Chapter 461 - He’s here

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 461: He’s here

Translated by: La0o9

Proofreader: Arya

TN: One early chapter, the other will be uploaded later because the battle is HYPE!


Dong dong dong dong dong!

Within the resounding beating drums, both sides moved.

Shannu swung her sword and took a stance.

Zhao Wu Chui’s body lowered slightly.


As he kicked off into a sprint, it broke a piece of the floor.

This was pure bodily power.

Zhao Wu Chui turned into a fierce blurred figure and appeared in front of Shannu in an instant.

He struck several dozen times at the same time.

Shannu received them with her sword.

One thrust turned into hundreds as the sword images received the fist images.

Wind Slash Style!

In a mere split second, the swords and fists struck numerous times, letting out the distinct clinks of metal.

At that moment, Zhao Wu Chui had finished probing his opponent’s sword style.

He circulated his blood essence and began to gather this strength.

At the very next moment, the thunderous resounding drumming was broken.


An incredibly dull sound of impact.

Shannu was struck flying by a single attack, rolling on the ground for several feet before she stopped.

Using the momentum to stand up and her sword to prop herself up, she spat up some blood.

Zhao Wu Chui stood still where he was, stretching his arms.

His gauntlets had several dozen white dents on it.

There were a few small sword wounds on his body as well.

But as a Martial cultivator, both his raw body strength and reaction time was too great for Shannu to handle.

Wang Hong Dao who has been scowling all this time finally calmed his heart.

At this moment, the rapid drumming around him didn’t seem too rapid anymore.

“Excellent swordsmanship indeed, but without being able to use spirit energy, compared to the power that a Martial cultivator gained from constant practice over the years, you’re completely inferior”

Wang Hong Dao folded his arms behind his back and commented.

“Master, I’m going to kill him directly now” Zhao Wu Chui smirked.

“Go, the formation needs a few minutes to repair itself so I wanted to buy some time until that is complete, but looks like it’s completely unnecessary”

Wang Hong Dao laughed and shook his head: “This is a complete joke”

Shannu said nothing and just raised her sword again.

No matter what, even if she was wounded, she had to buy more time.

Zhao Wu Chui clenched his fist and prepared to move forward.

But then.

Sensing something, Wang Hong Dao and Zhao Wu Chui both looked in another direction.

While clenching her sword, Shannu also looked in that direction.

Seemingly finding her support, Shannu sighed with relief.

A young man holding a longsword was quickly running over.

At a certain point, he jumped up high and glided down in front of Shannu.

He was here!

Shannu tried to keep his tone calm and spoke: “Gongzi, you’re here”

“You were wounded?” Gu Qing Shan stared at the blood at her lips.

“It’s nothing”

“Who hit you?”

“Zhao Wu Chui”

Gu Qing Shan turned to look at Zhao Wu Chui.

“…It’s been tough for you, there’s no need to act like someone else now” he told her in a low voice”

“Yes, gongzi”

‘Qi Yan’ nodded as her body transformed into a beautiful girl woman.

A blue dress, a slender figure, elegant features and sharp eyes, together with a sense of indifference on her expression.

She stood by Gu Qing Shan’s side.


“Seems like it’ll be two one two”

Gu Qing Shan looked across and spoke.

But he wasn’t looking at Wang Hong Dao and stared at Zhao Wu Chui instead.

A faint killing intent drifted from his body.

On the other side, Wang Hong Dao stared at Shannu, then looked to Gu Qing Shan as he grimaced.

Wang Hong Dao suddenly turned and slapped Zhao Wu Chui.

“Forgive me master, I really never saw this female cultivator before” Zhao Wu Chui spoke.

Zhao Wu Chui was also busy staring at the two across him to be able to turn around.

For a second, both sides said nothing.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The drumming kept resounding across the island without stopping.

“Elder Wang, which side do you think is going to be alive when the drumming stops?”

Gu Qing Shan asked out of nowhere.

This brat is trying to buy time too? What for?

While thinking that, Wang Hong Dao’s expression shifted.

Because Gu Qing Shan had already begun to rush towards Zhao Wu Chui.

Although he didn’t use spirit energy, Gu Qing Shan’s speed wasn’t at all slow.

He had already trained quite a bit with movement techniques when he learnt [Ground Shrink]

[Ground Shrink] was actually a Divine Skill that can only be used by those who master both movement techniques and the Law of space to a certain degree.

And currently, Gu Qing Shan wasn’t using spirit energy to connect to the Law, only using the movement techniques of [Ground Shrink]

Shannu followed him closely behind, using the exact same movements as Gu Qing Shan.

They were both quickly moving forward with the exact same gestures.

