Chapter 174 - mischievous trio

I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 174: Chapter 177, mischievous trio

Ling pingan placed the mushroom and rice wine on the counter.


Bastet seemed to smell something and immediately got up from the counter. Then, it looked at the mushroom in the basket and the rice wine in the bottle.

It almost drooled!

Ling pingan quickly pushed this embarrassing fool back into the counter so that it wouldn’t embarrass itself in front of the customer!

Then, he turned around and said to the customer who looked rather reserved, “Sit down… Don’t stand on ceremony!”

He thought for a moment, picked up a cup, poured some leaves, and walked to the water dispenser to make the customer a cup of tea that she had given him last time.

Holding the cup of tea, Ling Pingan brought it to the customer who was sitting on the sofa and looked a little nervous. “Customer, please have some tea…”

“This is the tea you gave me last time…”

… … ..

Han Li looked at the tea being handed to her.

The golden tea leaves were boiling.

The dense spirit aura rose and fell.

“This is…”she gulped.

Of course, she had drunk cerulean spirit tea, and she drank it every day.

This kind of spirit tea was the standard for Demon Hunter!

It could not only keep the demon hunter awake and calm during the high-intensity demon hunter battle.

It could also replenish a part of psionic power.

In her world, cerulean spirit tea could even be supplied to regular soldiers on duty.


She looked at the cup of cerulean spirit tea in front of her.

The dense spirit aura, the dense mist, and the boiling water were constantly stimulating and releasing more spirit aura.

In between the golden tea leaves, one could faintly see some golden juice overflowing.

This was definitely not cerulean spirit tea!

Cerulean spirit tea definitely did not have such a dense spirit aura!

She picked up the Teacup and carefully and cautiously took a breath.

The dense and gentle spirit aura instantly filled her mouth.

Under the stimulation of the sweet and fragrant taste, Han Li felt that her body, mind, and soul had relaxed.

Especially these days, she frequently used the succubus power and continuously devoured the souls of all kinds of monsters and evil spirit.

Her soul body was unknowingly stained with many gray marks.

These were things that she couldn’t detect.

But now, a mouthful of spirit tea had entered her throat.

These hidden dangers were discovered by her.

Moreover, Han Li felt that these hidden dangers in her soul were being repaired, dispelled, and purified by some kind of energy in the cerulean spirit tea.

She couldn’t help but take another sip before putting down the Teacup. She said gratefully to the ruler before her, “Thank you so much!”

“You’re welcome!”The other party replied calmly.

However, when Han Li heard those three words, her body felt warm like a spring breeze!

She was finally completely relieved!

She was very clear that this cup of tea was the ruler’s affirmation of her performance and hard work during this period of time!

This cup of tea was a form of recognition!

Recognition that she could continue to exist as a chess piece.

… ..

Ling Pingan looked at this young girl who didn’t even forget to thank him for taking a sip of tea.

He nodded in his heart.

The children raised by the old empire’s families were truly flawless in terms of etiquette!

This was something that the old empire had always been proud of.

Thinking of this, Ling Pingan asked her without batting an eyelid, “Guest, how is Your Family?”

“Thanks to you…”the young girl immediately replied, “Everything is fine!”

“Especially after we said goodbye to you last time, the situation at home has improved a lot!”

“Oh…”ling pingan nodded. He knew that this young girl had successfully used the knowledge in the book to effectively communicate with her parents and elders.

Judging from her reaction, her family should have been convinced?

At the very least, they had given their conditional consent? !

This could be seen from the young girl’s current attire and attire.

Compared to the beginning, her temperament was more mature.

In terms of her attire, she seemed to be more confident.

So, why did she come today?

Ling pingan asked, “Is there anything I can help you with?”

This guest was a good girl!

She knew her manners, knew when to advance and when to retreat.

More importantly, she also brought a gift!

Although it was only three mushrooms and a bottle of rice wine, the things were not important, but the thought was the most important!

Therefore, Ling pingan was naturally willing to help her.

… … ..

Han Li raised her head and bravely looked at the two flickering flames in the fog-covered head of the person in front of her. Her HP was slightly higher than her HP.

She knew that this was a sign that he was waiting to listen.

Han Li seriously thought about it, then stood up and bowed deeply. “I came here this time to beg you…”

“I want to beg you…”she lowered her head and gathered her courage. “Can you recommend a book to my family that they can read?”

“Especially my younger brothers and sisters…”

“So that they can be like me…”

“Be able to live independently and have their own fate…”

“And not be restrained by others and can’t help themselves…”

Han Li had thought it through before she came.

The hope of humanity was in the next generation!

It was in the children who were younger than her!

Because if humanity still had a future, the world still had a future.

