Chapter 297 - The other side of the world

Worlds’ Apocalypse Online

Chapter 297: The other side of the world

Translated by: La0o9

Edited by: Juicetin

Proofreader:  Arya

Gu Qing Shan flew, quickly speeding up until he broke through the sound barrier and disappeared at the horizon.

Zhang Zong Yang stood silently in the sky without pursuing.

He was having a very complicated feeling.

At this time, the Holo-Brain in his breast pocket lit up as Impartial Goddess’ voice came.

[General, all weapons are ineffective]

[The Clown’s speed is too great, there is a 91% chance that we will not be able to catch up to him]

[Currently preparing jet fighter team to pursuit]

“It’s fine” Zhang Zong Yang sighed then said: “This is an unknown existence unlike anything we’ve seen before, there’s no merit in chasing him”

Impartial Goddess was waiting for him to say that.

Originally, the capital’s military troops, including Warships in the sky were acting ready to pursue.

But as soon as the Martial Saint gave the order, all the machines instantly shut down ——as if they were ready to do so from the start.

But Zhang Zong Yang didn’t know that.

He only looked down at the book in his hand.

Is this really a Martial scripture of another world?

Opening the book, he glanced at the first page.

But as soon as he did, he was unable to pay attention to anything else.

After finishing the first page, he couldn’t help but mutter: “So such a thing is possible…”

Zhang Zong Yang just stood there in the air, ignoring the countless streams of information flowing across his Holo-Brain before disappearing.

The Martial Saint’s eyes were still glued to the Martial scripture until the night of that day.

Another side.

Gu Qing Shan looked for a secluded location and removed the Murder Clown armor.

“Hoh, finally managed to fill up this hole” Gu Qing Shan sighed in relief.

[Sir, Ye Fei Li has returned to the graveyard] Impartial Goddess said.

“I know”

Saying so, Gu Qing Shan fell silent.

There are a few things you won’t understand until you see it with your own eyes.

Having lived two lives, this was the first time he saw a wandering spirit in Reality.

If wandering spirits exist here…

Then, would reincarnation also exist in this world?

Which means, people after death here will also go to Huang Quan?

He started flying in the direction of the graveyard.

A few moments later.

The graveyard.

Ye Fei Li was sitting on the steps leading up the graveyard door, but hadn’t entered.

“Why don’t you go in?” Gu Qing Shan asked.

“It’s not time yet, so I won’t be able to hear her voice” Ye Fei Li answered.

“How much time is left?”

“10 hours”

“Then you’re too early” Gu Qing Shan looked at him from top to bottom, suggesting: “Your current ragged look isn’t too easy to look at. Go home, take a shower, wear something decent and then return”

Ye Fei Li looked down at himself.

His shirt was already gone since who-knows-when.

Red blood was splattered all over his body.

Even his hands were covered in dried up blood.

It looked as if he had just arrived from the scene of a murder ——which he in fact did.

“You’re right, this will scare her instead” Ye Fei Li agreed, “come on, let us go back first”

“You return by yourself, I still have something to do” Gu Qing Shan said.

“Alright, then I’ll come back here alone later” Ye Fei Li stood up and prepared to leave.

“Wait, I need to ask you something, answer me seriously” Gu Qing Shan solemnly spoke.

“Go ahead” seeing how serious he was, Ye Fei Li also got serious.

“At the time when you hear her cry, can you hear anything else?”

“Anything else? No”

“Nothing at all?” Gu Qing Shan asked further.

Seeing how serious Gu Qing Shan was, Ye Fei Li suddenly understood.

This matter was very serious, much more serious than his personal matter.

He tried to recall, then finally answered: “Right, aside from her voice, it seems… occasionally there were other noises too, but I ignored them, so the noises slowly disappeared”

They fell into silence.

If it’s because of Ye Fei Li’s unconsciously blocking them out that he couldn’t hear any other noises, then it’s very possible that there are other wandering spirits in the world.

But if Ye Fei Li was only able to hear his girlfriend’s cries ——then that would mean there is only a single wandering spirit in this entire world.

Regardless of which, this would still reveal another side of this world.

Both this life and the last, no one had managed to touch upon the other side yet.

Because from then until now, no human had ever manifest such a God’s Chosen Skill.

There have been cases of a few animals suddenly gaining sentience, acting in strange ways that no one could really explain.

Some people speculate they might be trying to connect to another world.

It’s very possible that because Ye Fei Li isn’t a human but rather a Man Killer Fiend that such a God’s Chosen Skill had manifested on him.

Gu Qing Shan thought about it, then said: “The next time you’re able to hear her voice, try to see if you can hear other voices as well”

“Alright, I’ll give it a try” Ye Fei Li said.

“There’s one more very important thing”

“What is it?”

“Help me ask your girlfriend a question”

“What’s the question?”

