Chapter 130 - The Emperor’s Daughter Chapter. 130

Daughter of the Emperor

Chapter 130: The Emperor’s Daughter Chapter. 130

“Move aside.”

A hard voice resounded all around us. While whining in pain, I turned my head to that harsh voice and looked back at Caitel. His face was not much different from the way it was earlier. However, somehow he felt colder. Caitel glared at her furiously.

“I told you to move aside.”

“Y… Your Majesty.”

The pretty woman backed away with a surprised look on her face. Caitel immediately shook her hands off his shoulder as if she was nothing but a bug. Wow, that’s such a mean thing to do. Then he walked straight to me, so I decided to let him go.

In a flash, the attendants who must have come with her towards us dispersed. I gazed up at Caitel. Huh? Was he trying to help me get up? I could stand up by myself, but I was not a cold lady who would refuse someone’s help, so I grabbed his hand instead. My little hand touched Caitel’s hand gently. I could feel how small I was. Less than half the size of my dad’s hand.

Instead of holding my hand and raising it, Caitel reached into my waist and hugged me as if I was a delicate glass treasure. Suddenly, our views had reversed.

Wow, the air above sure was fresher compared to the one I had down there.

“Who told you to stand there like an idiot?”

Did you have to put it that way?!

“I’m not an idiot!”

“Yes, you are an idiot.”

“Then you’re an idiot, too!”

Yeah, I was not the only one who’s an idiot!

I didn’t mean to say that, but somehow Caitel didn’t get angry. Huh? At this point, there should be a great deal of ferocious energy spurting out of his eyes. When he got angry at me for doing something like this, it’s natural that I had to act cute.

I wondered. What’s wrong with this man all of all sudden?

‘Dad, why the hell are you being quiet?’

Was he about to detonate a nuclear bomb? I didn’t know what it was, but I felt sorry.

“Your Majesty… that child is?”

I turned my head towards her trembling voice, filled with shock. I forgot for a moment, but it wasn’t just me and my dad here. What did she say her name was again? Tylenia? Yes, Tylenia. She looked at me with an expression filled with shock. Her eyes were shaking violently when I saw them my own.

“You should already know who she is.”

A sarcastic voice laughed at her. Tylenia stiffened her face. In the meantime, I had to wait and see what sort of fate would befall upon her.