It almost seemed like Shannu was Gu Qing Shan’s shadow.

This was a very strange sight to behold.

Wang Hong Dao quickly tapped Zhao Wu Chui.

“Go, hold them off, I need to study them further”


Clenching his red gauntlets, Zhao Wu Chui stepped forward to receive both Gu Qing Shan and Shannu.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

Within the rapid battle drum, both sides met.

There was no blinding light from spells, overpowering sword phantoms or fist shadows.

They were using pure technique and bodily prowess to battle.

Gu Qing Shan thrust his sword forward.

Zhao Wu Chui smirked as he caught the blade as his other hand gathered strength.

Zhao Wu Chui already used his full power on the first move.

This strike of his was powerful enough to crush a person’s body, bones and all.

He wanted to finish this quickly!

Gu Qing Shan scowled as he pulled his sword and moved back.

Shannu swung her sword as she moved forward.


The longsword and gauntlet clashed, letting out a resounding noise.

Within that split second, Zhao Wu Chui caught the blade.

His other hand had gathered enough power.


He shouted.

His fist struck forward.

The powerful wind from the strike was almost blowing Shannu back.

Not only was this strike fast as lightning, it was as heavy as a charging bull, Zhao Wu Chui exploded with his full power!

Before this strike, any cultivator that can’t use spirit energy to protect themselves would die.

He struck Shannu.

No, he was actually a hair away from striking Shannu.

Within that split second.

“Let go!” Gu Qing Shan shouted.

Shannu immediately let go of the Six Paths Great Mountain sword.

Gu Qing Shan quickly caught and pulled Shannu back.

Catching a sword in one hand, Zhao Wu Chui’s other hand missed and struck the air.

A full power strike hitting nothing, you can’t even describe how irritated Zhao Wu Chui was feeling.

His body lost its balance from momentum.

“How could that be!” Wang Hong Dao yelled out.

Gu Qing Shan had already stepped forward and swung his sword down.

The timing was perfect.

Zhao Wu Chui’s expression warped.

Only now did he know where he went wrong.

His opponent didn’t intend to match techniques with him from the start, they wanted to use a coordinated attack!

His strike was at the end of its power and he already lost his balance, there was no technique in the world that’ll let him counterattack at this point.

However, with Zhao Wu Chui’s body, it was still possible to take one attack.

Zhao Wu Chui let go of the sword and moved his gauntlets to block in front of himself.

He clenched his teeth to prepare to take this strike.

As long as he could endure it, he would be able to counterattack.

The strike connected.


An invisible shockwave spread.

The Earth sword’s weight of 86,370,000 tons easily smashed through Zhao Wu Chui’s arms and crushed his head to a pulp.

Even a Martial cultivator of Zhao Wu Chui’s level, when unable to use spirit energy to attack, still couldn’t handle one of the Earth sword’s heavy swings!

Zhao Wu Chui, dead!

Dong, dong, dong, dong, dong!!!

The battle drums were still rapid and loud.

Wang Hong Dao’s expression visibly twisted.

The opponent didn’t hesitate to use their advantage of number and executed a perfectly coordinated attack.

And they had an unimaginably heavy sword!

His thought of being careful and observed first became the perfect chance for them to gain the number advantage!

Wang Hong Dao stared closely at Gu Qing Shan.

Changing with the flow… smoothly without hesitation…

This was a truly scary enemy.

“Brat, you must be the real mastermind behind all this” Wang Hong Dao tried probing.

But Gu Qing Shan completely ignored him.

Retracting this sword, Gu Qing Shan was focused on listening to the thunderous drums.

Dong, dong, dong, dong, dong, dong dong!!!

It just became more rapid.

Gu Qing Shan had been carefully counting every second.

At this point, the quarantine formation was already half-repaired.

There’s not a lot of time left.

Kill Wang Hong Dao now, quickly!

Standing next to him, Shannu picked up the Six Paths Great Mountain sword.

Staring at the sword in her hand, Shannu smiled every so slightly.

How strange.

While I have all of his experience and skills, I still couldn’t match up to him at all.

In a single coordinated attack, he killed the Virtualized realm Martial cultivator Zhao Wu Chui!

Shannu silently stared at Gu Qing Shan.

Gu Qing Shan indifferently raised his sword.

It pointed at Wang Hong Dao.

Dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong dong!!!

Killing intent filled the air within the resounding battle drums.

Shannu understood and also pointed her sword at Wang Hong Dao.

She still couldn’t help herself and spoke to Wang Hong Dao.

“Elder Wang, now it’s two on one on our side, how does that feel?”

Aside from her usual indifference, there was a hint of self-satisfaction in Shannu’s tone