Then, the burden of rebuilding the world and rebuilding the human society in the future would be on these children!

These children would be the main force for reconstruction!

Therefore, Han Li knew that only by nurturing children would there be a future!

Just like what her teacher did back then!

Only by passing on the torch and living on would the human civilization be able to continue!

… … ..

Ling Pingan’s eyes were filled with admiration when he heard the young girl’s request!

He really admired such a person!

“That’s right…”ling pingan thought, “The families of the old empire are the ones that advocate procreation the most in the federal empire…”

Speaking of which, the federal empire should also thank the old empire.

It was precisely these traditional conservatives who advocated the value of having many children and grandchildren.

This was the reason why the empire’s population was able to maintain a steady growth even at the present day of industrialization!


If it was like Ling pingan, the country would have long aged.

Therefore, a typical family of an old empire would have at least five or six children!

And the typical family of an old empire would be a middle-class family or above.

Most people had their own businesses, manors, and pastures.

Their income was above average in the entire federal empire — this was normal. The Old Empire was the group with the most dividends in the three hundred years of the Federal Empire.

They were the descendants of the old nobles, old landlords, and old gentlemen of the Taizu era.

For hundreds of years, they had been following their values.

They were conservative, traditional, and believed in Confucian ethics. They believed in fatherly kindness and filial piety. They believed in brotherly respect.


One of the more ironic things was that the original industrial revolution and capitalists were born from these people.

There was a book called the new Confucian ethics and capitalism.

It was about why the new Confucianism could be the source of the Industrial Revolution and capitalism.

Ling pingan had read that book.

Therefore, he knew that the ‘Liberal-gonghe party’that the Republicans talked about every day was derived from that book.

To sum it up, it was probably: I am a gentleman, so I have benevolence, justice, and morality, so I will restrain myself from doing evil. I am a gentleman, so I will make good use of the resources and technology that I control.


Don’t interfere with us!

A Gentleman!

Just Trust in character!

Ling pingan scoffed at this.

A group of conservatives in the name of a Liberal Gentleman?

If Master Kong knew, he would probably be unable to keep the lid on the coffin!

Look at how the little girl and children were being persecuted by those stubborn and conservative parents?

Fortunately, this little girl’s parents were more or less reasonable.

Thinking of this, Ling Pingan stood up and said to the little girl, “Wait Here!”


Han Li sat on the sofa.

She looked at the ruler and slowly walked into the unfathomable silent abyss.

The pitch-black thick liquid was slowly flowing at the edge of the Abyss.

Even now, Han Li was no longer the same as before.

But she still looked at the darkness in the Abyss and felt her hair stand on end.

She hurriedly lowered her head.


A kitten jumped onto the table.

Han Li looked at it, and the pyramid was reflected behind the kitten.

It slowly crouched down, and its tail gently swayed.

Han Li immediately understood what it meant, and hurriedly handed over the cup of tea that she had just drunk a few mouthfuls of.

The other party was proud, and gave Han Li a ‘at least you know your place’look. It was about to stick out its tongue to suck the golden juice in the tea cup.

In the end, a small flame fell from the ceiling.

It was about to fall into the Teacup.


The Kitten was furious! It bared its teeth!

The pyramid that was reflected behind it appeared to be real!

It directly smashed towards the flame that fell from the ceiling!

Right at this moment, a piece of green tender leaf appeared from nowhere and wrapped around the Teacup.

Countless roots extended out one by one.

They were about to enter the Teacup and drink it up.

The small flame that was smashed to the side suddenly expanded and turned into a dazzling blue flame that pounced over.

The kitten also noticed the third party that had suddenly appeared.

It opened its mouth in anger and pounced over.

The three of them struggled together.

The fragile teacup shattered in an instant.

The tea spilled all over the coffee table.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps slowly came from the abyss.

When the little flame and the leaf heard the sound of footsteps, they were immediately frightened out of their wits.

The little flame licked the tea on the coffee table and immediately floated to the ceiling, disappearing into the darkness.

The root that the leaf had stretched out walked through the tea on the coffee table once, and then it also slipped away!


The incompetent and furious little black cat let out an angry roar!

Then, this guy was grabbed by a hand.

“Little Guy!”Two Flames rose up. The Kitten, which was extremely fierce just now, instantly became obedient.

“In front of the guests, you have to be polite!”He reprimanded his pet very seriously.

Then, he looked at Han Li and said, “This guy is a little mischievous, please don’t be an outsider!”

“Not a stranger… not a stranger…”Han Li was still in shock.

“As expected!”She thought, “The flame sprite that fell from the sky was summoned by this great ruler…”

The Little Blue Flame just now was no different from the flame sprite that fell from the sky that she saw that day!