pitiful people who shared the same fate.

They traveled far and wide, hoping to rely on their own labor to fill their stomachs.


Year after year passed, and fewer and fewer people were willing to hire them.

Finally, just like in the past, they walked to Jiangcheng City in an attempt to get a business. However, they discovered that this city, which had once been a magnet for acrobatics, no longer had a place for them!

The money they had on them had already been used up.

After selling the last of the items, they were unable to raise the money for the journey. They didn’t even have the money to eat anymore.

Helpless, the desperate leader came out alone to beg.

The members who discovered his disappearance came out in the middle of the night to search for him.

It was truly melodious!

Of course..

Ling Pingan knew that perhaps this wasn’t the truth.

But no matter what the truth was, it was obvious that he couldn’t solve this problem by himself.

So, he smiled and said to these women, “Don’t be afraid…”

“I’ll help you!”

So, he picked up the phone and dialed the number left by the police officer last time.

Not long after, the police officer answered the call.

“Hello! Officer, this is Ling Pingan…”

“Yes… the bookstore owner who called the police last time…”

He turned around and looked at the women who were obviously afraid. Then, he looked at the man who lowered his head and looked ashamed.

So, he asked the police officer on the other side of the phone, “It’s like this. I need to trouble you with something…”

“I have some poor people here…”

“I hope you can think of a way to find an organization or contact a foundation to settle them…”



“Please come over as soon as possible!”

Ling Pingan put down the phone and turned around to look at the people who seemed to be afraid of the police officer.

He comforted them, “Don’t be afraid!”

“Please believe me!” He smiled and said sincerely, “I will help you…”

“I will help you regain your life!”

… … … … ..

Mr. A raised his head and looked at the seemingly ordinary man with a sincere smile on his face.

He spoke slowly in a gentle and calm tone.


Every word he said made Mr. A’s soul and body tremble uncontrollably when he heard it.

“Everyone, don’t be afraid…”

You can choose not to be afraid, if you are brave enough!

“Please believe me…”

If you don’t believe me, then die!

“I will help you…”

Obey me, obey me, Fear Me! Ants!

“I will help you to be reborn!”

Stupid ants! You must pay the price for your blasphemy and disrespect!

If you fail to obey 10,000% of my commands!

In front of Mr. A’s eyes, there was darkness, silence, and profundity.

Terrifying ravings and crazy monsters surrounded him.

So he knew that if he could not obey 10,000% of this man’s commands.

Then he would definitely drown in the craziest dream, be eaten by monsters again and again, and die miserably time after time in the craze!

… … … ..

In the monitoring room.

Situ He was looking at the image transmitted by the camera.

In the bookstore, Mr. A and the 13 witches of the feast were sitting and standing like wood blocks.

The owner of the bookstore was holding a phone, but no one knew who he was talking to.

Of course, no one in the Blackguard dared to eavesdrop on his phone.

It was not just because doing so might anger him.

It was also because no one could eavesdrop!

The last recording incident had made them understand that it was okay to listen to the owner’s voice in person.

However, if anyone wanted to record the voice..

They had to be prepared to face him directly!

At the very least, they had to be prepared to face an unknown monster!


Situ He could not help but become curious.

“Who is he talking to?”

No one could answer Situ He’s question.

However, after a moment, Situ He’s own phone rang.

He picked it up doubtfully, looked at the number displayed on the phone, and then picked it up. “Um…”

“What?” He stood up.

“Yes…” He tried hard to suppress the excitement in his heart. He put down the phone and looked at Li Shouyi who was sitting at the side.

“Commander-in-chief…” Situ He’s voice was trembling.

“The target called…” Situ He said, “He said that there are some poor people who want to be accepted by the Federal Empire…”

Li Shouyi raised his head and looked at the image captured by the camera.

The leader of the beast sect, code-named A.

Thirteen Witches of the feast.

Did he say that they were the poor people?