“Why did she remain here after death rather than going anywhere else”


“Once I’m done over here, I’ll go find you again, we’ll have more to ask her”

“What are you planning to do exactly?” Ye Fei Li was a bit nervous as he asked.

“Calm down, I’m only trying to ascertain the situation” Gu Qing Shan patted his shoulder.

He then continued: “If we don’t know what happened, then there’s no way for us to help her”

“That’s true…” Ye Fei Li nodded, then asked: “When will you return?”

“If nothing goes wrong, I’ll need about a day to finish what I need to do” Gu Qing Shan answered.

“I understand, then I’ll wait for you to return” Ye Fei Li said.


Two streaks of light flew up and away at different directions.

In the night sky, Gu Qing Shan was flying.

He asked: “How long has this rain continued for?”

[17 hours, the rain has begun to spread to the ocean as well] Impartial Goddess replied.

“In order words, the entire planet is raining right now?”

[Yes sir]

Gu Qing Shan sighed, feeling his head hurt a bit.

Before the Game of Eternal came, heavy rain covered every place that humans lived.

But this time, even the ocean was raining.

The rain was cold, occasionally letting up for a bit, but it hasn’t truly stopped even once.

“Alright, while it’s still raining, I’ll do what I need to first”

“Please find me a secluded place without any signs of people within Confederate land” he said.

[Sir, suggested location is the great Masala desert]

“Then let’s go”

An hour later.

Gu Qing Shan stood in the desolate desert devoid of life.

He looked up at the sky.

Black clouds that contained arcing lightning and heavy wind were gathering above.

A few lines of glowing text appeared in front of his eyes.

[Your Ascension is about to begin]

[Detected user to hold mastery over the Bow, Sword, and mutated Elemental Lightning, please carefully select your path]

“I choose the sword” Gu Qing Shan spoke without hesitation.

[The sword is the path with the strongest sense of monopoly. When selecting the path of the sword, you will have to discard all other paths]

[Would you like to confirm your selection of the path of the sword?]


[User has selected the path of the sword]

During their Ascension, a cultivator will not awaken a new Thaumaturgy, instead they awaken to their own Dao, their own path.

Once a path has been chosen, the Law of Heaven and Earth will become a witness to this, helping the cultivator manifest their Dao.

Like others, when a sword cultivator reaches Ascended realm late stage, they will gain the ability to attempt breaking through to Sainted realm.

But being a Sword Saint is very different, it has almost nothing to do with their cultivation.

If the sword cultivator’s swordsmanship isn’t up to standard, even if they manage to reach Sainted realm, they won’t necessarily become a Sword Saint.

In the past life, Gu Qing Shan’s swordsmanship had already surpassed the standard of Sword Saint.

Unfortunately, he was stuck at Ascended late stage, unable to gather enough Experience Points to breakthrough.

He didn’t even have the ability to attempt breaking through.

No player ever gained the ability to attempt breaking through to Sainted realm.

Because at that point, Experience Points had reached an amount so astronomical that no human could ever hope to reach.

But this life, Gu Qing Shan can use Soul Points to level up instead.

Very quickly, he will reawaken as a Sword Saint.

And in the future, he will have become the very first human in Reality to ever reach Sainted realm.

But that’s a story for later.

At this moment, following Gu Qing Shan’s choice, glowing words were appearing one after another on the War God UI.

[Your Ascension has come, you will have to pass it to receive the blessing of the world, from then on you will be able to find your own path]

Bang, bang!

Thunder was crackling within the thick clouds

This was dignity of the heavens, able to dwarf anything and everything.

The Tribulation during Ascension is at least twice as powerful as the Rejuvenation realm Tribulation.

But Gu Qing Shan wasn’t the least bit worried.

After seeing Bai Hua Fairy facing both the Wind and Lightning Tribulation at once, he felt that every other Tribulation was too simple.

He had already gone through Ascension once during his past life.

The most difficult thing about this Tribulation is how long it takes.

The Tribulation will always take one whole day without rest, testing the cultivator’s mental capacity and stamina.

Being hit constantly by lightning in an inescapable space for such a long time is a type of torture in and of itself.

That being the case ——-

Gu Qing Shan took out a small pouch and opened it to reveal a couple of Bluetooth earbuds.

He secured them onto his ears.

[Some Rock ‘n’ Roll sir?] Impartial Goddess asked.

“No, a bit more relaxing, a solo female singer or orchestral piano is fine” Gu Qing Shan replied.


The music started playing.

A refreshing female voice started to sing slowly, her voice felt at peace in nature.

“Xie Shuang Yan?” (1)

[Yes sir, her newest album]

While they were talking, the first lightning strike had already come down.

Gu Qing Shan swung his sword at the Tribulation lightning that came.

The lightning was broken and scattered.

“Quite a good song” Gu Qing Shan commented.

[It’s the main song of the album] Impartial Goddess answered.



(1) Xie Shuang Yan: In case anyone forgot, that’s the name of the supposed most popular idol in the novel’s world.