Chapter 944 - Vagrant Treasure Collector

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 944: [Vagrant Treasure Collector]

A certain world.

A bar.

A screen of light was floating in the middle of the bar, broadcasting the most recent news of the 900 million World Layers.

[Breaking news!]

[After a long, arduous, and completely shocking war that caused the destruction of the entire Fallen Zones, the monster of God Institute had triumphed over the Demon King Order]

[I must emphasize, the battle between the monster and the Demon King Order was a dogfight that we would clap in celebration regardless of who won]

[But attention please, that monster from God Institute had left the Fallen Zones]

[It is heading for the Strife Zones]

[I repeat, the monster is currently heading for the Strife Zones!]

[Although we do not understand how it will manage to find the hidden Strife Zones within the space vortex, the monster is confirmed to be heading towards the Strife Zones, and thus we must assume it is able to do such a thing]

[Friends in the Strife Zones, be sure to keep an eye out for your own and your close ones’ safety]

[However, as far as we know, the Eternal Abyss is currently invading the 900 million World Layers——- there is no such thing as a safe place any longer]

[Bzt, bzt, bzt—–]

[Regardless of whether or not our world is destroyed, gossips will always be a way to liven up our senseless daily lives]

[So, we have a bit of gossip for you today]

[The Bramble Bird Kingdom had specifically dispatched a high-honor envoy group to receive their newly appointed non-Bramble Bird Duke, the human male who came from a Scattered World, Ye Fei Li]

[Please take a look, they have received Duke Ye Fei Li]

[This is truly enviable—— how shocking, this despicable little—– I mean, our esteemed Duke will be able to enjoy a lifetime of authority and wealth]

Footage of Ye Fei Li was then shown on screen.

He was completely out of place standing together with the Bramble Bird soldiers, a look of utter confusion could be seen on his face.

After someone reminded him, he finally showed a stiff smile.


Someone had spat out his drink at the bar.

“Customer, what are you——”

The bartender scowled at this; he was a burly man with tattoos all over his body.

“Ah, I’m sorry, I was drinking a bit too quickly. Give me another shot, here’s your tip”

—–clink clank clank clank!

The coins gave off their easily recognizable metallic clinks as they fell onto the counter.

The bartender’s fury vanished without a trace as he turned around to prepare the liquor.

It was now that Zhang Ying Hao muttered: “This guy, why did he suddenly come to the 900 million World Layers and became a Duke?”

“Hm… this is… very familiar, maybe… it’s implying something?”

“No, I have to check it out myself”

His muttering disappeared.

A few moments later.

“Customer, here is your drink”

“Huh? Where is he?”

The space vortex.

The Bramble Bird ship had increased its speed as it headed towards its destination.

Laura and Lin stayed inside the cabin, fully focused on steering the ship back to the Mystic Zones.

Gu Qing Shan stood alone on the deck of the ship and pondered for a while before making his decision.

He entered the cabin.

“Laura” he called out.

“Hm? Gu Qing Shan, why are you here? You can leave steering the ship to us ladies here, just go and rest” Laura said.

“…It’s not about steering the ship”

Gu Qing Shan put the remaining 12 Cards he borrowed from Laura in front of her.

“What’s this about? I already gave them to you so just use them as you like, no need to return them to me” Laura told him.

“No need, I’ve already taken the Cards I wanted so I don’t need to use these Cards, and I can’t use them as well” Gu Qing Shan smiled and replied.

“Alright” Laura reluctantly put the Cards away.

“Also, let’s not head straight for the Bramble Bird Kingdom for now” Gu Qing Shan suggested.

“Hm, okay—- what!? Not head straight for the Bramble Bird Kingdom? Then where are we going?” Laura couldn’t help but ask.

“First we need to get into the Mystic Zones, then we’re heading for the unending abyss of broken worlds” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“What!? Gu Qing Shan, that place is too dangerous!” Laura exclaimed.

“Don’t worry” Gu Qing Shan showed her a reassuring smile, “We’re not heading into it, just linger a bit around the border”

“We’re not going in? Great” Laura sighed in relief: “If we needed to go inside, only I would be able to take you in, and it would still be extremely dangerous”

“After we make it to that place’s border, you two just need to wait on the ship for a bit. After I am done with a certain thing, we’re leaving right away” Gu Qing Shan continued.

“Do what?” Lin asked.

Gu Qing Shan explained in a bit more detail: “My World Technique needs a unique item in that place to be perfected”

“So that’s why. If it’s just the outside, it certainly is a lot safer. Let’s go then” Lin nodded.

“Alright, alright, we’re heading there first then” Laura said, not sounding very excited.

Gu Qing Shan and Lin both looked at her.

“Did you notice something wrong with me?” Laura asked.

Gu Qing Shan and Lin both nodded.

Gu Qing Shan pondered a bit and replied: “If there’s something troubling you, I can also go alone. You and Lin can go to the Bramble Bird Kingdom first, I’ll meet up with you after I’m done”

Laura hurriedly waved her hands dismissively and replied: “No, nothing is really troubling me, I’m just—— just a bit…”

She seemed to be hesitant to tell them.

A hint of worry flashed over Gu Qing Shan’s mind.

Did Laura run into something strange or inexplicable in that place?

Or is there some sort of scary monster there?

Gu Qing Shan became serious and spoke with a low voice: “Laura, regardless of what kind of indescribable thing is troubling you, you have to tell me, I can’t ignore any danger—-”

Laura quickly said: “No, Gu Qing Shan, it’s not quite as serious as you think. There’s just a small issue if I go”

Gu Qing Shan and Lin exchanged glances.

A small issue?

“…What kind of issue?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

Laura explained: “As you know, whenever I grab treasures in the void of space, I use a lot of energy and becomes hungry very easily”

Gu Qing Shan nodded: “Hm, you did tell me that a long time before”

“[Vagrant Treasure Collector]——- using this ability always makes it so that I’m hungry, and whenever I come near the unending abyss of broken worlds, I would find myself unable to hold back from reaching in for treasures”

Gu Qing Shan asked in confusion: “But why?”

Laura showed an expression of longing and replied: “Gu Qing Shan, don’t you know? Everything you can find in there are true treasures among treasures. Even to my eyes, those items are perfectly desirable!”

Gu Qing Shan looked down at the Bramble Bird Sovereign armor he was wearing.

This armor came from that place—— and quite deep inside as well.

Laura continued: “Whenever I go there, I wouldn’t be able to help myself trying to grab treasure after treasure——- and they’re all truly treasures without a doubt. But doing that always makes me extremely hungry, causing me to eat copious amounts of food in order to replenish myself, which creates a terrifying consequence—–”

“What kind of consequence?” Gu Qing Shan steeled himself and asked.

Laura put up both hands to hide her face and groaned: “I’ll become fat!”

Gu Qing Shan: “…”

Lin: “…”

“Laura, you should return to the Bramble Bird Kingdom first” Gu Qing Shan replied.

“No! I want to go with you, this time, I’m definitely going to see it through to the end!” Laura insisted.

“Then I hope you will be able to learn self-control—— the will is also an important aspect of a cultivator; it determines how far one can go on their path to become stronger” Gu Qing Shan spoke with a serious expression.

“What if I can’t control myself and I want to grab something…” Laura worriedly asked.

“If push comes to shove, I’ll make you regain your senses” Gu Qing Shan immediately told her.

Lin also smiled and said: “Me as well, as long as I’m here, you won’t be able to grab things as you like”

“Then it’s perfect, with big sis and big bro to help me, I should be able to control myself”

Laura patted her chest in assurance.

A few moments later.

The Bramble Bird ship adjusted its course a bit and started heading in a different direction within the space vortex.

A few days later.

The Bramble Bird ship had reached its destination.

This place was at the border of the unending abyss of the broken worlds.

The three of them stood on the deck and beheld the sight in front of them.

Countless ruins, strange and foreign corpses, various forces that gave off a dangerous presence, as well as inexplicable structures of fallen civilizations, all mixed together to form a humongous swirling vortex that had no border.

There was simply no way to see what was at the deep end of the vortex or where it was connected to.

The Bramble Bird ship lightly hovered just outside the vortex, giving the impression of a tiny seagull above the vast ocean.

“So, this is the most dangerous location within the 900 million World Layers” Gu Qing Shan muttered.

Lin said nothing.

Laura was fidgeting.

She paced back and forth on the deck, mumbling to herself: “I can sense that a great treasure had just flown very close to where we are in the vortex, what do I do? What do I do!? Do I try to grab it or not!?”

“What level of treasure is it?” Lin asked.

Laura pointed her finger at the glowing light on Gu Qing Shan’s body and replied: “It’s only a just worse than this Age of Old era’s armor, oh no, I can’t hold myself back, it’s such a good item, I can’t miss this chance———- big bro, big sis, tell me, do I grab it or not?”

Lin shrugged and looked at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan sighed: “Then grab it——- but only this time. You can’t do it again regardless of what appears”

“Got it!”

Laura immediately put her hand into the space vortex and grabbed something.

A black shoulder-mounted ballistic launcher was pulled out.

“What a great Technology-type weapon!”

Laura excitedly stroke the cannon, then showed it to Gu Qing Shan like a kid showing off her most precious toy: “Look, I can put this thing on the Bramble Bird ship, it’ll make a great deterrent”

Gu Qing Shan received and checked it.

Lines of glowing text appeared on the War God UI:

[Cannon Brother’s Love (single-use weapon)]

[A foot soldier’s greatest destructive weapon, originated from a parallel world with highly advanced technology, the ultimate single-use firearm]

[Activation method: Brainwave registration]

[Deployment method: Thought-activated]

[Description: One shot will erase an entire world from existence, lovingly nicknamed Cannon Brother]

Gu Qing Shan gave the cannon to Lin and sighed: “This thing is extremely powerful; she wasn’t wrong to pick it up”

This could easily be the determining factor in a fight.

Even the Soul Shrieker’s avatar wouldn’t be intact if it received a shot of this cannon.

Lin was also a knowledgeable person enough to give praise where it was deserved.

“Alright, from this point on, don’t grab anything else” Gu Qing Shan told her.

Lin also followed up: “We’ll keep an eye on you. Like Gu Qing Shan said, will and determination is also a crucial factor in cultivating oneself”

Laura sincerely answered: “Don’t worry, big bro, big sis, I promise I won’t grab any more treasures from this point on!”

The two of them nodded in satisfaction.

“Then, let us go”

Gu Qing Shan looked towards the humongous swirl and checked their direction.

But then Laura started tugging on his sleeve.

“Hm? What is it?” Gu Qing Shan turned around and asked.

Only to see Laura open her eyes wide making an expression as if she was about to cry.

“What’s going on?” Gu Qing Shan crouched down and asked her with concern.

“Gu Qing Shan, it’s no good, I just discovered an even better treasure!” Laura was unable to hold herself from shouting.

Gu Qing Shan facepalmed.

And then, he had a sudden thought.

The last time Laura was here, she grabbed so many things that she became fat.

This time was the same.

But this place might possibly be the location where the corpses of countless parallel worlds ended up, causing Laura to sense so many good treasures one after another.

Unlike the parallel world fragment inside the Eternal Abyss, the parallel worlds here are already destroyed, no longer posing any threat to this reality.

Only by going inside would it actually be dangerous.

Which means Laura is actually standing right outside the biggest parallel world treasure vault that contains treasures from every destroyed parallel world there ever was.

“I suggest you don’t grab anything else, because compared to treasures, your mental fortitude is more important, not to mention you’ll become fat—–” Gu Qing Shan replied with a stern look.

Laura suddenly grabbed his hand and spoke in a hurried, uncontrollable tone: “Gu Qing Shan, please! There’s an item even more powerful than the Bramble Bird Sovereign armor, currently heading towards us from the center of the vortex—— I can already sense it!”

Gu Qing Shan was shocked.

“Even more powerful than the Bramble Bird Sovereign armor?” he asked.

“That’s right, it feels like some sort of indestructible thing, already surpassed the level of defensive armor the 900 million World Layers is capable of making!” Laura’s face had already become flushed from excitement.

The Bramble Bird Sovereign armor had already saved Gu Qing Shan’s life once, a rare, one-of-a-kind armor.

If there is a defensive item even stronger than it is, then that’s simply———

——-Gu Qing Shan didn’t hesitate for even a second.

“Grab it!”

He said as he rolled up his sleeves.

“You told her to grab it, but why are you rolling up your sleeves?” Lin couldn’t help herself asking from the side.

Gu Qing Shan tapped his Inventory Bag to take out a large number of cooking ingredients and answered seriously: “I’m going to make Laura some diet food”